border mischief in the making ] rogues


it is polite to knock.
Jul 27, 2024
Spider slinks through the underbrush, her movements silent and deliberate, like a shadow gliding through the forest. She leads her siblings toward SkyClan's border, their dark forms barely visible amidst the tangled undergrowth. The evening light filters through the dense canopy above, casting shifting patterns on the forest floor, but Spider’s sharp eyes remain unfazed. Her sleek, black pelt merges seamlessly with the gloom, the only hints of her presence being the gleam of her eyes and the flash of white that is her chest. The forest is alive with the sounds of twilight—distant chirps of insects, the rustling of leaves, and the occasional call of an owl. Spider’s playful smile, barely perceptible in the dim light, reveals her anticipation. She flicks her tail, excitement palpable in the twitch of her whiskers and the way her muscles ripple beneath her fur. Every step is calculated, her paws making no more sound than the whispers of the wind.

As they approach the border, the familiar scent of SkyClan cats grows stronger, mingling with the earthy aroma of the forest. It’s a scent that Spider has come to associate with mischief and mayhem rather than fear. Her smirk deepens as she inhales the acrid tang of Clan scents, a testament to her familiarity and comfort with her intended troublemaking. The two-toned feline pauses at the edge of the border, her gaze shifting back to her siblings, her eyes gleaming with mischief. “We’re just going to stir things up a bit, get their fur ruffled,” she murmurs, her voice low and hushed yet brimming with mischief. Her tail flicks with barely restrained excitement, and her whiskers twitch with the thrill of the impending disruption.

Stepping gracefully past the border’s edge, Spider lets out a melodic call, her voice carrying through the forest with a sing-song quality. “Kite!” she croons, the name rolling off her tongue with mock sweetness. “Wolf!” she continues, her purr resonating with mischievous warmth. She saunters onward, her movements smooth and confident, not sparing a glance for her siblings as she revels in the anticipation of the chaos to come. “We’ve come to visit!” she calls out with an exaggerated cheerfulness, her voice lilting and playful. “We miss you so much!” The words hang in the air, a taunt wrapped in affection, as Spider prepares to revel in the inevitable stir their intrusion will create.

@shrike @Viper @vixen @Coyote. @HAWK @KITE @WOLF
[ no need to wait for everyone tagged lol ]​
The strange scent of rogues tingled on her nose and she instinctively finds the grace of the stars guiding her toward them. A gentle hum leaves the ethereal beauty's lips as she slinks into the opening and eventually stops before the rogues, a blockade to their little prancing on their territory. ”... Mmm... You're on Skyclan territory...” Palemoon gracefully states as she tilts her head owlishly, offering an overly sweet smile. Despite the number of rogues, Palemoon felt no fear. Starclan gracefully embraced her on their starry forearms, the crescent moon upon her head a symbol of a kiss from their gods. A plush tail sways side to side as her ghostly gaze flicks between the felines, a soft yawn parting her lips.

”...Go back to the border... and I'll retrieve Wolf and... Kite...” While her voice represented a lullaby that could ease anyone into restless, there was an eerie feeling behind it. Pale's gaze shifts towards the one openly yowling for their so-called 'siblings'. Her aura represented the beauty and presence the moon brought, gentle yet unfaltering despite the dangerous situation she could find herself in. They were on her territory, Skyclan territory, and they easily outnumbered her. Did it bother her? No. Starclan had an answer for everything — and if anything happened to her, so be it. It was her fate, but she knew Duskpool always was nearby. Spider's actions failed to elicit any response or reaction from the seemingly unaffected Palemoon. Rogues always wished to cause discord and run rampart, a reaction would only keep bringing them back. If they kept pushing or didn't heed her warnings, Pale wouldn't be phased when the wrath of her clan rained upon them with the barbarity of a hundred lions.
Viper had heard of Kite and Wolf's recent venture to join the clan that so many kittypets had begun to join the ranks of. It hadn't mattered much to him - after all, he knew his siblings and the fact that they would drop whatever game they were playing if it meant they couldn't see each other anymore - but when the plan had unfolded for the two litters of kin to descend upon the territory simply to cause issues he couldn't help but follow behind, even if he hadn't said that he agreed with the plan. It sounded like fun, like something to do other than sit along slats on a wooden fence, and so he was in.

