private MISERY BUSINESS — thundergleam

Mousenose remembers all-too well the way she'd felt around Lightstrike before Moonwhisper had stolen him away. Light-footed, her heart unfurling gossamer wings, her fur prickling and on fire when she stood near him. The way their eyes would meet, the way her heart would leap into her throat. She'd half-been convinced she'd never find something like that again, but now, as she gazes out into the moonlit clearing, a celestial being catches her eye. Glimmering like diamond-dust, tufted ivory, she watches the stars and murmurs to herself—a prayer? For whom?

She leaves her post to sit beside the odd warrior, tucking her tortoiseshell-splashed tail around her mismatched paws. Next to Thundergleam, she is ordinary; her pelt is messy, unkempt, full of tiny twigs and leaves, and her scent is like smashed berries and old moss, the sweetness with the sour. Thundergleam, though... there's something ethereal about her. Mousenose thinks she could be a StarClan warrior herself.

"Are you adjusting to ThunderClan well? Soon you'll be able to go to a Gathering on your own, heh. Get to meet the other Clans." Stupid! Why talk about Gatherings at a time like this? She curses herself inwardly, but to Thundergleam, she offers a cheeky smile.

  • Mousekit . Mousepaw . Mousenose, she/they w/ feminine and non-gendered terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 20 moons old, ages realistically on the 25th.
    — mentored by Silverlightning ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored Sunshinespot
    — thunderclan warrior. sunfreckle x rabbitnose, gen 2.
    — currently mated to n/a.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh messy-furred tortoiseshell with high white and bright green eyes. demanding, exuberant, selfish, sensitive, oblivious, obnoxious.

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The stars were warm, welcoming tonight... and they were dressed in a veil, summer clouds obscuring them every now and then. The prayers took a while, because of it... the cool light of the moon soothed her skin from the blister the sun had brought in the daytime, at the very least. And Thundergleam did not believe she would ever grow tired of looking at that milky expanse, silver-dressed, spangled. Spirits, within. It was a wonderful thing... wonderful even more to hear their voices, and with this check-up it was all the more likely tonight.

Truly, she had not been expecting company. Even with a couple of moons under her belt now, it was rare that she was approached above drifting ghostly-close to others. Gaiety glimmered in her eyes at the sight- Mousenose, verdant eyes looking to her, smiling lips talking. Interest flickering golden in her voice, and oh! A smile, more sincere than any she'd given in days- which was certainly saying something- lit in porcelain radiance across Thundergleam's face.

"Ah... wonderfully. I was truly meant to be here, I believe." A hyacinthine tail flicked softly, rosy eyes growing enraptured in reverie. An argent sigh fluttered through her voice, a butterfly kiss. "I am certainly excited for the Gathering. Tell me- you must have gone. Are they exciting?" She imagined they had to be- it was a sacred night, when StarClan was closest- when they were observing, listening.
penned by pin ☾
Thundergleam turns to face her, and there's a brilliant smile flickering across the she-cat's ivory muzzle. Mousenose stares at her lips for a moment, captivated, before she maneuvers her verdant gaze to meet the soft pink tones of the other warrior's. "I was truly meant to be here, I believe." The tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat smiles in return and begins to twist, grooming the haphazard array of leaves caught in her messy pelt. "StarClan has a unique destiny for everyone," she mews. Perhaps she should keep that in mind more often — that StarClan has a path for her, too, even when she feels adrift in a Clan without her kin.

"I've definitely gone before," she boasts, lifting her face and flashing her trademark cheeky grin. The tufted fur on her cheeks quivers. "They're really something! You get to see the cats from all the other Clans, and the leaders usually argue... sometimes they even hit each other! StarClan doesn't seem to like that, though. We're supposed to meet peacefully, 'cause that's the place where the Great Battle happened..." She trails off, aware that she's rambling. "Sorry. Uh. What was your question?"

  • ooc:
  • Mousekit . Mousepaw . Mousenose, she/they w/ feminine and non-gendered terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 20 moons old, ages realistically on the 25th.
    — mentored by Silverlightning ; mentoring Shroudedpaw ; previously mentored Sunshinespot
    — thunderclan warrior. sunfreckle x rabbitnose, gen 2.
    — currently mated to n/a.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh messy-furred tortoiseshell with high white and bright green eyes. demanding, exuberant, selfish, sensitive, oblivious, obnoxious.


StarClan has a unique destiny for everyone. Fond agreement found its place, honey-sweet across Thundergleam's lips... she gazed for a few moments, crimson pupils following Mousenose as she twisted, flicking leaves out of the knots in her pelt. Humour lit starlight in a pale gaze. "You are wise to say so," she murmured softly, blinking snowy lashes in agreement. And oh, perhaps in time she would know Mousenose's destiny, too... or, the tortoiseshell-and-white warrior would get that sun-bright sign herself! Would that not be wonderful?

Bravado burned from her, verdant fire in her eyes, as she regaled tales of the Gathering- Thundergleam watched with fascination glimmering in her eyes. They hit each other? To StarClan's disapproval, it seemed- yes, yes, she had heard those murmurings beneath the earth... rumbling. Sorry, she said... and Thundergleam looked at her puzzled.

"You have nothing to apologise for," she hummed, earnestness within rosy eyes- humour swirled like Silverpelt in pale depths. "I asked you if they were exciting, and your ... well, excitement ... spoke for itself!" Her laugh twisted like thin breeze from her maw. She kneaded her paws against the earth, that same thrill swelling up within her for her forthcoming warrior ceremony. "I cannot wait to see it, now..." And she looked up to the sky as she sait it, pink eyes dotted with the reflection of the stars, spirits gazing fondly down upon her.
penned by pin ☾