border MICE ON VENUS [ ✦ ] mentor & apprentice

Their first stop, which had been at horseplace, had been largely uneventful. Bluepool had ensured that their arrival had coincided at the usual time the dogs were away eating breakfast, she had instructed Featherpaw never to go there without her (lest she wanted to fall prey to those terrible snapping jaws) and they had stopped for a time to admire the different creatures of the farm. Now, however, they were making their way to their second stop. RiverClan's border. She hated this place, personally. The terrible open wound in the earth that was the gorge, the raging roar of the falls, the bridge where a monster had dragged her niece across the border and dug claws into flesh, marking her for a crime she did not commit. Everything about this place was terrible, but Featherpaw had to learn and so here they were. She ahd made them run here because her apprentice was a moor runner, the sooner he learned that the fastest way across the territory was to race there the better. Still, she slows herself to accommodate for shorter legs. As they near, she puts out a paw to stop her apprentice. If Featherpaw went over the edge of the gorge then that would surely be the end of him and she would have to go home and explain to Sunstride and Wolfsong why she had returned without their kit and then Wolfsong and Sunsride would no doubt kill her in turn.

"Here marks the border of our territory with RiverClan, this place is called the gorge" she explains to the red-pelted feline next to her "You must be very careful here, if you fall over the edge it will be to your death" the cat beside her is young, and no doubt he would have nightmares similar to the ones that haunt her own dreams about this place and all the other places she will show him later, of falling to his death, of being trampled under a monsters black paws, but she could not be left naive to the dangers of the life on the moors because that is how foolish cats are made, and foolish cats did not often live very long. "What do you know about RiverClan?" she asks finally, it was a good way to gauge what he had learned during time spent with the kits of the other clans. She knows it likely wont be much, but it will at least be more of a start than most got.

// please wait for @FEATHERPAW


Running was tiring, but he would be no tunneller; one way or another, Featherpaw would have to grow used to it. Bluepool was faster than him, streaking silver a good few paces in front of him- even at a slower pace, he could not quite keep up with her yet. Her steps, eerily silent, slowed. Dutifully stopping before Bluepool's outstretched paw, Featherpaw looked toward her, childishly, for guidance.

If you fall to the edge it will be your death. "Nice." she murmured, grimacing, sarcasm coating her tone like poisoned honey-glaze. Daring not to take another step, because of some soon-impending disaster, some... lingering feeling of doom, Featherpaw grew roots in place. Even a ratty Riverclanner wouldn't tempt her any closer to that great cleave in the world.

Bluepool's question was vague, and Featherpaw's frown darkened. "They swim. They eat fish. One of them d-d-died of yellowcough when we were in ShadowClan." Facts, steel-set and cold, but they showed she was not an attention-less mousebrain.
✦ penned by pin
He catches the sight of Windclanners at the border and to him, its a toss between if its a normal patrol or someone up to no good. Or both! Today it seems it is simply a mentor and her apprentice, learning the borders and basic facts about the clans they border. Ah, the innocence of youth. But were young windclanners truly innocent? He has to wonder, with how despicable they are over there. Either way, he will not let any moor cat think that they can be near their border and not be watched while doing so.

He steps into view with a polite smile as he sets about marking the territory.

"And some would say we eat Windclanners for breakfast!" He chimes in after Featherpaw finishes speaking, a pleasant tone to his voice. "But don't worry, I won't eat you, at least."

Riverclanners aren't cannibals, but what is a border patrol without a little bit of teasing? Boring, thats what.

"A lovely day to be graced with your presence, Bluepool. Teaching your apprentice the basics, I see." He greets Bluepool with the same pleasant voice and smile. "I do hope you've gone over what to do and not to do at borders already?" He asks.

Despite his pleasant demeanor and friendliness, Stoneskip is certainly not adverse to teaching that lesson himself.​