The chimera, too, ignored the strong scent of the border as he followed behind Spider, ears pricked and head cocking to the side as he began to listen, eyes training before him as the sing-song words of his sister's voice moved through the air. He still said nothing in response, eyes turning towards an annoyingly graceful feline as she moved from the direction they were heading, telling them they're on SkyClan territory. SkyClan. Viper had a name for it now, the clan that now housed two siblings, the clan that so many kittypets within the twolegplace had decided to move to. They're told to go back to the border and he can't help but let out a small noise, gravelly and hoarse, as he scoffs and shakes his head.

"Oh they're here? I'd rather see them myself thanks." It's practically spit out as he keeps walking, purposefully attempting to shove past Palemoon with his shoulder as she stood there, before a tail flicked towards his siblings. Whether or not they actually ventured deeper into the territory he didn't care, he just wasn't going to take orders from whoever that cat was.

  • --
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  • : ̗̀➛ sh blue/blue tabby w/low white
    : ̗̀➛ 38 moons old, ages realistically every 21th
    : ̗̀➛ stubborn and loyal to family
    : ̗̀➛ will start fights, will finish fights
    : ̗̀➛ "speech", thoughts, attacking
    : ̗̀➛ peaceful powerplay and healing allowed
Hawk strolls entirely too languidly. The red tabby is on the scrawny side, armored by his long fur. Amongst the wilderness he sticks out like a sore thumb, mussed fur providing him with a feral appearance. Trailing behind is his swaying tail, a long scar wrapping up it, a mark that evidences his life as a rogue. The departure of Kite and Wolf leaves him unsteady, not exactly bitter, but more so, offended and confused. "It's not going to be hard. You only need to spit and see how that goes." He huffs at Spider, inclined to believe the touchiness of rogues extends to the wilderness cats.

Behind both Viper and Spider, he's being very careful to not step over the border. He briefly sits, anchored to the ground, armed only with his claws and insufferably smug demeanor. The rogue's objective is easy, he's here to poke and prod at the clan, to jeer guarded by the immunity of the borders. This is immediately thrown out as Spider strolls past the stench that marks the borders. He's quick to join his sibling in passing the border, a flick of the ear betraying his exasperation. He's expected nothing less, but disregards the tactful approach to back up his younger sibling.

Plastered on his maw is pleasantly unpleasant smile, a hollowed eyed stare really to receive whomever is unlucky enough to approach the family. The excitement from Spider that's entirely impossible to miss is infectious, has his restless paws itching and himself breathless with anticipation.

He straightens incrementally at the clan cat's arrival, something improper and stiff about the tight lipped smile he offers. Hawk paces closer to Palemoon but withholds himself. There's a bright tone to his words, but a sour note inhibits them. Trying to be diplomatic: "How kind and very gracious of you." His head tips to the side, can't help himself in throwing a barb: "Sounds like Viper is missing them. Best for me to fetch them then, you'll know they're coming back."

He finds time to slowly draw a tongue over his maw before striding onwards, as if to dare the clan residents.

  • ooc.
  • HAWK —— rogue , not mentoring/mentored . littermate to vixen , viper , kite . sibling to wolf , spider , shrike , coyote . ✦ penned by snail
    male / he/him / 38 moons & ages every 21th
    single / bisexual & monogamous / closed to romance
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— experienced fighter

    speech, 'thoughts', all opinions are in character
    biography — msg on discord for plots

  • a longhaired red tabby with low white and green eyes. a scar wraps around his tail.
don't raise your voice . improve your argument .
By the Stars, Duskpool seemed to have lucked out, appearin’ just in time to see Viper shove past Palemoon, emittin’ a thunderous snarl, scarred lips peeled back to reveal sharp canines, tongue peekin’ out between canines like a snarlin’ wolf. “I suggest ya get back, or I’ll kill ya right where ya stand.” The older warrior sneered, muzzle wrinklin’ with the motion, bulky frame comin’ to a stop, nose-to-nose with Viper, attemptin’ to block the rogue from goin’ further. It didn’t go unnoticed, fiery hues watchin’ Hawk with a low, guttural rumble in warnin’.

