MILESTONES (thunderclan patrol)

// @Flycatcher @RACCOONSTRIPE and apprentice tag @Sloepaw @RAGWORTPAW Feel free to reply before the ThunderClanners!

ThunderClan has finally returned to a sort of normalcy - or, as normal as things can feel without Emberstar. The new leader pads along the shore in silence, glad that she'd asked Flycatcher to place her on a patrol today. She needed to get out of camp, and the newleaf breeze feels good against her pelt. With her, the deputy resides, along with one of her youngest sons. Sloepaw and Ragwortpaw are at her side, the latter being her temporary charge until Little Wolf returns to her warrior duties. The girl is...slow learning, but she's at least putting in the effort. Cinderfrost's kit or not, Howlingstar will give her all she's got while she's under her teaching.

The SkyClan border had luckily been quiet, they'd only marked the boundary line and proceeded on. Now, as they walk along the riverbank, the dark-furred tabby can only hope this border remains just as easy. With the water still high, she wonders if they'll even see another RiverClan patrol for awhile.
there's something akin to guilt that settles uncomfortably in his stomach when he lays his eye on the thunderclan patrol—led by howlingstar, a cat who he only knows from brief gathering conversations in the past. she's berryheart's mother if he recalls one conversation correctly.

beesong had been in favor of letting thunderclan deal with the dogs themselves. he had to prioritize riverclan, there was no other choice. newleaf has only just set in, herbs would need time to recover from the frost, and he didn't want to exhaust any to heal wounds or cover the stench of death if he had another option. so why does he feel the urge to apologize to howlingstar and her patrol as he shuffles along his side of the border?

they stare at the patrol for a little too long. debating whether they should say anything at all. but after a long minute of deafening silence, beesong hums and tips their head in a quiet greeting. "sorry about emberstar," they decide on at last, and they cringe at their typical dry tone. they don't mean to sound so callous; the announcement of the loss had been a sharp blow to their chest. beesong hadn't known emberstar well enough to consider her more than an acquaintance during their time together in the pine colony, but at the very least, they considered her a friendly one. she'd always been upbeat, a bright presence even when things went to shit. it was admirable and foolish all at once.

her death hurts, but the wound isn't as deep as he knows the thunderclanners' wounds are. he doesn't have an excuse to lose himself in mourning, and even if he did, he wouldn't. so, beesong smiles despite the conversation. it's empty, but at least it's something. "i guess the dogs haven't returned yet, huh?" the guilt nags, and beesong curses himself for even bringing it up the moment it's out of his blunt mouth. still, part of him wants to be assured that the mutts are gone for good.
Unlike the border with WindClan, Clay is unafraid to stray near the border with ThunderClan. He travels along it often, staring across the water at the sunning rocks that are so, so good for napping on. Usually there’s no one else at the border, but today there is a group of cats, and RiverClan’s healer is already speaking with them.

Clay isn’t a great fan of ThunderClan, but still he can find sympathy for the other clan’s cats. They’ve just lost their leader, so the dirt-colored tom doesn’t have it in him to greet them with anything less than enthusiasm. He may not have liked Emberstar by any stretch of the word, but they had once shared a group, and her loss is a great one. She’d been a friendly and cheerful face—at least, she had been before becoming a leader.

