camp miracles | nursery




19 moons - skyclan queen - speech

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// ooc: this will take place in current time, after the raid and during the snowmelt! this is technically supposed to be an intro for maeve's kits (cough cough, about 2 weeks later than i was supposed to) but doubles as an open nursery roleplay for anyone to jump in if they'd like :)

the sun rose earlier than usual this morning, shining its bright rays into the nursery. the air was crisp, yet refreshingly warm, carrying the scent of melting snow. maeve woke with the sun, sitting watch over her three kits - tempest, midnight and apple - enjoying the sound of winter birdsong while the rest of the clan went about their morning duties. finally, everything felt peaceful.

maeve was quick to learn about the tensions between the clans. they fought over many things; territory, food, politics, and most recently, medicine. windclan's raid on their camp came as a shock to her, having never seen cats fight before. she watched them from the nursery, huddling her children close and any other kitten that needed her comfort. their attackers were vicious, cruel and bloodhungry, like hungry dogs let loose into a chicken coop. part of her wished that her kittens wouldn't grow to live such events. she wished she could keep them young forever, to protect them from their new fate to be a clan cat. even now, her tail curled around them tightly as they began to stir from their slumber. i owe it to blazestar for letting us stay, she thought solemnly. three fine warriors.

as cats around the clan began to wake, a new buzz of noise drifted around camp. it seemed that everyone was enjoying the nicer weather. moments passed, maybe an hour or two, and her kits were up and energetic. with a thoughtful purr, she turned to the couple of queens she had come to know, dizzymoth and hollyfern- not nursing kits, as they had grown old enough to leave the den, yet they stayed to keep the other queens and kits company. maeve felt eternally grateful for both of them, and has since vowed to do the same for other new, nervous mothers. "say, dizzy, holly, would you like to sit outside with me? these three need to run around for a bit," she hummed, nudging her kits as she spoke. she couldn't keep them cooped up in this den forever, as much as it comforted her to have them close.

// tags: interacting with @TEMPEST ! @Midnight @APPLE @Dizzymoth and hollyfern

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༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ step out into the new normal


They kept appearing. The skittering things. Too huge to be bugs, but too puny still for him to consider them anything but. The queen's arrival had been right under his nose, surely goaded into sanctuary by the fools of this clan. At least, he was not the one left to feeding her in such trying times. They would take the fall for that. All he was to do is sit idly by, though, even that was too much at times. Hardly does he want to have childish squeals set upon his ears so soon after the sun's rising. A glance is offered in passing, though not quite the kind one. A crease of a frown. "No, no, keep them in there. They are quite content. Look at them." Really, he wasn't even sure which ones were theirs. (Was there even more than one litter in there right now?) It was not his job to keep track.

Mothers were often smarter than most, but, alas, the wild left no room for high expectations. Already anticipating that his words would not be taken in, he edges away, instead opting for quite literally anywhere else.

Apple still remembered the noises from beyond the nursery walls of that horrid day. The nightmares still caught her out every so often where the nightmarish beasts attacked SkyClanners and tore apart the dens in their destructive pursuit of the felines within. It was difficult to process, but now that she was awake she was able to leave it all behind in favour of pursuing more mundane and joyous affairs.

The gentle nudge from Maeve prompted her to spring up and away with an air of eagerness to get up to mischief. A soft giggle broke from her as she made a beeline for the nursery entrance where a puddle lay just beyond, formed by the snowmelt and now reflecting the sky above. Settling at the edge she then began to admire her reflection in its surface, though when the novelty passed she turned to splashing her forepaws in the wet.

However, a less familiar face came into view and spoke towards her mama. Apple blinked in confusion as she peered over at Dawnglare, finding the other to be quite fascinating to behold. When they began to slink away she couldn't help but turn to look back at her mother.
"Who was that, mama? They talk funny!"
- ★ -
He pads behind Apple, blinking at the sunlight glinting off the melting snow. Tempest is tired, still, and when he yawns he emits a warm cloud of kitten breath to whatever unfortunate beast dares sit too close to him. "We gotta go outside?" He murmurs at Maeve's nudging, though he obliges after giving his thick cream pelt a lazy grooming.

He sits beside Apple, who preens briefly in the surface of a puddle. He looks like he always has, fluffy with a dark face and icy eyes, and she looks she always has, too. She-cats! Tempest attempts to splash his sister with water before scooting away to stare after the big, weird cat.

"See, that guy doesn't want us out here either," he says petulantly. He punctuates this with another yawn.

"Don't mind him, he doesn't mean anything like that. It's still pretty chilly outside, after all." Fireflypaw quips up as he trudges over, paws dirty with mud. He didn't mind it, but he knew Dawnglare would make him wash them off pretty soon. He kneads the ground beneath his paws, smiling down at the kits. "Hi! I'm Fireflypaw. This one's name is Dawnglare. He's got magic powers, y'know. Heals cats." Fireflypaw hums out with a grin, shut-eyed face moving side to side in odd mannerism. Possibly to get a good idea of just how many cats were actually around. Possibly something else. "I-I mean, I'm his apprentice. W-Which means, I'll be a Healer too someday. But! How are y'all feelin'? No sniffling or nothin'?" He asks, wanting to make sure they weren't catching anything yet. It didn't sound like it, but he was sure it would be good to make double-sure. Right?

A squeal of surprise erupted from Apple as the puddle water was splashed at her by her horror of a brother! "Tempest! You jerk!" She spat angrily as she was forced to groom herself all over again. How was she meant to enjoy her first day out if she didn't look her best? Still, her huffiness didn't last thanks to the appearance of Fireflypaw, who proved to be a welcome distraction from her woes. "Ma-magic powers?!" Oh, now Mr Creepy was something else. She wanted to see such skills in action. "I wanna be a healer too! Teach me! Teach me!" Apple squealed as she bounced around Fireflypaw's feet.

- ★ -
"He does not have magic powers, he just knows which herbs to slap on a wound and call it good." Orangeblossom grumbles as she passes. She wouldn't admit the fact that remembering which herbs are good for what and utilising that knowledge is a power of its own, one that she lacks entirely. A twitch of her whiskers, kinder than her gruff meow, accompanies her glance down at Maeve's kits. They're growing rapidly, all spindly legs and too-big paws- but they're still wide-eyed and curious, and Orangeblossom can't believe it's nearly time for them to leave the nursery already.​


  • orangeblossom, deputy of skyclan
    — mentoring eveningpaw.
    ✦ 26 moons, she/her
    ✦ fluffy white and ginger cat with brown eyes. torn left ear, scar on right foreleg. injured!
    ✦ bi, single. @ on discord for plots.

  • Haha
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