A fiery molten hue slid across the group, wooly plumage sweepin’ in a semi-arc, kickin’ up undergrowth in contemplation, frame subconsciously blockin’ Palemoon from view, or at least, he hoped if this turns ugly. The warrior ain’t about to take any chances, even the thought of losin’ another would no doubt leave a gapin’ wound that’d never heal ( not that it ever did after losin’ his younger brothers, still bleedin’ a slow, languid trickle till every drop of ichor pooled at his paws ).

“Crochet. Why don’t ya go fetch ‘em while we chat about manners, eh?” He commented, not once lookin’ at his shadowed apprentice, but hopin’ to Stars the molly followed his orders. He ain’t about to let Crochet be introduced to fightin’ when they’ve only just begun. Not when it was a high risk of gettin’ injured. Drowsynose’s incident won’t ever happen again, not under his watch.

Damn rogues. He scoffed internally, mangled ears lay flat against his helm, wooly fur bristlin’, yet the twisted snarl on a scarred maw remained consistent, pink tongue lickin’ at canines, no doubt promisin’ a world of hurt and for the third time, Duskpool ain’t about to carry a lick of guilt.

thought speech
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Chickbloom was grateful he’d never encountered rouges on the territory before; especially not alone. There were times - sleepless nights, mostly - where the milksop imagined what he would do in such a situation. Every time, silent shame fell upon the Scottish Fold as he decided he would flee.

Tonight was different, though. Silversmoke’s nest still laid empty; his friend’s whereabouts or even health unknowable. All they’d been able to discern was that he’d been attacked by the same type of cats that were now so casually walking through Skyclan territory. As yolk-splashed paws raced forwards, skidding to a halt beside Duskpool, a perpetually-wide gaze took in the intruders.

They were confident and intimidating, the perfect combination to make the living doormat roll over. On any other night, the baby bird would’ve led them into camp fearing for his life. On any other night, he would play the part of unwilling host. However, tonight, seldom-seen claws unsheathed. Chickbloom didn’t cut a particularly threatening figure - especially standing next to Duskpool - his whole body shaking as every instinct screamed to flee, but the boy stayed put.

“D-Do you know where S-Silversmoke is?” The warrior blurted out suddenly. It was an inane question with a million-to-one chance of getting a response, but he was desperate. An anxious mind was running wild with thoughts about what happened to his friend and mentor. Maybe they’d seen the stern warrior limping away from battle? Maybe they’d seen where he’d gone?

Or maybe they’d attacked him.

Chickbloom’s breathing grew faster, and he subconsciously shuffled closer to Duskpool. “G-Get out of here r-right now, or I’ll - w-we’ll - have to f-fight you…” The coward managed to stammer out, Moving to stand in front of Hawk while amber eyes nervously flicked between the rogues.​
duskpool isn’t far behind, palemoon is correct– but where he goes, the shadow follows. what should’ve been a quick walk around the borders to learn their inner workings quickly became a more paws-on lesson. crochet strides behind her mentor, peering behind his hulking body to eye the rogues suspiciously.

"you’re trespassing." her voice echoes off the older warrior’s guttural warning growl. verbal whiplash.

when she stepped over the borders, a hoard of cats came crawling like moths to tell her off. this staredown felt currently outnumbered, and something pricked in her paws, her belly, making the lilac fur stand upon her spine. crochet’s maw parts to childishly protest because she wants to see the action, but the smarter section of her brain takes over.

her jaw sets awkwardly, nodding curtly, "yep." the tiny bell on her collar jingles pathetically as she turns heel to fetch kite. that’s the new one… with the stripes?

