camp MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT (post-dog encounters)

As Howling Wind looks around camp, it's easy to see how shaken up everyone is. The dogs have traveled deeper into the woods from their temporary home at Sunningrocks. They've disrupted hunts and now have even gone after her clanmates. She casts a glance towards the medicine den, where those injured on the hunting patrol are being tended to. Wildpaw had gotten his entire tail bitten off, and the tabby thanks the stars that that's all the dog took. She looks towards the nursery, where Flamewhisker's kits have been ushered inside. How can she protect them if she doesn't have the lives to do so?

Her gaze travels towards the Highrock, and within moments she's climbing it to stand at the top. "The dogs are going further into the forest," She declares for all to hear, tail flicking to and fro to betray her nerves. "They're not leaving, but getting closer. It's clear how dangerous this is...I'm a cat of my word. I will leave at once to the Moonstone to get my lives, with me I'm bringing Berryheart to show the way and Raccoonstripe. While we're gone, ThunderClan must prepare for war. If the dogs aren't going to leave on their own, we will drive them out! Flycatcher, you're in charge while I'm gone. Silverlightning and Nightbird, you two are to work with your clanmates to decide the best strategy to attack Sunningrocks. RiverClan clearly isn't going to do it. Flamewhisker, gather some warriors to help reinforce the camp walls and nursery and elder's den. We will not risk anything! No one leaves camp without a large patrol, and hunting will only take place east of camp, away from where the dogs have been."

Her voice drops, resolute eyes roaming over her clan to gauge their reaction. She's listening to Sunfreckle's advice. She's trusting her warriors.

// Mentioning @BERRYHEART @RACCOONSTRIPE @Flycatcher @Silverlightning @nightbird @Flamewhisker

His herbs had been used best he could manage, blood staunched with cobwebs and wounds coated with marigold's sting. Canine jaws were undeniably ferocious- if he'd more time to idle about, he might have wondered what made them so strong. That power behind a snap, lightning quick- a tail gone in the blink of an eye, the twitch of a whisker. A sigh slipped from his lungs, pushed out into the frigid air, thinking of the damage that had been and would be done. Big Mama- her lives, her safety, had been a question in the air since Sparky's demise. What outcome would be best for ThunderClan- unification in the face of the most hellish danger, or a leader to hold her own and use a position of protection to do as she was supposed to?

It seemed they had been enlightened to the answer. Without lives to spare... no-one knew who might lose their spirits to the stars. And there was only one cat who could obtain lives to spare.

Grey-green eyes slid up to his mother, posture a little slanted, asymmetrical eyes fixated upon her profile. A silent sentinel beneath the stone, his wordlessness and stoicism would convey his solidarity with this decision. To the moonstone they would embark- to the cave dressed in blue, to commune with the stars above. Their gifts would be given- and he thought of a cat he both knew and did not as his gaze stared statuesque toward the sky. If there's one cat you visit, one cat you can choose, he thought, a prayer to the heavens seldom given but presently needed, choose her.

Berryheart had not spoken of Father's absence in his own dreams, the lack of a face in star-written effigy that he had longed to see. Longed to meet. But by whatever powers worked the ways of the StarClan spirits, he hoped that Big Mama would receive that longed-for meeting, that fleeting reunion.

It seems strange seeing Howling Wind upon the highrock, even though he knows that is her place now. When he sees the brown tabby stand up there, he hurries to stand below it, interested in what she has to say. As expected, she speaks of the dogs and what carnage they are causing. They had all thought they might have left of their own accord, but as Howling Wind says herself, they are getting closer and closer. And with their closer proximity, Flycatcher's worry continues to grow. He worries for his friends, his nieces and nephew, for Flamewhisker and their kits tucked away in the nursery.

He listens to Howling Wind's plan intently, nodding along at her suggestions. "I will watch over camp until your safe return," He says, bowing his head to her suggestion. As they waited there would be plenty of time to think over what his own involvement in fighting the dogs would be. But for the moment his expression softens, and he looks between Berryheart, Raccoonstripe, and Howling Wind who would be preparing to make the journey to the moonstone. "I hope that your journey goes safely and smoothly," Flycatcher mews, casting his glance skyward for a moment. "Do you think they're watching tonight?"
The dogs seemed to be recking more havoc with each passing day. Her nights were often disturbed with each silent sound, constant worries that any movement outside could be the murderous canines, coming to destroy their home. They were stealing their prey, attacking their patrols...they killed their leader. She was used to being the hunter...not the hunted. It was a feeling that made her stomach twist in fear. She hadn't been out of the camp to see or smell the dogs, but if they truly were exploring more of the territory, who knew how long it would be before they found the camp.

Flamewhisker watches as Howling Wind makes her way up the Highrock. Her heart stings...another reminder that Emberstar was gone. It was still strange seeing the brown deputy standing up there, but she knew with time it would become less foreign. Howling Wind was a strong warrior, she would make a fine leader. Her voice rang through the camp for all to hear. The red queen double checked that her kits were in fact still in the nursery before making her way towards the growing crowd.

She announces that she will be traveling to receive her nine lives. A spark of excitement rushes through her, but only for a moment. When Howling Wind returned, she would be leading the clan to war. It was a necessary evil, but it was still worrisome. Who knew what the future held...would they lose any more of their clanmates? She wanted to beg Flycatcher to not help fight, but she knew he would refuse. If it were the other way around, she wouldn't think twice about joining her clan to chase the canines away. But...they had a family now. If anything happened to him, she would be lost.

