private MINUTE WALTZ \ lichenpaw

The lack of marigold was disconcerting, but it simply meant Berryheart would have to think on his toes in terms of his apprentice's tutoring. Healing open wounds was perhaps the most common affliction that ailed returning warriors, whether they wailed at a fox's claws or at a Riverclanner's teeth. He was sure Freckles had seen him work before, but when your path was one of a warrior the techniques likely did not stick in one's head.

They walked together, wariness regarding the boars a hum in the back of Berryheart's mind. If his calculations were sound they currently took residence far from this patch of forest, but vigilance was never harmful. His tail flicked in realisation when his eyes landed upon a patch of yellow, the flowers fernlike in their cascade. "Goldenrod," he murmured softly, attempting to catch Freckles' attention. Relieved, a seldom-heard and barely-audible purr rumbled in his throat.

Before he was to harvest it, a lesson about this particular herb would be taught. "What do you think it helps with?" he asked. There was no expectation present in his tone- simply an air of genuine curiosity. It might be a shot in the dark or an informed guess, but either way... this would hopefully be a lesson to remember.

————— ❁ —————
Lichenpaw enjoys the freedom of searching for herbs; wandering the forest and scouring its grounds for certain plants may be boring to some, but not to the freckled apprentice. It's good to get out of camp without the clamor of a patrol. Berryheart is good company. His quietness lets Lichenpaw speak when he wishes, chatter away or merely walk in silence. No expectation. It's nice.

They don't know quite what they're looking for, but their eyes are drawn quickly by the sound of their mentor's soft voice. "Goldenrod," he repeats. He can commit the names and the appearances of the plants to memory, he thinks, the same way he does the names and faces of cats. He has a good memory, that much he can be confident in.

The question throws him off a bit. What does he think it's for? "Uh." Lichenpaw glances to their mentor with a bit of panic in their eyes. Are they supposed to know? They can guess, they suppose. "I mean — it's — it's," he flounders for a moment. "It looks kinda similar to the... The marigold, you said? With the color, and them both being flowers." A little similar. If he squints. He has no clue if that actually means anything. "The one you gave Sandpaw. So, so maybe — um, you said that one was for swelling, right? Er, maybe this one is too? Or something similar at least, I dunno." Not a very confident answer, but it's better than nothing.
————— ❁ —————

  • //
  • LICHENPAW named for the lichen on the trees of his home.
    — he/him or they/them. 11 moons.
    — thunderclan medicine cat apprentice, mentored by berryheart.
    — bears a near-permanent nervous grin.

    primary character, high activity. penned by saturnid.​
  • "SPEECH"
  • 66645992_9XglqEnKXn6q8TJ.png

The repetition from Freckles' maw blandished a small breath from Berryheart's throat- a sigh, but not a despondent one. A sliver of a noise, and one of approval. And- he had, admittedly, expected to see that glint of panic in his apprentice's eyes- but no lofty expectation awaited within Berryheart's namesake, nor his head. He listened, simply and patiently, as his apprentice gave their thoughts. Their opinions. Voiced aloud their observations, and made a well informed guess. A smile stilled itself subtly upon Berryheart's broken maw- Freckles had gotten much closer to the answer than he would expect from a complete beginner.

"Astutely observed." he praised, nodding. "Marigold and goldenrod are indeed similar in some ways." Grey-green eyes moved back to the plant. His speech was slow, measured, thoughtful- as it always was. He could not lose any clarity to slurring induced by his jaw. "Reducing swelling is something goldenrod cannot do. However, you were right to assume they shared a function- they actually both help wounds to heal." He swallowed as he finished, unused to so much speaking... however, Berryheart was prepared to depict his teachings as clearly as was within his power to manage.
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