la la la fetching @KITE
( 𓆙 ) since their adventure in the marsh, shrike has not attempted to approach the clans. the blood on their paws hadn't bothered them - rarely it ever does - but they will admit their siblings' stark absence from twolegplace has left them feeling confused. there is no sorrow in their heart, for they feel as if they had known kite and wolf were leaving before the two knew themselves. rather, there is a vague vacancy where kite's usual brusque personality slots into their life. wolf, her littermate, had been less of a constant companion, but still an absence shrike feels deeply in their core. spider's suggestion to visit the two skyclanners had been met with enthusiasm from the rest of shrike's siblings. personally, they don't feel either way about it, although the thought of seeing kite and wolf again sends warmth through their chest.

as her siblings blatantly disregard borders, shrike takes up the rear beside vixen, dull blue eyes finding the mottled shape of her eldest sister with a curious look. the woman has been here before, for reasons she doubts skyclan know, and for a heartbeat, shrike wonders if her sister's scent will be recognized. as the group is approached, it doesn't appear so. a pale beauty pads from the trees, tail languidly flowing behind her. the blue tabby meets her similarly hued gaze, eyes full of curiosity more than challenge. as more cats join palemoon, the rogue will simply watch, entertained.

"smoke is always silver," she murmurs in response to the yellow-and-white cat's blurted question. "until it fades. then it is nothing." odd blue eyes blink at the splotched tom, maw stretching into an unsightly grin. a gray scarred tomcat stalks towards viper, threats tough on his tongue. shrike watches, waits, gaze flickering with some unshed emotion. a sweet looking lilac girl bounds away, seemingly to fetch the ones the rogue siblings have come to see. frosty blue eyes watch her go, then scan the horizon for the arrival of her loved ones.

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    a blue tabby with a white mask, wing-shaped patches on her back, and blue eyes. blue, with a darker blue stripe running down their back, tail and ears. their chest and paws are white, and they have a white mask around her eyes, and white wing-like patches along their back and sides. piercing dark blue eyes often give a far-away look, slightly vacant but always glimmering with thought. she has two small scars, curling pink along her neck, gifts from an enemy rogue in her youth.
Kite is making a nest (it resembles that of a hairball...) when they're roused from deep focus by the jingle of a bell and the hot air of labored breathing on their neck. Kite's siblings, on the border? Peculiar. They had not expected for this to happen so soon. What? It has been only been three sunrises? There's no time to find @Eggbounce. to notify him of their whereabouts. If their was a chance of descalation, Kite would not mind dealing with the repercussions of leaving camp without his leave. Kite only urges Crochet to lead them to which part of border they could be-- they have no grasp on this territory yet.

When Kite arrives, they skid to a halt and lets their gaze travel swiftly over siblings and Skyclanners alike, analyzing the situation. What a mess this was. There is no doubt this will jeopardize whatever small progress the black cat has made. Kite remains for several heartbeats where they had halted before bounding forward and shouldering between Viper and Duskpool, in an attempt to put distance between them. "Brothers, sisters," Kite growls softly, their face is stony but their tone will convey all which is important. "I'm here... now. Is this performance necessary? Surely there's more important things to do...." Kite glares at those they're is sure are the instigators here, gaze softening upon Shrike momentarily and then hardening when Kite whips her head around back to Viper. "Well. What's it going to be?"Never has Kite used violence on her family, apart from the familiar roughhousing, but Kite knows what the onlookers may expect of themself... Will Kite need to prove themself in such a way...?

———————---****KEEP IT ALL INSIDE******———————---
  • black tabby with a slim physique and compact muscles, tags
    38, ages every 21st
    they/them or she/her
    wary to trust
    peaceful powerplay allowed

Shoulder blades sway, rocking in a way that makes his black thorns dance like soot-kissed grass blades. The scent and tune of strangers, rogues as common as flies lately. They call, the name Kite sings into the air alongside wolf, the skin on Thistleback’s nose pinches and he prowls quickly through the forest. He can see six strangers, well over the border and nose to nose with Duskpool, Palemoon, and Chickbloom who displays a rare sort of lionheartedness despite his stammer. Thistleback’s hocks are low to the ground as he peels from the grasping shadows, muscled forelimbs painted by war bring him to Chickbloom’s flank.

