Hushed were even the stars, hanging high above pensive cloud and still night. Celandine often enjoyed star-watching, though she hardly had the knowledge of the constellations and the piety of the strange wild-cats of the forests and the moors. Starclan... Are there really cats up there? The young girl pondered, and the thought seemed impossible in of itself. There was no loamy earth for felines to run upon nor meandering streams for them to drink from. She had only seen long-winged eagles fly up there, trailing along impermeable cloud that seemed too light to even hold them. Nocturnal creatures, from the vigilant barn owl to the scuttering dormouse, flitted abound the Horseplace and brushing lightly against Celandine's keen senses. They circled carefully around her, not truly avoiding her but rather going about their business and daring not to wander too close to the beast of needle-sharp claw and ivory-marked fang. She did so as well, taking only what could be afforded and never more. Quiescent moon, slivered crescent and waxing poetic out of silence, stared back at the feline at the open window.

"Do you ever wonder what those Wind-cats are doing now?" Pensive tone sounded through the darkness, as the golden spotted tabby turned towards her dear friend Grave. The pitch-colored tom had arrived stealthily as always, but she would recognize the almost-nonexistent pitter-patter of Grave's footfall. If Celandine were to describe the dully-hued black feline, it would be funerary, in a sense - elegiac, as tensed and almost plaintive as the mourning crows and doves. (Perhaps the name Grave was appropriate for him, then?) Still, the sunshine appreciated the night, and so did she to the cat so opposite to her. It was the quietude he exuded that never tired the molly, as it was a nice break from many the mayhem and dissidence of her home. "I want to know what's out there." She continued, usually bubbly and chirping tone now a nocturne of its former self, as though it were a single song lilting on young dawn. The rosette tabby had never wandered past the boundary of the fence, as though it did not confine her within bough-like grasp but only served as the marker of the wild unknown, where her family and her friends could not save her. It intrigued her more than anything, as was the stupidity of juvenility to waive all consequence in pursuit of the fleeting thrill.

Grave sauntered through the darkness, his silent paw steps pitter-pattering below him. A dark ear flicked, as he blinked his glowing amber eyes slowly. The voice of Celandine reached his ears, perking them up as all looming shadows and perpetually sharp eyes reached the soft moonlight rays. "Probably, doing their strange Wind customs or whatever…" voice rough, plopped down next to his golden friend with a swish of his longish tail. The dulled colored feline turned his head down to study his golden charge that radiated sunshine. Quiet for a moment, he slowly laid his head on top of his darkened paws. Sharp irises against amber pools gazed up at the moon. A small grimace curled downward in his otherwise dull face. "Now, Why would you willingly want to go outside the safety if the barn just to explore?" Flicking an ear, as he listened to Celandine's little announcement, he raised a brow at that. He doesn't get it, why would anyone want to be part of these.. damn clanners? He knows the thrill of longing for adventure, now look at him now.. jagged scars across his neck. He frowns at the thought of his young friend, in the wilderness what if she ended up dead somewhere?.. Dark thoughts gripped his head in it's claws. The thought of finding his young charge in the vast wild and bringing her back to the barn. To her parents. Limp in his jaws scared him He felt a shiver run down his spine, his short spiky fur rose up at the dark thoughts swirling in his head. He brought up a paw to put it over his muzzle, stopping him from scaring a friend.

  • ( they come in creepin' ) GRAVE : rogue
    — afab, trans masc ; HE / HIM ; currently 19 moons
    — pansexual / single / not actively looking / open to crushes & romance
    — a tall, lanky shorthaired dull black feline with narrow dark amber eyes.
    action , thoughts , "Speech, 9a3b3b"
    — smells of raspberries and midnight rain

    -tags / @ on discord for plots
    - penned by calzone

Sharkskin voice proved a comfort for Celandine, as Grave sat besides her with an elegant swish of his dusky tail. Her dear friend's amber eyes swam in the honeyed gloom, like the reflection of twin suns languid in tar. Celandine hardly considered herself good at reading emotions from the book of one's face, but she saw a grime twist the black of Grave's visage. Still, she returned her stare to the light above. The waxing crescent of the moon's smile granted her some solace, in the stillness of the pursed-lip night. Whiplike tail swished back and forth, sweeping along the stray stalks of hay and such. But despite the tranquility that soothed a turbid soul, a reckoning rustled within her roiling gut, as though a speck of light floating along a restless sea. Perhaps she and Grave were but two mirrors of light, cast out in an impossibly big field. She didn't want to be that, but she didn't know why.

"Well... I just don't know if I want to stay here forever." The naked truth practically spilled out of satin lips, as loose as the flow of water from the mouth of the Horseplace's fountains. The molly had the tendency to simply talk and talk and talk, despite whatever ramifications were bound to bind her. Candor came facile, too easily at times, as though she brandished her skin for the whole world to see. "Not that it's a bad life. I love caring for the family and the workfolk! But, there's something that makes me want to just go out there. I want to live like a wild cat. It seems so fun! And Windclan seems so... fulfilled, if that makes any sense. I can't explain it any other way." The rosetted tabby prattled on, stark goldens persisting against the darkness of the barn's shadows. She then turned wheat-hued gaze towards Grave, concern flooding an easily-molded visage. "If I went past the barn, would you follow?"