MIDSUMMER MADNESS [✦] kittypet-food

Little Wolf was not a kittypet hater - that much was apparent by who she had chosen to spend her time with, who had fathered her kits. She herself however had no interest in the life. Being confined to such a small space, eating the same food every single day, it sounded like torture to her. Sure, it would be nice to not have to worry about fighting or illness or even hunger in the cold moons, but nothing was worth sacrificing freedom in her mind. The kittypets could keep their way of life if it made them happy, she would just as well keep to hers.

She had split off from her hunting patrol for only a brief moment, following the scent of a mouse that she is sure she will find just around the bend. However, when she turns the corner another scent invades her nostrils, disgusting and artificial, it does not belong in the forest and she can tell immediately. It is the scent of a twoleg that, up until now, had been downwind of her so no doubt it could smell her coming but she had not been able to detect it. The creature has a weird lump on its back, a shiny stick in its hand. It turns and looks at her and Little Wolf, her body tense and full of fear scrambles backwards, ears pinned against her head. The twoleg does not make a move towards her instead, it crouches and holds out its hand. When Little Wolf does not move it looks disappointed but again makes no move to draw closer. The creature reaches into the hide on its back and it pulls out some strange shiny circle. It pulls the top off and it sets it on the ground then it leaves.

Puzzled but still afraid, she makes no gesture to move until she is sure it is gone and then slowly she walks forward to inspect what it had left behind. She gives it a curious sniff, the stuff inside smelled like food, but it was wet and flaky, a weird pasty looking texture. "Is this kittypet food..?" she wonders aloud, getting more confused by the second "Why would a twoleg leave this here?" it did not look like a trap but still, she does not trust it.

// A kind-hearted hiker has noticed a bunch of stray cats in the woods they normally hike in and has brought food for them (not knowing that most cats in the woods probably wont eat the wet food)

Berryheart rather enjoyed tagging along with the hunting patrols. It was not that he particularly missed hunting from his days as a warrior- in fact, he rather believed it was an advantage in being a healer that he did not often have to pursue his own meals. It was instead that he simply enjoyed the ensuing conversations, buzzing around him like insect wingbeat. A nice backdrop, passive information trickling into his mind... though, unless someone spoke to him directly, he never paid full attention.

Nose to the ground to search for herbs, he felt his senses being smothered by a sudden artificial and cloying scent. It was food undoubtably- but oddly, it smelled near-repulsive. Confused, Berryheart ambled over to the source of the scent, sidling up next to his midnight-cloaked older sister.

Kittypet food- yes, it was a sound conclusion. He nodded in agreement, brows furrowed as he stalked closer and closer. A tentative nose wrinkled, and Berryheart turned away, put-off. "It smells... strong." he noted, studying the can with a slightly-tilted head as if it was about to start moving. This was sacrilegious, almost, to the delicious food of the forest. A mockery of any good meal...
( ) Hailstorm quite liked contributing his energy and time into hunting patrols despite the fact that his fur made him stick out against the greenery around him. He still manages despite missing a catch here or there, he pulls his weight around like the rest of his clanmates and he had managed to catch a vole but there was a scent within the air that was, in fact, not vole or any other prey that he was familiar with. He approaches both Berryheart and Little Wolf offering a smile through the small recent that he carried within his jaws before dropping it on the ground carefully and stared at the - what was that actually? Kittypet food?

This is what kittypets ate on a daily? His snout wrinkles in disgust as he shakes his head deciding to speak with an uncomfortable shuffle of his paws "Oh wow... No offense but I'd rather eat a toad than that. It looks... So, so unappetizing." He was not a kittypet hate either but he might just outright become a kittypet food hater, he cannot believe that they actually preferred this wet flaky whatever over a warm mouse or hell, a bird despite how feathers were a pain in the rear to deal with. "Should we leave it or get rid of it? It really, really stinks." His nose still wrinkled to prove his point.

Maybe they could dump it into the river or down a cliff? Nobody would know.
Wrenflutter had imparted to her children that no matter how 'yucky' something seemed, you should always try it once before you decide that you don't like it. Chickadeepaw had often taken that wisdom in stride - mice, squirrels, birds, voles, all of them had always been swallowed quickly and without fuss by the fluffy apprentice. She had no issue taking anything off the fresh-kill pile and digging in but this... this was yucky, she was sure of it.

Strong didn't even begin to cover it. Hailstorm better summarized her thoughts with a "really, really stinks." Two really, too stinky!

Still, her paws carried her to the little tin can, a curious tilt of her head making her one ear stand straight up. She didn't dare sniff it again, instead choosing to hold her breath as she leaned down to take a little lick off the top of the slimy concoction. It is one lick too many, she quickly realizes, and Chickadeepaw rears her head back with a disgusting 'BLEGH!'

"That's absolutely nasty!" She exclaims to the group around a stuck-out tongue. "Were they trying to poison us? Twolegs really are gross!" @WHITELION
"What is that horrible smell?"