Undisciplined pests, rogues were- having been one himself once he knew how they walked, how they talked. No duty or honor, things done out of sinful sport and seeking to stake claim to whatever they could if but only to prove their unseemly miserable existence has any worth or texture.

‘ smoke is always silver, until it fades and then it is nothing ’ words cryptic but seeming faintly boastful, that which neither denotes innocence or guilt. His lips twitch over grime wedged teeth, unreadable he stands with a stillness set over him like a veil. Watching throats bob as each take their turn to speak, his tongue lies still, his jaw clenches and unclenches. He does not entertain it.

Crochet is quick on the fetch, Kite spills into the clearing and faces her siblings. What had she brought to their border? perhaps, answers. Had these been the rogues to take Silversmoke? . Their boldness made that easy to suspect. If these were the rogues responsible, with Kite and Wolf so fresh in the ranks- what were the chances of this all coming into some sort of elaborate plan. Thistleback’s eyes flit between the rogues and land on the back of Kite’s dark furred head. He doesn't entertain this either, not yet.

" do make a wise decision " his nails unfurl from their sheathes, haunches lowered further to the ground he’s ready, snaking his tail to and fro. His thirst for blood hadn’t quite quenched since Kuiper, like a burn in the back of his throat, he used to think it was his desire for justice and to keep the evil in this world away from his family and loved ones.

" your time here, is at its end " he speaks with finality, chin raising and shoulders going taut.

  • MqZ0nzd.png

    forty-eight mns. EVENT TRACKER | IMPORTANT INFO
    — Former Lead warrior of Skyclan 12.22.22 - 06.2023
    Father of Coyotecrest, Eveningsun and Scorpionpaw
    — mentoring Teeveepaw formerly Snowpath & Quillstrike
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png


Why Coyote bothered to entertain this expedition eluded her, if anyone else had led it then maybe she would be more willing. She had been content in not going but as the rest of her siblings trailed after her littermate she masqueraded a curiosity about the clan and a desire to cause trouble so that she could slot herself along the family ideals with ease. She stands rigid, a dog with a leash pulled taut ready to launch a tirade at a simple command. That hadn't been the plan though, not in the initial workings at least. They were just here to ruffle some fur, step on some precious clan cat paws and visit wayward siblings. She is quick to follow behind her family, stepping over the SkyClan border with no regard to whatever the scent clearly stood to represent, keeping the riffraff out . There was no need to call out to Kite and Wolf, not when Spider was doing such a masterful job at it.

One by one the clan cats form a united front, not here to entertain any antics. How dull. Hackles raise in a pin prick as SkyClan wastes no effort in intimidation, muzzle scrunching and maw twisting into a scowl as Duskpool stands nose to nose with her brother. While Chickbloom, some coward wearing a warriors skin tries to hold a torch of intimidation against Hawk. She snorts at that, the first sound to leave her since they left. Was this the best SkyClan can manage? It seemed easier to make a home under their skin than initially thought.

Then, Kite comes home. Not quite, still on the pesky border but they make their presence known all the same. Eyes flicker to Shrike momentarily as the black tabby takes a stern tone, she was aware that the two were close and there was an idle curiosity about how it must feel for her now that their older sibling was brushing shoulders with these cats. "I'm sorry, was anyone addressing you?" Coyote speaks up, eyes landing on Thistleback's form. Taking in his scars, his taut shoulders and raised chin. "I don't believe anyone was, know your place" she growls but allows herself to smile, quite happy to run her mouth. Still, she remains rigid, this ultimatum set by Kite was not hers to call to, unlike some cats here she knew where she stood in the dynamics at play on this stage.

    She / her, Rogue, 15 moons (ages on the 3rd)
    NPC x NPC | Sibling to Vixen, Viper, Kite, Hawk, Wolf, Spider & Shrike
    A long haired tortoiseshell with hazel eyes | Judgemental and spiteful, a cat that lacks respect for others and refuses to feign it.
    "speech" | thoughts | attacking
    All opinions are IC only!

