& michael you would fall ✘ foxtail

Foxtail is not a cat he really knows too well. Of course he knows all of his clanmates, by name, by scent, he is accustomed to their presence and familiar with each but the heart is a lot less tangible of a thing to understand. You could not pull it apart like moss to pick through, it was not something you could snap between your teeth to taste and mull over flavor and texture - it was a lot more complicated than anything your normal senses would allow you to parse. Over several moons he's begun to realize the burden of leadership more and more, that his duties lay not simply in keeping his clan alive and safe but also ensuring their lives are filled with purpose and care. He'd spent so much of his being satisified with just getting by that learning to live at all had been a struggle, taking enjoyment in things, sitting and simple existing in the world and viewing it not for the cruelty it could give but the beauty it might display. His earlier days in RiverClan were rife with these struggles, he remembers the first time he paused to appreciate something he liked looking at and realizing with an embarrassed bewilderment that it had been Cicadastar's fur; glossy and mottled in patches of dark shadow and storm gray over a white hillside. Love, romance, even the more platonic idea of friendship, these were all things he learned and had to come to terms with in RiverClan as he'd never given them much of a thought when he was a loner in two-leg place barely scraping by.
The black and white tom moves across the snow with a lightness, his paws crunching each step and the chill that seeped into his pads keeping him more alert than he would ever like to be this early in the morning. It was a simple patrol of the camp's perimeter, Foxtail had been brought along because he did not wish to wander alone if he could help it given his insistence that the clan do the same. They were stronger in numbers, together, he was no different; his recklessness at highstones was a testament to that.
"...you know." He starts, voice hushed and clouds of pale white like his namesake drifting from his maw with each breath, "...despite how much of a pain it is. The snow is quite nice to look at. Everything feels more..." He rolls his shoulders, expression tightening as he considers the word he's looking for, "...peaceful. There's something peaceful about it."
Peace was so hard to come by as of late, it was no wonder he was looking for it in all the wrong places. The snow was beautiful, but it was also harsh and brutal...


  • 57913530_r2t3y4lghl4FDra.png
    —⊰⋅ Leader of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/vitiligo & one orange eye.

Foxtail couldn't it but feel a bit surprised, out of all the warriors in RiverClan, Smokestar asked him to occupy him in a patrol. The sun hasn't started to rise over RiverClan's territory, and weirdly enough the tabby tom felt more awake than he'd typically would at this early of an hour. The patrol was rather simple, merely patrolling the camp perimeter, but the young warrior remained alert. He was in the presence of their leader— he doesn't know Smokestar all that well, but as his leader he has Foxtail's respect. Foxtail was merely a kit when Smokestar was known as Smokethroat, and even before Cicadastar promoted him to deputy. By the time Foxtail became an apprentice, Smokestar had important responsibilities within the clan, and Foxtail was busy with his apprenticeship. Perhaps in a different timeline, Foxtail could've known him more by being his apprentice, instead of being stuck with a grouchy, bitter warrior who didn't seem to understand him.

Foxtail couldn't begin to imagine what it was like to be leader. All eyes look up to you for guidance, and entrust that you will do what you can to keep clanmates safe and content. He couldn't imagine the pressure Smokestar must feel, as he pads alongside the solid black tom. It must be stressful, having the responsibility of an entire clan on your shoulders while dealing with your own struggles. For a moment, Foxtail wonders if he would be able to juggle his struggles with more responsibility. Foxtail has a fear of water; after the frozen river broke beneath his weight when he was a young apprentice, the warrior has always been nervous when swimming. For a brief time as an apprentice, he refused to swim all together, and his mentor was didn't have an ounce of empathy in his bones. Evidently, his mentor eventually got Foxtail to learn how to swim— as his mentor refused to let his apprentice be a dry-paw, but it definitely messed with the young warrior. He still doesn't like to swim. But anytime he possibly thinks of being a dry-paw again, he imagines his mentor's gaze burning onto him.... as well as the rest of the clan. He wonders, if he is ever deemed worthy to have an apprentice, how will he teach them how to swim, without potentially passing his fear of water onto them?

Foxtail barely stops his fur from bristling in surprise to Smokestar's voice speaking up. He looks over at his leader, noticing how he appears to be slightly more calm and relaxed, ears pricking at his words. He blinks, and looks at the scenery before them. Snow falls gently onto the ground and onto their fur, and the reflection of the moonlight on the snow makes it appear lighter than it is at this early hour in the morning. "...You're right," Foxtail murmurs in response, with a cold icy breath. Leaf-bare is always associated as the most difficult season to survive in; the climate is cold and wet, and prey is more difficult to find. And to him, it reminds him of his accident on the river. Not once had he dared to think how peaceful it can be, as the dangers outweigh it. "It's so quiet too," He says in a hushed voice, all he can hear right now are his and Smokestar's voice, and the snow crunching beneath their paws. "It sounds so peaceful right now."

The young warrior lets out a sigh. "...I've never thought of leaf-bare in that way before."

  • ooc: retro to receiving an apprentice!
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    credit to skaicraft (via insta) for the artwork <3
  • Foxtail
    experience: trained
    backstory: tbd
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to nopeita for the pixel <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: cinnamon/chocolate
    fur length: long
    parents: dawnflower and redfur (riverclan npcs)
    16 moons

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