Long legs carry him quickly to Bee’s side, staring across the border at the group of strangers. He doesn’t recognize any of them, he thinks at first, but then he spots Flycatcher. Not a familiar face, but at least he’s seen the tom before at the border. "Hey, ThunderClan!" His shout isn’t as gleeful as it was when he last greeted SkyClan at the border—but his smile is big and bright as he waves a paw at the other cats. "How’s it going in the forest?" He wonders if the clan is still dealing with the fallout of the forest fire they’d endured earlier in the year, or if the trees have even begun to recover.
Paws stride forth with confidence towards the ThunderClan border, calling voices buzzing around her ears and their familiar cues. Cindershade remembers being in this same spot not so long ago, quarreling to Howlingstar—Howling Wind then, about the dogs being on the land of Sunningrocks. Back then, they couldn't offer any aid to ThunderClan. They didn't have the means, the supplies, for such a feat. She emerges from budding reeds to the edge of the newly made banks, her duo of apprentice's in tow. Beesong and Clayfur are currently speaking with what she assumes a patrol, with none other than ThunderClan's leader and deputy leading it. Her ivory whiskers twitch lightly with question, but thinks nothing of it.
She's said her peace to them, and what they felt was not up to her. Cindershade wasn't unintelligent in the slightest, she knows that Howlingstar or Flycatcher didn't necessarily want to see her face after what was said before when Cicadastar took them to their borders to speak. But, the rosetted molly didn't particularly care. She'd not hold back her feelings on the situation, but now she was over it. Chartreuse eyes flit back to a chocolate and obsidian pair behind her before stopping. "This is the border with RiverClan and ThunderClan." The lead warrior begins, using her thick tail to sweep towards the river for emphasis. "Over there is Howlingstar, the one Beesong and Clayfur are speaking with. She's their leader. The gray tom beside her is Flycatcher, their deputy."

@Sablekit & @Pinepaw apprentice tag <3

Flycatcher had to admit, he was a little cautious as he joined his patrol in patrolling their RiverClan border. After the recent issue with the dogs and Howlingstar's comments at the gathering, he was a little worried about what the RiverClan cats might say should they come across them. With the river as high as it was, they seemed unlikely to come across any cats. Or at least that was the hope.

For a brief time before the RiverClan cats emerged, Flycatcher focused on his apprentices. "Mind you don't stray too close to the water," He advised carefully, watching as they walked ahead. "Tell me, can you smell anything interesting?"

As he awaited his apprentices' response, his attention was caught by movement on the other side and he saw RiverClan cats begin to appear. He directed a civil nod in their direction but Beesong's words about the dogs riled him somewhat. He doubted that was the medicine cat's intention of course but it still stung. "Yes, they show no signs of returning after we drove them off," Flycatcher responded pointedly. His expression softened after a moment had passed. "I hope RiverClan is faring better now that the weather has changed."

obligatory apprentice tag @. Roepaw . & @BURNPAW !
In every situation you give me peace
Although Sablepaw was a bundle of nerves beneath the surface, the girl managed to hold her peace outwardly. This was her first border patrol after all and she wanted to appear just as prim and proper as she would within camp. Ebony limbs carry her forward after Cindershade, periwinkle eyes diligently observing the flow of river that carved a path between both thunder and riverclan. Quietly, Sable nods her head during her mentor's tutelage, greedily soaking up the given information like a dry sponge. Periwinkle eyes shift, falling upon Howlingstar and Flycatcher in turn as she stands beside the black rosette tabby. After committing their names and features to memory she turns, glancing up at at Cindershade to ask a question now filling her mind. "What is the name of their medicine cat?" Clearly they were not with the present thunderclanners or else Cinder would have said otherwise. However, she still wished to know.
Don't gotta be afraid because you're in the lead
Raccoonstripe prowls behind Howlingstar and Flycatcher, eyes raking the shoreline opposite them for RiverClanners. He knows his mother and his deputy do not want trouble, but seeing that dark-pelted lead warrior causes him to lift his lip slightly. All of them, pretending things are fine -- pretending like they hadn't denied them assistance in a life or death situation. They'd helped SkyClan, hadn't they?

The tabby scowls. @Moonpaw. and @WILDPAW are somewhere behind him; he will pause to let them catch up before growling, "Don't say anything. Howlingstar doesn't want more trouble. Even as tempting as it is."

