May 18, 2024

"Wow! Forgive me for the intrusion, but your markings are truly stunning. You must have been born in a great storm." Arose the velvety purr of the longhaired kittypet, and even in the face of the unknown did Sfgoliatella shine unmitigated and unfettered, like the bright-crowned smile of the molten sun. Even though the gaudy kittypet was all but an established face in Skyclan, that didn't mean that she couldn't go around and get to know the crowd. Like a bloodhound on the hunt for a scent trail, the newly-made daylight warrior sought friends quite easily. The molly couldn't help but comment on Statichaze's rather peculiar blazes upon midnight pelt, as though flashes of white-hot lightning down the queen's body, macerated only as the beams reached the ends of smoky purls. In all her travels and all her moons of living, Sfogliatella had never seen anything quite like it. A phenomena to behold, a force of nature splaying upon a canvas of skin and bone, and an art piece to feast hungry gaze upon. "Ah! I almost forgot to introduce myself. My name is Sfogliatella, but I know that's a total handful. So, like, call me whatever you'd like! How 'bout you?" The Maine coon sat besides the other warrior, her own coat like a sfumato display of tender satins, groomed and preened to perfection. Curling her tail around her in a show of politeness, she gave the stranger an eased grin.

Statichaze blinks slowly as one of SkyClan’s most recent newcomers comes over towards her, voicing a compliment on the patterns in her fur. Her gaze is thoughtful as she regards the other with a mixture of curiosity and warmth. The compliment is unexpected, yet it carries a sincerity that softens the edges of her initial guarded reaction to being approached by an unfamiliar face.

"Thank you," she replies, her voice a gentle rumble, not unlike the sound of distant thunder promising rain, ”That’s very kind of you, Sfogliatella.” A light smile pulls at both corners of her muzzle, curling up slightly as she speaks once more. ”It is a bit of a mouthful,” she agrees, giving her an appraising look as she considers options. Her feathery tail curls, swishing slightly as she contemplates. There's a moment of silence before her tail settles, and with it, her on a decision. ”Would you be opposed if I call you Lia?” she asks the new daylight warrior; it’s the most pleasing of the options she came up with, in her own opinion. Soft and gentle, rolling off the tongue in light tones—exactly as someone who approaches another with kind words deserves.

"Of course I wouldn't mind! Even I get tied up by my name at times. I used to go by Francesca, which is muuuuuch easier on the tongue. But my housefolk insisted that I take this new name. Per la madonna." A slight chuckle rumbled from gossamer throat to match Statichaze's eased smile, like the kittypet's mouth were a spinneret spouting silk, as she had often waxed lyrical in a bid to make new friends. She was quite good at the art of befriending others, shifting ever so slightly to match their tone, dancing in their lights and shirking away from their shadows. "What do folks call you? I'm sure it's something grand to match such a striking pelt." The housecat mewed next, with silken words bedeviling even those that wished naught to be bothered - she had a method of finding her hold in even the stoniest of walls. She sensed that she would not need it with this queen, though even the friendliest of felines hid fangs behind lips and claws behind sheaths. She had learned a thing or two about it from her many moons of life. "Hm... Something like Thundery Fur? Lightning's Bolt? Light... stripe? Am I doing it right?" The cream sepia hadn't much of a clue how Skyclan went about naming their kin, whether it be passed down from mother's tongue or vestal force beyond comprehension, and all Sfogliatella had gathered was that they had two parts to their names. Florabreeze, Orangestar... Things of that matter. Glancing at searing-white streaks and pitch-black sea to befall it, there must surely be quite a fierce moniker behind piercing yellow gaze of headlight hue.
"Francesca," she echoes, testing the name on her tongue, savoring its sound. "It's a beautiful name as well. Which one do you like better? I'll stick with whichever you like," she says with a hum in her voice, her eyes thoughtful as she rolls both names over in her mind.

The conversation shifts focus to her, and the storm-hued feline listens attentively, her ears twitching as Sfogliatella throws out ideas, trying to find the one that sticks. A quiet chuckle spills from her lips, a soft and warm sound. "I wasn't named here in SkyClan to start with, if I'm honest with you," she admits, a faint smile playing on her muzzle. "I live with my housefolk during the nights and come here to SkyClan during the day. They were the ones that gave me the name Static," she explains, the name carrying a sense of nostalgia and belonging that is echoed in the tone of her voice. "When I had enough training, I was given the other half, haze, by SkyClan's leader at the time. I assume for the look of my fur," she continues, relaxed and at ease, the words coming easily to her as she recounts the information. Her fur, a mix of dark and light grays that seemed to ripple and shift like a foggy sky, was the most likely source of the added part of her name, though there could have been other reasons for the moniker assigned to her that she's not yet aware of. She does wonder, but she supposes she may never know, now that Orangestar is leading.​

"While Francesca has that girlish, young charm to it... I'm a bit too old for that sort of energy. Please, stick with Sfogliatella. 'Specially if you call me Lia." A warm purr reverberated beyond the lion's mane of Sfogliatella's purls, as though the heat of the sun basked upon her own cream coat, culminating into that which innocence had not been tarnished by the wilds. Enthralled by the prospect that cats of the wild considered her name (or names, really) beautiful, the smile that had already roosted upon the crevices of her countenance only intensified in their curvature. There never was a day where she was disimpassioned by any sort of attention, positive or negative. "Ah! A daylight cat is what they call you. I suppose I would be called that, as well." Azure eyes glid upon Statichaze's own stormy hues, like brittle lightning had marbled through the sables of her fur, carving a name for itself through blusters of her face and her body. For such a compassionate and kind queen, she would have never attributed such a pelt to one like that, for the dark tones and striking whites could easily strike fear into the uninitiated. "So, your name was Static before you joined the clans? To'! That must mean that I would have a name like that when [abbr'the leader']il capo[/abbr] thinks I'm ready for it. Though, my name is already quite a mouthful. I don't think I'd like to add anything to it... Can I ask Orangestar to do that for me? I'm sure she'd oblige if I begged hard enough." The kittypet mused as her rambles overtook her, ardent flame burning at the fleece of polite society, as even she had not grown used to the customs and manners of Skyclan. In all of her years of life, Sfogliatella had hardly known what the outside world harbored. This was a housecat's first foray into the unknown, like casting out a net to the deepest waters and believing that the ocean behaved much the same as the pond.