MIRROR VAIN — patrol assignments

Raccoonstripe wakes early, and though he's loathe to leave Nightbird's side, he pushes himself through the exit of the warrior's den and settles at the base of the Highrock. The day is warm already, the air thick; he can tell it will swelter as the sun climbs higher into the sky. "ThunderClan!" He lifts his chin, surveying the cats who gather with gleaming dark eyes. "Today, Burnstorm is leading the dawn patrol along WindClan's border. Take Cobwebtail and Lightflower, if you would." He nods to his nephew and co-lead warrior, then shifts his gaze another direction.

"Ravenstrike." He levels her with a burning gaze, wondering if he can trust her to behave along the ShadowClan border... but then he dips his head. "Take Badgerstripe and Rosethorn to the ShadowClan border this morning. Gentlestorm will accompany you to look for herbs."

Whiskers quivering, he turns to the next group of cats. "Bigfang! You will take Falconheart and Saffronpounce along RiverClan's border at dusk." His tufted ears twitch. "Ensure there are no suspicious scents at Sunningrocks, and mark it well." His distrust of the water-dwellers is clear as ever.

After a few heartbeats, he mews, "I will lead the dusk patrol along SkyClan's border." He had thought long and hard about it, and had ultimately decided he would like to go himself to deal with any disrespect lobbed at his Clanmates from the kittypet-lovers. "I will take Mothfur and Toadhop." He finds his apprentice in the crowd and nods in his direction. "Thistlepaw, you'll be coming, too. Be prepared." It had a probability, at least, of getting ugly.

He flicks his dark gaze to another co-lead warrior, tawny-kissed in the dawn sunlight. "Leafhusk, you will lead a hunting patrol today. Copperfang, you lead one, too. Take whoever you like... and go wherever you need to." He blinks meaningfully, then turns to Brighteyes. "Brighteyes, you will lead today's training session. We need to take advantage of this weather. Teach whatever you like."

He waits for any dissent, then yowls, "Okay, let's make today a productive one, shall we?" He tips a wink his Clanmates' direction before settling to watch them organize.

  • ooc: dawn patrol to windclan: @BURNSTORM @COBWEBTAIL @Lightflower

    dawn patrol to shadowclan: @Ravenstrike @badgerstripe @ROSETHORN @GENTLESTORM

    dusk patrol to skyclan: @RACCOONSTRIPE @Mothfur @TOADHOP @THISTLEPAW

    dusk patrol to riverclan: @BIGFANG @FALCONHEART @SAFFRONPOUNCE

    hunting patrols: @leafhusk @COPPERFANG.

    training patrol: @Brighteyes

  • 74327127_amPwOaY4eGaGkj8.png
  • Raccoon . Raccoonstripe, he/him w/ masculine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 37 moons old, ages realistically on the 5th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring Thistlepaw ; previously mentored Wildheart, Moonwhisper
    — thunderclan lead warrior. gray wolf x howlingstar, gen 2.
    — currently mated to Nightbird.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh black tabby with white and dark brown eyes. charismatic, charming, calculating, ambitious, shallow, manipulative.


With heavy paws, the ginger tom dutifully presents himself before Raccoonstripe for today’s patrols. Eyes narrow against the sliver of sunlight that filters through the tree’s, he was eager for another warm day within the oak forest. If only it didn’t make him so tired, he wishes for little more than to bask within the sun all day long. He’d not dare vocalize this out loud, however, in fear of being berated for still being little more than a kittypet.

It’s thoughts like these that worry Bigfang. Did growing tired under the warmth of the sun mean they were right? Did his past as a kittypet really make him lazier by default? He doesn’t know and forces himself to repel the thought off his pelt like rainwater.

Raccoonstripe honors him with leading a patrol to RiverClan. He nods to show his understanding and obedience. Falconheart and Saffronpounce would be joining him… and he supposed he should take Sproutpaw too. His apprentice and him had been… uncomfortable around each other since the incident with the twoleg.

@Sproutpaw .” He calls to his apprentice, ”Did you hear that? You’ll be joining us in the dusk. Make sure you’re rested up.” He meows, head raised authoritatively. He’s opted to speak to his apprentice as if the incident that occured several days ago that never happened, what else was he suppose to do?
  • » HankBigfang
    » ThunderClan Warrior
    » Former Kittypet
    » He/him
    » A large, beaten-up ginger tabby tom with green eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A heavy-hitting foe who makes his hits count
    » Excels in heavy, powerful moves.
    » Fights to protect and make opponents flee.
    » Though strong, he is a slow mover. A fleet-footed cat would both easily frustrate and land hits on him.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

Raccoonstripe's steady voice rang out into the clearing, and Thundergleam's ears swivelled to the sound- thoughtful eyes hitched upon each enunciation, every name, hoping to hear hers among them. But, no... and no Stormywing, either. She still was not as trusted as she would like to be, then... still tethered to a born warrior's side. Rosy eyes steeled against the disappintment that writhed within her- no, it would be no use wallowing in her feelings.