He hears the youngest cat, skunk-pelted and earnest, speaking to Cindershade. Raccoonstripe hears her ask about his brother. "Berryheart," he answers in a gritty voice. "My brother does not patrol borders." He rubs his cheek against a clump of foliage, dark eyes burning with pent-up resentment.

the scent of thunderclan draws the riverclan deputy out, searching and finding howling easily. they are not as close with howling as she is with orangeblossom, but the other is still one of the clan-cats who manage to hold buck's respect. although, she suspects that she should now refer to howling with that damned star that they tag upon their names. she does not even do it for the riverclan leader, and finds it harder to do so for another. she casts a side-long look to @Fawnpaw, looking to see how her apprentice takes to seeing other clans. "they're marking borders. establishes boundaries." it is quiet, simply because only fawn needs to know how border patrols work. she is new to clan life, just as buck once was. but unlike buck, she is new to the forest and water territory completely. she did not grow with it, and thus must start as a kit once again. the deputy likes to think of it as a rebirth.

her attention falls to howling, head dipped. "i wished we could have helped you further with the dogs. i hope ember rests easy now." a condolence for their lost, though she would not expect howling to take it easy. buck knows she wouldn't. she'd curse and spit, further rise tensions out of anger. but there is far more expected from the new thunderclan leader. "i hope newleaf treats you and your clan more kindly." there is no hint of malice or cruelty, a genuine expression for a thriving thunderclan. she hopes more so for riverclan, but it does not need to be said.

Howlingstar pauses upon the appearance of RiverClan's medicine cat. She casts a glance towards her patrol and, more specifically, her charges. Her gaze holds silent meaning. Do not stir anything up. Even still, she expects her warriors and their apprentices to stand proud, to not bow and sway to their neighboring clans. Especially to RiverClan, a clan she'd once thought to call friends. Now, she isn't so sure.

"Thank you," She mews cordially, a dip of her head being sent to Beesong. Flycatcher responds that the dogs haven't returned, and she can't help but lift her tail slightly higher when he points out that they had been the ones to drive them out. Good. They should continue to be reminded. Her expression reveals nothing still when she turns her attention toward Clayfur and offers him a similar nod in greeting. "We are making due with what we can. The damaged part of the forest is regrowing."

As Flycatcher wishes them well, Howlingstar's gaze locks onto a familiar face. Cindershade - they hadn't left on good terms the last time they'd spoken. She decides to not say anything and she shifts her attention to Buckgait, a friendlier face than the last cat. As Raccoonstripe responds to the ebony-and-white apprentice on the other side, the tabby's ears perk up to hear the deputy's apology. Just as quickly as they'd pressed forward, her ears fall back slightly, irritation fighting to be unleashed. She likes Buckgait; they'd always gotten along. And maybe she means it when she says she wished they could have helped. But to the ThunderClanners, she is one and the same as Cicadastar as his second-in-command. RiverClan did not help them. That goes for the deputy.

Choosing her words carefully, Howlingstar finally responds in as neutral a tone as she can muster, "ThunderClan did what we had to do to keep our side of the river safe. Thank you for your words."

much like the others, the scent of oak and dirt draws him from the shore — brings him towards the collecting group with @Hazepaw in tow. his head is low, thin shoulders high. perhaps it was paranoia, perhaps an obsessive need, but he’d found himself stalking the riverside since that night. the scent of dog is faint now, though still present beneath the layers of thunder and riverclan scent, and he twists his nose at it as he approaches, ears angled forward. clayfur, ever absent from the gathering, speaks to them and he gives him a look, but another voice sounds. so gracious, so kind — it was almost laughable, his memory of her skulking towards him, complaining about stealing her land. that seemed not to matter when it came to the thunderclan leader, “ buckgait — since you’re feeling so friendly today, why don’t join them? you can certainly help further then, should they take you. “ he speaks smoothly, loudly enough for the patrol to hear. he glares daggers at his deputy and her flippancy towards a leader so forward to ask for their land for a moment longer, bristles further at the hatred the patrol bears strong upon their features. he hoped to reflect it just as strongly.

pallid eyes land on the patrol across from them, makes no show to hide that he was watching, and closely. he was not sorry. he was not sorry for putting his clan above them, as much as those around him simper and apologize. he ignores the tabby leader herself, simply pivoting his head towards the young apprentice at his side, tail a loose curl around them to urge them forward, “ hazepaw, you smell the scent line. i want you to mark the spot before them, lest they forget where it lies. “ it’s said gently, with a smile towards the youth despite the bite it brings. with that he simply moves forward, aims to guide his charge along so he can brush his neck against the jagged edge of a rock, cold eyes locking on a patrol member — raccoonstripe — as he did. he would remain until they departed, until he seen the last of their tail tips fade back into the forest in which they came.