Her name is spoken, and her gaze immediately brightens. She finally had a task to do...she was finally helping. It wasn't leaving the camp, but at least she could do something. " I will get right on it." the Lead Warrior would say, dipping her head thankfully. By the time she was done with reinforcement, nothing would be able to make it in.


It was with a quiet sigh of relief did he acknowledge the black tabby's instructions and plans going forward. While extra lives had not seemed to have sparred Emberstar, it was certainly a better solution than simply not having them at all and risking the one, he would feel better knowing that even if she fell they could aid her in getting back up-perhaps that was what caused the fiery tabby's demise in the end. She'd been alone, she'd had no cat to pull the dog off so that she might heal enough to rise; it had been continual if her battered form was anything to go by. Then again maybe it was just poor luck, he didn't claim to know how StarClan worked, only that they were there and he glanced upward at Flycatcher's comment and limped his way over with a careful smile.
"I'd bet a leg they were but I'm now down to two right now."
He'd certainly sprained a paw, it wasn't severe by any means but with only three to his name it was a hindrance and annoying to manage and he kept that back right leg held slightly aloft to alleviate the pressure on it. It meant he would not be able to join in any outward attack against the dogs, and he wasn't sure how to feel on it. Sunfreckle wanted to fight, he felt his blood boiling at the mere thought of those mongrels and all they had done but he also knew he we somewhat more lacking than other clanmates when it came to combat. Perhaps it was best he help guard and reinforce the camp instead even without having this minor injury.
"Travel safely, guard her well." The first remark to the entire trio, the second remark to Raccoonstripe specifically but more as a gentle chiding tease than anything truly informative; he was so serious. When Flamewhisker joined them to speak up in delight at being able to offer a helping paw he glanced her way with a nod, "Well, Flycatcher, that makes two of us. I'll stay to reinforce as well if you can spare a patrol to gather more materials?"
He hoped the lesson on dogs attacking camp would not be one his friend's kittens needed to act upon so soon but if it was then he'd be damned if those dens weren't secure.


Wildpaw wore a permanent scowl that foretold the level of misery that he was in over the loss of his tail. Only a fluffy stump remained, and every attempt made to sit down was met with stabbing agony. The apprentice might have finally learned his lesson, or perhaps not. Only time would tell, but in truth he didn't regret his actions on the patrol.

Overhearing Howling Wind's voice from the highrock he was of course lured out of the medicine den so he could heed what she intended to say. So the old gal was finally going to get her lives? The apprentice grinned as he peered up at her. "About time! If you delayed any longer I would have gone instead." He jests, but the glimmer of relief and pride in his eyes expresses that his prayers were being answered. They needed StarClan's gift, they needed Howling Wind to be at her best.

He imagines that Raccoonstripe won't be taking Moonpaw or him. Understandable yet mildly disappointing since he would have liked to see where the fabled moonstone was located. They were needed here though so they could help protect the camp, though he's not willing to admit that he personally needed the rest.
War weighin' on my heart but I can't fall
Grey eyes watch the brown tabby ascend her new stony throne, ears pulling forward, listening as words spill forth from her maw. It was clear that the dogs more than likely wished to claim this territory as their own. But thunderclan would not back down so easily, not while there was breath in their bodies. Silverlightning gives Howling Wind a firm nod, moving to stand near Nightbird. His mind was already producing possible solutions, weeding out those that proved to be a little too reckless. The length of his tail whips behind him, stirring up debris as he finally parts him jaws to speak. "Very well." His attention then spans across camp, watching as others dispersed in order to tend to their give tasks before glancing back at his fellow warrior. "Let's get started shall we?" The quicker they could be rid of these dogs the better.
Seekin' shelter from the storm on this blank road

Fear of her mother leaving camp with only two cats by her side was clear. But she had to trust they would make it to the moonstone. Emberstar, watch over them. Hollow Tree swears she could still taste the blood from that dog. The same dog that took Wildpaw’s tail. It wasn’t the same, but she hoped the chunk of it’s leg was enough of a pay back for now. Though, she was sure the apprentice was eager to prove himself after that failed patrol.

“Safe travels to all three of you. I know Starclan will be watching over.” she says, approaching her mother- her leader. Aiming to gently press her nose against their side. Something she had done often to try and provide some kind of silent support. The brown warrior would look to Raccoonstripe and Berryheart to give them a small nod. Her brothers would do their best. That’s all she could ever ask for.

Her eyes turn to the cats who were left in charge and given tasks. “Let me know where I’m needed. I want to help.”
[ you fall through the trees . tags ]

Cove can't help the anxiety that bites at her stomach when she watched Howling clamber upon the very spot Ember used to announce from, it makes the situation ten times worse as the reality crashes upon her all at once. Ergh... Now she feels sick and her heads swimming in her thoughts, she barely registers Howlings words. She has to play it over and over in her head until she registers it and her stomach only drops further as she realizes Raccoon is going to accompany Howling to the moonstone. On one paw, he'd be safe from the dogs and on the other, shes sure any hungry dog is kinder than Windclan claws.

She resists the urge to hurl, shaking her pelt as she hurries to attempt to touch her nose to Raccoons side, eyes full worry as she forces a smile. It's the only thing that gives her away, despite how sick she feels. "Be careful, okay?" she swallows her fear, if only for the moment, she'd be brave in his presence because he is brave as well. Cove steps back, casts one more glance after him before jogging to Flame's side. She'll be best off helping her once Flame is ready...
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