The evening is as unremarkable as the patrol making its way slowly towards their border with ThunderClan; Doeblaze herself is certainly in no particular hurry. It's miserably petty, but, well—she's never loved the ThunderClan border, and ever since the rash of unfortunate happenings upon it, her sons' injuries chief among them, she has even less affection for the cats of the other forest and their prey - stealing, apprentice - attacking ways. Yes, she's being petty and irrational, and she lets herself for once, though she tries to keep a glower off her face for the sake of her patrolmates as they trudge towards the border in the fading muscadine purple of dusk.

There's a thick flapping of wings, almost birdlike but not quite, and several high, keening cries that make the shaggy lilac fur along Doeblaze's shoulders bristle. What is that? Stars, don't let it be yet another injured cat on the border—she is in no mood to do any battle at the moment ( with anyone but a ThunderClanner, at least )—but it hardly sounds like a cat, high - pitched and screechy in a way that makes her ears protest, folding back against her head. She begins, " What is tha— "

Then shapes flicker above in the darkness, one pinwheeling low enough in the gloaming that she can see a stubby little nose, a tick - fat black body, wide leathery wings—oh. Doeblaze represses a shudder as the thick horde of bats pinwheels above, flocking together and then breaking apart in an explosion of inverted stars. As she watches, the furry irritations loop through the sky just ahead of the patrol, backlit by moonrise and limned in silver. There's a smug curl of flame in her chest—serves them right, she hopes the stupid things keep the ThunderClanners up in their nests ( the uncivilized ones, at least; Howlingstar and Gentlestorm, for example, are lovely ).

" Bats, " she murmurs hoarsely, recommencing her journey forwards after a moment of contemplating the bundle of ink - dark bodies flapping through the sky above. Her muzzle rumples in the decaying purple light of dusk, and she adds as one swoops down just before the patrol's muzzles, " Creepy little things. "

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If Doeblaze didn’t like their patrol’s destination, then Chickbloom didn’t like it’s time, it was exceedingly childish, but the boy was no fan if being out in the territory in the dark (even with the thin wisps of surviving sunset aiding them). The scottish fold may have appreciated the odd sleepless night in camp, but that was different. In there it was safe, predictable, peaceful. Out here…well anything could be lurking in the long shadows.

Silversmoke’s disappearance was still weighing heavily on the skittish Scottish Fold’s nerves, so it was no surprise that a small shriek sounded from the back of the patrol as a piece of the night seemed to come alive and dive towards them. And egg-battered pelt hit the deck, and the warrior briefly considered digging a tunnel to safety before Doeblaze’s remark brought him back to earth.

A furry, yolk-stained snake slid to the front of the patrol before standing up, sticking close to the experienced she-cat for safety. “T-They - They look like they belong in S-Shadowclan…” Chickbloom added, wrinkling his nose. Bats were like flying frogs, he reasoned. It would fit well with that whole group’s creep factor.​
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The petty prey related squabbles with Thunderclan date unwell for Thistleback, he could recall the day Morningpaw was lost to them. A border skirmish over prey, that cost a child their life. It was not enough to sate Thunderclan, they strum the strings of history with the threat of repetition. As their paws lead them toward the border, he was better for the distraction that erupted suddenly above their ears. Summoned by light’s abandon, a creature like mushrooms grown in the dark.

Bats, Doeblaze’s voice and face reveals her aversion. Creepy little things, she says. A low laugh racks down his ribs and pours from his teeth unburdened as his tail sways above the ground. Thistleback’s wrinkled scowl splits into a grin lined with grime. His eyes flit between the lightning fast leathery winged creatures as they dive and squeak, whipping across the dark sky barely visible to the eye. Until they swoop closer to their heads, revealing themselves as briefly as heartbeats.

Chickbloom’s shriek makes the thorny warrior whip around, his hackles twitch " There’s nothing to fear, lad " he rumbles kindly, watching the low-crouched skittish warrior oddly skirt his way to Doeblaze. Restraining from the urge to mess with him by touching his scruff simulating one landing, a cruel thing it would be he considers as the splotched pelt passes him. " They’re merely… rats that fly " he blinks slowly, unflinching to their low swoops but withholding from swatting out to try and catch one. They didn’t taste quite right, not good enough to warrant a hunt.