  • ˖ ⁺ 。 ˚ ⠀ CICADASTAR⠀⠀−−−−−−−⠀⠀king of the rivers.
    m. he / him. black smoke & tortoiseshell chimera with intense salt - blue eyes. a handsome, looming tom bearing patchwork black - silver curls that fall over his slim figure in loose, shining rivulets, broken with white and glossy from his fish diet. descending from a heritage of overtyped oriental shorthairs, cicadastar stands unusually tall amongst his peers, and holds himself with a tragic grace, poised and prim and ever - aware of how he is being perceived.

    gay, courting smokethroat. smells like wet stone & moss.
    speaks with a german accent. 40 moons, ages on the eighth.
    penned by antlers

  • cicadablueoutline.png
  • none.


The river was beautiful. She wants nothing more than to dip a paw in it now that it no longer seemed so terrifying and cold as it was before; now the current was almost serenly rolling along as if it had not just flooded the entirety of RiverClan's camp. Moonpaw stares at it, her ear giving a faint flick as she hears Raccoonstripe's orders and she only nods curtly in response; she had no intention of chatting with RiverClan anyways. They had been horribly rude to her grandmother and such an insult was not so easily forgiven. She still thinks about the fury in Howlingstar's eyes when she explained their callous dismissal of them, wonders then why they would bother asking for Sunningrocks when taking it seemed like a given. As soon as the thought struck her Moonpaw is surprised, it is strangely petty and bold of her to immediately fall back to such ideas and she shook her head with an annoyed sigh.
At least their deputy seemed nice, though the instant Cicadastar appeared she felt her fur bristle at his comment. How dismissive! How rude!

"I like her, we should let her join." It is uttered just high enough the keen ears on the otherside might overhear. Moonpaw was told to be silent, she knew this, she knew goading RiverClan was not the correct response but her comment was meant more in jest to her grandmother rather than some argument for the sake of arguing. Why spit in the face of politeness?
The new ThunderClan leader is certainly different from Ember had been. Howlingstar is quiet for the most part, though she does respond to his question. Sure, she seems annoyed—or worse, bored—but the dark tabby doesn’t display outright hostility. Relief washes over him as she confirms that the clan is faring as well as they can, recovering from the forest fire. But then she speaks to Buck, a response to the deputy’s words, and discomfort prickles beneath Clay’s pelt. Fake politeness. It’s like the fat that had been dumped by the barn, bitter on his tongue but with no explanation of why. Maybe she’s being for real, though, and he’s just unused to gauging her body language.

Cicadastar approaches, shoots him an indecipherable glance, and the earthen tabby takes a careful step back. He averts his eyes from the leader, attention returning to the ThunderClan patrol to regard them with curiosity. What has the other clan done to draw Cicada’s ire? There had been a confrontation with the other clan over Sunningrocks, but— Oh. They’re still mad about that. Something must have happened at the gathering, something he’ll have to ask Clearsight or some other warrior about later, after the ThunderClanners have gone on their way.