The fire pelted tabby pushes her way through the undergrowth, her nose wrinkled in disgust. She couldn't remember the last time she had smelled something so foul. This was worse than any fish she smelled while staying in Riverclan's camp...worse than a toad even. The only thing she could compare it to was some of the trash her and her mother had been forced to scavenge through during tough times. Her fur along her shoulders twitches at the memory, but she decides to not say anything. Most of her clanmates knew that she hadn't been colony born, but she didn't like thinking about her life before joining Thunderclan.

She takes a paw step closer to examine the strange substance, but she abruptly stops herself. Her tongue sticks out, and she makes a gagging sound. Hailstorms asks about leaving it alone, or disposing of it. It didn't appear to be a trap, but the last thing she wanted to do was get any of that stench on her paws. "I'd rather smell mouse bile." she responds with a tight throat. This smell was sickening...but what if it attracted something that actually wanted to eat it? "We need to do something...maybe we can cover it up?"

WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ —————————————————————————————
The strange, somewhat gross smell seemed to be attracting many wayward ThunderClanners that were out in the forest, and Lightstrike was no exception. Soon enough, he could scent his Clanmates with it, and his brows furrowed in something nearing confusion as he approached. What were they all gawking at? Did something die? It didn't smell like death.

"Scoot, I wanna see," he said, reaching Little Wolf's side and peering over her. It was... something. A Twoleg-something. Shiny, kind of smelly, kind of wet. Nobody looked thrilled. Belatedly, he realized it was probably abandoned kittypet food.

"Twolegs... actually feed this stuff to kittypets? And kittypets eat it?" He seemed incredulous. Even so, despite the rather unpleasant smell, he couldn't deny his curiosity. Moonwhisper's and Nightbird's inevitable snide comments be damned, he would sate his wonder.

Not long after Chickadeepaw, the golden warrior stooped in for his own taste. Rather than a lick, he took a bold bite; only to immediately look as though a kit had bitten his tail. Then his expression shifted into something more thoughtful, although he was still quick to swallow it and shake his head.

Lightstrike sucked in a breath. "Well, it's um... not my preference, that's for sure. Could do without the... snot. Whatever it is. Flavor's not horrible otherwise, I guess? Would be more of a last resort than anything." Thus concluded his analysis, even as he continued to gaze at the 'food' rather distastefully. "But yeah, don't try it," he added.

For a moment the tom was silent, gazing down at the little shiny thing, before something caught his eye and he crouched down with a narrowed stare. "Wait, look at this." A white paw reached out to push at it, tipping it onto its side and leaving the kittypet food to slowly ooze out onto the grass. "There." There was a tiny cat on the side of the object, although a cursory sniff at it confirmed it was not, in fact, real. "Who is that? How did the Twolegs put him there?"

[penned by its_oliverr - ]
  • Haha
  • Dead
Reactions: nightbird and Jay
StarClan save us, did you actually taste that?” The tabby is well-known for his distaste for all things Twoleg, kittypets unfortunately included, and the look on his face is comically expressive as he watches first Chickadeepaw and then Lightstrike take tentative tastes of the slime spilling onto the grass. He won’t even get as close as the others had, as though even smelling the slop could manifest a collar around his throat.

Raccoonstripe can see from his vantage point the little cat face on the side of the object. His brow furrows. “Some kittypet, I’d imagine…” He trails off, unsure. Twolegs are a mystery to him, and there’s no accounting for the things they do. The more he thinks about what Lightstrike is asking, the more his head begins to ache, so he quickly diverts his attention back to Flamewhisker. “She’s right. Other things might find this tastier than we do… hungry foxes, dogs. StarClan knows. We could get rid of it somehow.” He grimaces. “Scrape some dirt over that until we can’t smell it anymore.

  • raccoon . raccoonstripe
    — he/him ; lead warrior of thunderclan
    — heteroflexible ; single
    — long-haired black tabby with white and dark brown eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Rai
CLOUDYFUR / 14 moons — up in the sky Hearing a commotion, Cloudyfur abandoned her hunt for a moment to join her clanmates. On her arrival, she found them all crowded around something she couldn't see. "What are you all looking at?" She asked, glancing around them to get a look.

She blinked.

"Um. Yes, it is." Cloudyfur quickly confirmed Little Wolf's theory. There was no doubt in her mind that this was twoleg food, she had seen it enough times to know that much. Though never had she expected to find it here. It felt strange and out of place to spot a piece of her past so out in the open.

Cloudyfur had never felt so uncomfortable about her old life as she did in this moment. As the rest of her patrol retched at the sight of the kittypet food, all she could do was squirm in place. She kept quiet, not wanting to mention that she used to eat that stuff all the time. Even now, it really didn't smell all that bad to her. Part of her couldn't help but think that everyone else must be overreacting.

"It doesn't seem poisoned." She muttered in response to Chickadeepaw's question. The food looked and smelled like the same stuff she had eaten every day of her kithood. Which made it all the more painful when she saw the expression that her old mentor Flamewhisker made at the scent. Her gaze fell to her paws, she felt like she was going to die of embarrassment. Everyone else was much the same, all wondering who in their right mind would ever eat something so nasty. She just wished they would all stop talking about it already.

The moment that the other warriors began suggesting that they bury it, she stepped forward. Quickly, she scraped as much dirt as she could manage over it with her paws. "There." She said simply, her heart in her throat. Hopefully that would be enough to get them all to move on.