" An old timer stray from the scrapyards actually showed me a trick to them when I was a little lad. " he scans the ground for a moment before scooping a stone onto the flat of his callused pad. He bucks, and swings his paw sending the stone flying into the horde. It falls back to the ground and on its tail, a bat swirls in chase before disappearing back into the darkness just barely brushing the nettles on the dirt. " they think it’s a bug… something to do with their eyes I suppose " amused, he recollects the time spent under the flickering streetlamp. Swooping bats, dancing and catching moths. It wasn’t a hunting tactic, merely entertainment. A fond memory, he wonders if he could share and ease Chickbloom’s nerves. A misunderstood creature, not quite harmless but nothing truly was.

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    forty-eight mns. EVENT TRACKER | IMPORTANT INFO
    — Former Lead warrior of Skyclan 12.22.22 - 06.2023
    Father of Coyotecrest, Eveningsun and Scorpionpaw
    — mentoring Teeveepaw formerly Snowpath & Quillstrike
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
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There was an attempt to keep her head down on the patrol, she was never really up for conversation. Owlheart was content with keeping to herself while here. Though sometimes things happened that required her own input, well rather it encouraged to take the plunge and speak up. Chickbloom's shriek caused a slight flinch, looking to where he hid before then taking notice of the bats in the sky. Bats, as Doeblaze had pointed out. It was impressive to watch these bats, making a makeshift cloud that seemed to block out parts of the sky before dispersing and fluttering around. The tabby couldn’t help but wonder where they might be going, had something scared them to make them fly around or were they out doing the scaring. Somehow in between looking at the bats and trying to look for Chickbloom again he had ended up near the front of the patrol, it was kind of impressive to blink and see him teleport from one spot to the other.

“They look kind of cool” she finds herself commenting, murmuring to herself but it was loud enough to be overheard. She squints at Thistleback's remark, rats that fly? That seemed a little harsh but with the screeching they heard and their plump little bodies from far could look like a rodent. She guessed that the comment made some kind of sense. The warrior can’t help but watch in curiosity and concern as he sends a stone flying towards the hoard. Part of her wanted to chastise him for doing that but he clearly seemed to know what he was doing and she was not brave or foolish enough to talk like that to Thistleback. “How do you know so much about them?” She asks instead once the bats skitter off from the stone that he sent flying. Her gaze turns to Doeblaze, did she also know a lot about them?
Bat trailed a little ways behind the patrol, his petite frame slinking about like a sly fox as he kept a steady but somewhat sluggish pace. He always did feel more comfortable when the cataclysmic night sky draped itself over his pelt- though he didn't harbor a singular ounce of grace for having been woken up and practically dragged by the scruff on such a trivial endeavor. And yet he complied even still, because despite his poisonous attitude, he would never dare to tell Thistleback- who was something of an acting mentor to him- 'no.'

The serenity of their journey was unexpectedly shattered by a stentorian screech- so violent in its intensity that it made Bat jump, his heart rate immediately rising to the point of its beat audibly thundering throughout his own ears. He didn't need to guess where- or rather, who- the sound emitted from, for there was only one individual on this patrol who would allow themselves to display such a pathetic overreaction over anything. "Bloody hell, Chickbloom, just what's yer-" With risen hackles and bristling fur, Bat nearly began to go off on his own verbal rampage before taking a singular glance at Thistleback- who was placed a short distance ahead of him- and decided against it, his tense jaws closing with a snap of his teeth.

By this point, Bat had only just registered what it was that had given Chickbloom such an otherworldly fright- a hoard of bats overheard, flittering erratically about in an incomprehensible pattern- their leathery wings catching the gentle rays of the moon and flickering stars overhead so that they seemed to glow, but only momentarily. Retreating back into the security of shadow for only a millisecond before throwing their miniature, clumsy bodies back into the open sky. Bat's body visibly relaxed then, and his brow- which had been heavily creased just moments prior to the sighting- had disappeared from his face, the hardened expression now replaced with something akin to awe. "Wicked..." Was the only word he could think to utter, its deliverance coming out as more of a breath than a statement.