Her face glowed with feather-soft warmth, instead. Yes, that was what she would align with... only positivity, isonated and sun kissed. "Good luck on your endeavours, friends," Thundergleam chirped toward the lot of them, tufted tail flicking hapilly, pale paws pitter-pattering a prancing dance upon the undergrowth-blanketed earth. Pink eyes sought her mentor out then, looking toward Stormywing with an eager hopefulness. "Shall we attend a hunting patrol?"

\ talking to @STORMYWING
penned by pin ☾

it didn't seem like he was going on much of an adventure this time which was okay! he didn't mind just training and it seemed that brighteyes was in charge of that! okay! sounded like so much fun! he finds himself bouncing excitedly on his paws, purring in thought before skipping ahead to thundergleam and brushing against her with a smile.

"good luck!"

he purred before moving over to gentlestorm and bumping his head against the bigger tom's shoulder, offering the same smile.

"come back soon!"

and with that, he skipped over to brighteyes, grinning widely.

"I'm alllllll ready! what are we training on today!"

𓍊𓋼 The tabby-striped lead warrior’s call is met with an anxious grimace as Falconheart meanders closer to where the tom gathers ThunderClan for patrols. His shoulders are stiff, tension drawn through them tight as the vines that wind around the tallest trees of the forest. Will another code-breaking patrol be assigned? Will he be called to aid in Raccoonstripe’s theft once again? Nervousness paints Falconheart’s expression, white-capped tail twitching when his name is spoken quickly after Bigfang’s. His eyes dart to the larger tom—Bigfang is broad-shouldered and rough-voiced, but seems friendly enough.

Falconheart nods affirmatively to the lead warrior, then turns to look at his assigned patrol leader. "I’ll meet you when it’s time to leave," he offers to the Bigfang, and then turns to head toward the nursery. Being assigned to a dusk patrol means he’s got some free time to spend with his siblings before he’s needed outside of camp.

  • ooc:
  • 80687246_bUlIUCNEIyetYd8.png
    FALCONHEART ❯❯ he/him, thunderclan warrior
    shorter than average cream tabby with white spotting. seems gloomy and has few friends, but is a hard worker and never neglects his duties.
    son of flamewhisker and flycatcher ; brother to stormfeather, scorchedkit, mothkit, sunkit, squirrelkit, sparrowpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore

Burnstorm, in all honesty, is surprised that Racoonstripe's only punishment for his insurrection had been a ban from the gathering. His grandmother always had been lenient with their blood, but then again, he is glad that is all that came of it. What his uncle had did had broken the code, sure, bit to say Burnstorm disagreed with what he had done would be a stretch. Surely StarClan could forgive them if they just had the best interests of their clan at heart, right?

He comes to the now familiar summons. It is easy to forget that it is Flamewhisker's rightful place when his uncle takes to it so naturally and with so much confidence. He himself was surprised to find that with the birth of his kits, his ambition has dwindled slightly. Now, the only desire he has to one day assume a higher position stems from the fact that if he held power then he could keep those he loved safe. He would throw away all nine lives granted to him from StarClan if it meant protecting his family.

His name is among the first listed. A patrol to WindClan with his other uncle and Lightflower. He dips his head in silent acknowledgement before golden eyes sweep the crowd searching for two familiar faces. "We will leave as soon as you are both ready" he tells each of them before padding off to the fresh-kill pile to wolf down a quick breakfast.

  • 73593410_oSE7LuZcU8tOnrY.png
    A large, sharp tongued, tom with long black fur and golden, oval shaped, eyes.
    Difficult in battle. A skilled fighter + fights honorably
a familiar voice echoes across the clearing, signaling for today’s tasks. her ears swivel, awaiting to hear her name, and doesn’t until the very end. leafhusk’s eyes noticeably squint, picking up on the tidbit at the end- confused by the meaning. it is disregarded quickly, the molly thanking her co-lead with a dip of her head.

"anyone who wants to go hunting, i’ll be leaving soon. we’ll be hunting in thunderclan’s land." daybreak eyes scan the camp, padding off to fetch adderpaw before gathering her clanmates​
Stormywing pads forward, her tail swinging gently at her heels as a sleepy yawn parts her jaws. She's gotten so used to seeing Raccoonstripe out here assigning patrols, she's sure it'll be strange to see Flamewhisker back doing it again soon. The young warrior listens intently for her name to be called, but alas, she is not so lucky. "Free day for me then," She mutters to herself, tone neutral as she turns to face her charge. Shall we attend a hunting patrol?

"Sure," She chirps back casually, a shrug in her shoulders as she begins to scan the ground. Leafhusk is set to lead one of them, and she's calling out for volunteers. Looking back to Thundergleam, the she-cat gestures with her head for her to follow. "Come on, let's go see if we can tag along with Leafhusk. We gotta grab Fallowpaw, too." With that, she sets up at a trot after the lead warrior to catch up with her.