"No, you should know your place," Howlfire snapped, padding up alongside Thistleback, fixing Coyote with a warning stare. Although not carrying herself in an outright hostile posture, the fur along her spine raised uneasily. "You are addressing a warrior of SkyClan whilst you and your friends attempt to trespass." Amber eyes flash over the other cats on the opposite side of the border, curious what their further reactions to this would be. Her clanmates had done a valiant attempt to hold them back, warning against overstepping, though it seemed they were not as compliant as they would have liked. "You should be lucky we even brought your kin to you," Howlfire mewed, glancing towards Kite after Crochet had summoned them. "Keep your tongues under control and we might let you stay to finish whatever this is all about." In a softer tone, she whispers to Thistleback, "Stars know they don't deserve it though."
  • Love
Reactions: ThistleBack
Seeing Crochet and Kite barrel through camp had certainly sparked Butcher's interest, and seeing the cluster of cats the two sprinted towards only fanned the flames. So many cats in one spot felt dangerous. She could only compare it to one awfully muggy day at the store, when the wind-pusher thing had been broken and the humans had been all crammed into the small store, and it hadn't taken long for jostling to turn to shoving to a fight. It... probably wasn't how she wanted this event to go. Definitely not. Any potential coolness of a brawl was quickly squashed by reality, that heavy-handed thing that wouldn't leave Butcher alone.

Still, she at least wanted to see what was going down.

The red and white cat slunk toward the group. She quickly realised why folks hadn't been immediately friendly when she'd rocked up a few days ago, and instantly appreciated that Duskpool had been positively jovial by comparison that day. Between him, the other warriors, and the stranger's demands being (partially?) met, Butcher allowed her attention to wander, landing on - hey, she knew that pretty cat. What was Spider doing here? "Hey," she started, tone caught between accusatory and confused and elated, and stopped, her splattered face painted in an illegible question. Butcher didn't know much about this high-tension situation, but she knew she should probably shut up.


"Why are you all standing here while these rogues trespass and shit-talk you? No wonder they're killing our clanmates when we let them get away with so much." growled the towering chimera as he strode forward, fur spiked up along his neck as he all but glared at his clanmates. Were they for fucking real right now? The murders aside that were blatantly rogue involved, these mouthy, disrespectful rats were spitting ignoring their border, insulting their cats, and clearly trying to start shit.

What was Skycln going to do? Use their words and ask them to not be so mean? Screw that. Quill was going to show these idiots what happened when you poked at a Skyclan warrior.

Caring not if he started a war right there and then, Quillstrike lunged for Coyote. He wasn't some skittish weakling like Chickbloom and he wasn't some noble old man like Thistleback. He's been forged into a weapon of claws and teeth wrapped in a body of scars, and he'd be damned if he didn't put every lick of training to good use right then and there. He aimed to barrel into the shecat in an attempt to violently slam her into the ground with teeth-rattling force, fangs snapping at the flesh of her throat in an eager attempt to grab ahold.

OOC- he is absolutely going for @Coyote. All IC opinions, <3

skyclan - male - 29 months (Feb 17th) - mated to Twitchbolt - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.

  • Angry
Reactions: Coyote.
Spider hangs back as her siblings take up the task, whiskers twitching in amusement as SkyClan cats flock to the group like flies to a carcass. There's a twitch in the corner of her mouth, a smile wanting to stretch into a grin, but she keeps her expression relaxed and at ease as sharp-edged words begin to fly back and forth. Her tail sways, calm and methodical, as she watches the tension build between the two groups. She lifts one red-tinted paw, drawing her tongue over it, almost making a show of her nonchalance. Her attention is slightly derailed, however, as she sees a familiar face. Her eyes brighten somewhat, and she sidles around the groups that are slowly growing more and more irritated. She brushes up against Butcher's side, purring a greeting to her.

"Butch! How nice to see you here. When did you start running with this bunch?" She sits down beside her, shoulder touching the crimson-hued feline's own. Even as Quillstrike lunges forward in an attempt to take down Coyote, she's relaxed, more focused on her conversation than the building enmity between everyone. Spider’s eyes slide momentarily back to the confrontation. The sight of Quillstrike and Coyote’s clash is almost amusing to her. She takes in the sight of Quillstrike’s tense muscles, Coyote’s defensive stance, and the rising fury in the air, but it all seems distant, secondary to her. She stretches languidly, her claws digging into the earth for a moment before retracting.