Memories flooded back to him then- memories which he had not allowed to resurface ever since he began his solitary journey through the world. His mother had birthed him beneath the bridge of a highway, the underside of which were infested with bats such as these, every crevice filled with an amalgamation of mousey fuzz and dusky wings. She had stared up at them then, and christened him what he has always been known as- Bat. She would often make comparisons between the coloration and pattern of his pelt and their own, such comments being something he often resented in his youth, viewing them as insults above all else- rabid and vicious little things they undoubtedly were- but now it filled him with some sort of solace.

He was broken from his internal reiteration of his past by the unexpectedly swift movement from Thistleback, who had shifted his weight while gaining minimal momentum before throwing a nearby rock into the airborne frenzy. The action caused Bat to step forward, panic igniting his viridescent eyes and his breath hitching as he prayed to whoever may be above to listen that it wouldn't knock one of the tiny creatures straight out of the sky. Much to Bat's relief- apparent in the way his lungs deflated with a hearty sigh and eyes returning to their perpetually half-lidded, rather uninterested looking state- it missed them all. Fascinatingly, it elicited some sort of stimulation in them- they would swoop down in an attempt to catch it before retreating entirely once realizing it was nothing more than hardened mineral. The phenomenon was easily explained away by Thistleback- they were simply blind.

"Brainless lil' buggas." His comment- accompanied by a short chuckle- was uncharacteristically lighthearted, a boxy grin pulling at the edges of his mouth as his attention once again locked onto the bats overhead. He was sure he could stand there forever, staring endlessly at the way they did nothing more than exist- their lives carrying such little impact compared to most everything else- and yet they continued to do what they did with every new moonrise. Allowing themselves to embrace the air battering against their pumping wings, hunting food that was so miniscule you'd wonder how they never starved, a multitude of them together as one. Bat yearned for such trivial satisfaction.

Whatever question was proposed thereafter, along with any answer that would be given, was lost on Bat. His ears were turned away from them all, swiveling every now and again to follow the catastrophic symphony that emitted endlessly from the compiled bats- their song was chaotic, overlapping and not a singular soft shriek was discernable from one or another- but it was beautiful to him.

OOC: Hopefully this is okay to join! Pretty sure its a public post but just in case it isn't I'm infinitely sorry </3​
Following after the patrol he was on, thankful that one of his partners is there with him. He was content on keeping to himself, just listening to the useless chatter of clanmates. Letting his eyes roam across the peculiar gaggle of clanmates. He lets his mind wonder forth, thinking of nothing and anything. His thoughts were... interrupted by Chickbloom's shriek, making his tail start twitching. Whipping his head around towards the egg-battered warrior.

He lets out a snicker through pointed teeth. He turns his head back, as Doeblaze reveals her aversion. Bats. Copper eyes flit up at the lightning fast leathery wings of the creatures, as they dive and squeak in droves. Bats are impressive things, he agrees with Thistleback on the 'rats that fly' part. The tom's shoulders tense when one of them swoops to close. He wants to catch one. "They so look wicked." He commented with a grin on his face. He hasn't seen bats in many moons, they're pretty fun to try to catching.

Oddgleam watches with curiosity swimming his eyes, as Thistleback sends a stone flying up in the swarming cluster of bats. He tilts his head as he listens to Owlheart asks the piebald tom a question. He also wants to know more about the bats, he was eager to learn more of the fuzzy creatures.

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  • ( bad attitude, actin real goofy ) ˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖ ODDGLEAM. ╱ skyclan warrior.
    non-binary ; HE / THEY, fine with gendered terms. ; 16 MOONS & AGES EVERY 7TH.
    bi-pan / polyamorous / padding after crowsight & owlheart
    pretty, long-legged medium furred sliver-cream calico with copper eyes.
    battle notesthoughts ; "Speech, ac7d88" ; attacks only
    may powerplay minor harm ╱ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    smells like caramel frappe & chilled stone
    — all opinions are ic

    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by calzone