He feels a bit—lost for words, after the dappled tom’s remarks. He’s not properly chastised, but Cicada’s biting words for Buckgait set him on edge, just a bit. Are the forest cats their enemies now? Gold-flecked eyes narrow slightly, and his jaw tenses with anxiety for the briefest moment. After a moment, though, he shakes himself out, limbs loosening, allowing the tension to roll off him like droplets of water from waxen leaves. He says nothing, has no further words after the ThunderClan leader assures him that the forest has begun to regrow. He’s gotten the information that he wanted, reassurance that the freak accident hasn’t destroyed the forest for good.
Ever observant the shaded woman was, her eyes had traveled towards the ThunderClan patrol as she speaks to her apprentices. She could feel the piercing gaze of their new found leader, Howlingstar, upon her pelt as soon as she spoke. It was no secret about what Cindershade had said back when Cicadastar had intended for her apologize. And she did apologize. But only for the lives lost. Nothing else. She still stood by her statement, no matter how cold it was to grate over the ears of their neighbors. Cicadastar had laid it out during the Gathering, and she backed him up 110% over it. RiverClan had shared enough of their generosity, taking in refugees and even ThunderClan once before. They shared meals together, harbored the forest cats until it was time for them to return to their home.
Their very leader approaches now with Hazepaw in tow, a looming form of monotone color and ringlet curls. His words are towards Buckgait are smooth, but a venomous ire is laiden within it as he glares at the earthen molly. Cindershade's lips purse into a straight line as tension laid heavily between the two. She knows Buckgait has never cowered beneath him, always stood strong like a sturdy oak against the mighty wind. Velveteen ears turn to her side as her attention is pulled away from them to her apprentice as a question forms upon bi-colored lips. Sablepaw wishes to her who their medicine cat is and the woman is in the process of answering before a gritting voice pierces her ears. Her eyes flash towards a dark tom, his dark mahogany hues interlocking with her own. A hiss hitches in her throat, jaw clenching in annoyance.
Apart of her wanted to tell the tom she didn't recognize to shove it, unless he wanted to 'accidentally' be pulled under the water's surface till the bubbles stopped. But, she refrained. There was enough hostility and ThunderClan was acting at least a bit cordial, so she would let it slide. "He is right, child. Berryheart is their medicine cat." The warrior would reiterate, though now her voice was lower than before and noticeably annoyed as her dark tail lashes. "I'd like you to follow Hazepaw and mark the border as well. Mark every nook and cranny along the border. I will follow." Her gaze flicks to Clayfur as he stands there, clearly confused about the animosity between the two clans. She shakes her head to him, pointedly looking at the two leaders to try and show him. He wasn't present at the Gathering, so she'd tell him later the news if someone else didn't before her.

"✧ why am I the only one awake?"

Behind her apprentice, a cream and beige splotched cat peeked forwards, nose twitching curiously. The air smelled different. The scents were mixing in the air. The smell of riverclan clashed with thunderclan. It was all so new to her. there were different clans? She never knew that before. Licking her nose, she took a step forwards, looking around. behind the brown tabby, there was a thick forest, tall and short trees, everywhere. So this is what their terrain was. She wondered if she could climb one of those trees. She focused on the tabby, blinking, she could feel that the green eyed cat had a sense of authority, causing her to step back again. as she turned her head to her mentor, she was confused.

Flicking her ears forwards, she blinked, questioning.
"dogs?" she murmured aloud, white face puzzled. They didn't seem too bad. She lived with plenty of dogs. they were all very nice to her, they were usually.. small dogs. Like itsu! the little poodle was always a fun to be around with. "what did the dogs do?"


✦ ★ ✦

  • .

    ー named for her soft features and heart

    ー。 cis female - she/her
    ー Cream tabby short furred cat with brown eyes
    ー Scottish fold x Japanese bobtail

  • none today

It’s perhaps an uncommon sentiment among the clan, but Hazepaw likes seeing other clans patrolling near their borders. Well, perhaps not Windclan: as nice as it is to gaze at the moor stretching on the other side of the gorge, the cats that inhabit that territory are not to be trusted. But Thunderclan is interesting and safe enough, dogs notwithstanding.

(Oak wood, warm earth and bubbling sap — life flows back into the river, but it rushes back to the forest. The banks will be grey and bare long after their trees have burgeoned into a riot of green. What a sight it must be, canopies unfurling into vivid freshness at the first glance of the sun!)

Still, when Cicadastar approaches this particular patrol, she takes care not to look too eager. It seems their clans are not to be close friends, not yet, and it's safer to follow his lead than indulge in her urge to gawk. But instead of drawing the two of them away, he prods them along, closer to the patrol, to mark the scentlines. They nod in all-too-serious ascent and pad closer to the patrol, brushing their fur against the invisible line of the border that divides their territories. She can see the forest stretching at their back, rustling with foreign sounds.

”Dogs?” they whisper in echo of Fawnpaw’s words, curious despite the situation.