"I didn't expect to see you mixed up in this," Spider continues, her tone light and teasing, ignoring the escalating shouts and hisses around them. "What’s brought you to their side? Something interesting, I hope?" Her purr deepens as she leans a bit closer, clearly enjoying the chaos unfolding around her while she remains a bastion of calm in the storm.​
‘ know your place ‘ he blinks, eyes flitting around himself a bit because he wanted to be sure, just in case they didn’t know who the hell they thought they were talking to. Thistleback can’t help the laugh that bellows out his jaws from the audacity, thoroughly tickled. Howlfire looking every bit like her father, appears by his side and ripostes in his defense. He nods in agreement with her final words, already knowing where this is heading. Blood would spill today, it was only ill-fated that they should be without their leader or medics. It is what designs his hesitancy, if but marginally.

an idea sprouts roots in his head, to follow these wasps to their hive. He would speak with Slate, surely a track could be arranged. The pair of them having lived as rogues once, had that in their favor. His jaw slacks to memorize their acrid scent. Only to snap shut as he hears the chiding words of his former apprentice. He barely has time to move his head-

" Quill-STRIKE! " he snaps out at the blur of black and tabby stripes as it rips past his vision and collides with the rogue in front of him. imbecile, he grits his teeth but what further choice was there but to now drive them off? It was perhaps out of curiosity toward their newest recruits' loyalties that this charade had gone on for this long already.

The black and white rogue continues talking, as blood now roars in his tattered ears. He sees Spider drawn closer to Butcher, even going as far as to sit beside her. That was enough, this farce was making his blood itch. Mangling the earth with his claws,

" SKYCLAN, ATTACK! " he growls with a lashing tail, bucking off the grass he surges forward paws hammering the ground closing a distance as he attempts to collide with @SPIDER . Jaws aimed at her scruff, dirty nails aimed at her shoulder with enough force to meet muscle and bone should it connect.

  • MqZ0nzd.png

    forty-eight mns. EVENT TRACKER | IMPORTANT INFO
    — Former Lead warrior of Skyclan 12.22.22 - 06.2023
    Father of Coyotecrest, Eveningsun and Scorpionpaw
    — mentoring Teeveepaw formerly Snowpath & Quillstrike
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png

( 𓆙 ) and, of course, it escalates. because her siblings have no tact, nor stealth, and truly they are here not to see kite and wolf, but to start a fight. shrike has never shied away from battle, enjoying the feeling of crimson pouring across her face from a well aimed bite, but she prefers a sneak attack, a quick and clean kill, if she must. this is just annoying.

as kite flows out from the undergrowth, the younger sister will perk up, haunted blue gaze brightening at the sight of her sister safe and sound. as the black tabby aims to shove between viper and the smoke scarred clanner, her sister will pad forward, shoving her muzzle into kite's neck fur and breathing a soft sigh. "you are safe," she notes, retreating back behind the rest of her kin. there is a moment's hesitation, a stillness in the air, and then a shriek and the crunch of bone on bone as a black tabby flies through the air and collides with the pale body of shrike's brother. her head snaps towards the fight, brow furrowing with distaste rather than fear. spider sidles up to a rust spattered she-cat, and then a black and white, purple collared tomcat snarls out an order. jumping to her paws, shrike backs up, apparently the only one of her siblings who cares for life.

"we have seen that they are okay," she murmurs to spider, brushing against her sister. "must we now spill blood?" but she is too late, for the scarred black and white warrior crashes into her similarly hued sister a heartbeat later. shrike skitters out of the way, pale eyes scanning for vixen, imploringly beseeching an order..

  • // "#586f6b"
  • 85491344_uk6R6zo595jO23z.png

    a blue tabby with a white mask, wing-shaped patches on her back, and blue eyes. blue, with a darker blue stripe running down their back, tail and ears. their chest and paws are white, and they have a white mask around her eyes, and white wing-like patches along their back and sides. piercing dark blue eyes often give a far-away look, slightly vacant but always glimmering with thought. she has two small scars, curling pink along her neck, gifts from an enemy rogue in her youth.
Kite is used to being the one in control. Elegantly swaying their siblings to their every whim... Kite feels small. Already Kite as been an ant, attempting to follow the status quo of Skyclan, hoping that surely it'll get easier. After all, it has only been three days, but their siblings threaten to damage their precarious standing. Could this be the end of Kite's short tenure in Skyclan, not if Kite could help it though. Kite implored theirs siblings to understand, through the way their eyes were slitted... the way lips pulled back to expose glistening teeth as they glared at Viper. Kite seethed.

It was only a verbal skirmish but now the stakes have escalated. Quillstrike engages with Coyote... Thistleback with Spider. All Kite can do is stand between Viper and Duskpool, muscles tensing and claws unsheathing in the event they must break up a fight between the two. A growl rumbles from her, lingering in the charged air for several heartbeats, but it catches in their throat when a light colored muzzle pushes into Kite's dark neck. "Shrike," Kite breathes roughly, eyes searching Shrike's own, two pools of mystery. Shrike should know... Kite was doing this for her, and their siblings, so they may be able to move up and out of the filfthy Twolegplace. Kite's maw parts and the shuts as Shrike retreats.

They must restrain themselves from launching their compact body onto Thistleback when their attack on Spider nearly involves Shrike. "End this," Kite hisses to no one in particular, tail lashing with an anger and hackles raising. Kite knows not what to do without overstepping the rules which they must adhere to within this clan and without tarnishing the honor they owe to their family.

———————---****KEEP IT ALL INSIDE******———————---
  • black tabby with a slim physique and compact muscles, tags
    38, ages every 21st
    they/them or she/her
    wary to trust
    peaceful powerplay allowed

Shrike’s riddle-like words only serve to make the Scottish Fold both angrier and more scared. What did it mean? Was Silversmoke dead? Or had they never seen him? Before Chickbloom could ask another question, Quillstrike had shot like a bullet towards Coyote. Panicked yowls and calls for calm erupted all around him. At the end of his gaze, Thistleback had barked orders before lunging at his own target.

It was a battle now. This was a battle. He was in a battle. The baby bird began to breathe harder, still roooted in place like a deer in headlights. The whelp had never been in a fight before; not a real one, anyway. Chickbloom was transported back to his combat trial with Silversmoke, brief memories of flailing fruitlessly against the stern warrior flashing before wide eyes returned to the present, focusing on hawk. “For all I know, this rouge could’ve been the one who…”

With a deep, shaky breath, egg-battered fur bristled as Chickbloom assumed a rarely-practiced combat stance. Fearful amber embers hardened into a small fire. “Remember Silversmoke. Remember his training. Remember what they took from you.”

With an angry hiss, Chickbloom charged towards @HAWK in an easily-readable attempt to tackle the rogue. If somehow successful, the whelp would attempt to rake unsure claws across the other’s face.

Any semblance of remaining peace is quickly shattered upon Quillstrike's arrival. His comment about them all standing there was fair enough, Howlfire supposed, especially since prior to that to they had appeared ignorant of the request to follow orders by their other clanmates and these rogues relaxed presence. The peace is well and truly shattered when Quillstrike tears across the border, launching himself at the mouthy one that had spoken to Thistleback. Despite the older tom's yell, Howlfire couldn't help bur smirk, glad that Quillstrike was seeing to that one.

With a yell from Thistleback, they were now well and truly in a battle, with the spiky tom going for Spider, and even the skittish Chickbloom sizing up against one of them. Drawing up onto her full height, Howlfire sets her sights for the blue tabby that was close to Palemoon. Baring her teeth at @Viper she does not hesitate before charging at them, hoping to use her shoulder to temporarily stagger them, after which, if she was successful, she would grab them by the scruff to pull them down. Regardless if she was successful, she would take the time to hiss, "Get out of here! You don't belong here!"