sensitive topics misery loves company - intervention

Jan 19, 2024
Crck- And another piece of prey caught. The molly let out a breath, standing to full height once more. She'd been crouched for a long time trying to wait out that crow. It had finally hopped it's way to be close enough for her to snatch, and thankfully she hadn't wasted her time. She was just glad that it hadn't screeched. For a few reasons. Mostly she was glad it hadn't scared of anything else. But a larger part of her than she'd like to admit was selfishly glad she didn't have to relive the screams from camp.

She'd barely realized that she was already back at the gorse tunnel with the crow and the vole she'd caught earlier. Metaphorically shaking the brainfog away, she stepped inside and immediately brought the prey to the fresh-kill pile. Hopefully the kits and queens would appreciate them. Or anyone really. All week she'd been doing nothing except working herself to the bone. Bearing the weight of her mistakes silently as she did. She'd not even played with the kits yet, which was odd for her especially. Ask anyone and they'd tell you Lightflower was destined to be a mother. Nonetheless she turned and made her way toward camp entrance again to either hunt, collect moss, cobwebs, sturdy branches for den rebuilding, anything to busy herself yet again. Though she was stopped abruptly by the form of Ravenstrike standing in front of her. She mentally braced herself for whatever was to come from the typically harsh she-cat.

//please wait for @ravenstrike
This entire clan was pitiful, they were nothing like the cats that created Thunderclan from the ground up. Everyone has birds and the mindset of kittypets jabbed in their insolent brains, too busy crying over the dead that sacrificed themselves to save others. It was either them crying, having a grudge towards the four recently graduated warriors, or whatever they were finding something to complain over. She had been heading out the camp until the small frame of Lightflower almost ran into her which results in a scoff coming from the scarred feline. The fresh metallic scent of her hunt lingered on the she-cat as her gaze runs up and down the cat.

"Attempting to atone for your mistakes by working yourself to death?" Her voice dripped venomously as she rolls her eyes, a paw raising to her forehead as if bearing a headache. "Instead of appeasing everyone with your tail between your legs," The raven colored warrior was start as she stares down at the other warrior, "admit that it was your mistake and do better next time." This mouse-brained clan was too busy wallowing over something that would occur regardless in life, and the four warriors had to face the blunt for a mistake they made. So what? The blood of Thunderclan warriors inevitably stained their paws with guilt for leaving their post and exposing the entire clan to danger.

"Stop seeking pity from others and better yourself, you disgust me trying to appease others." Ravenstrike spat in annoyance as her cold amber gaze grazes the other she-cat as she attempts to shove past the warrior with the force of her shoulder. This clan actually made her so /disgusted/ with their pity, pointing claws at one another for mistakes and over a simple thing as death. They should be honored someone sacrificed themselves for the clan instead of being dead themselves. Everyone is testing my patience, how ignorant.
"speech", thoughts, attacking

Bigfang had gotten lucky. His wounds were mere scrapes and bruises in comparison to the gouges his clan-mate's carried... or the graves they now laid in. That being said, with his health intact he was working harder than he had been before the wolves, assigned to more patrols, more hunts, more this and that. He had no qualms with it, again, he was lucky to still be standing on all four paws.

Lightflower was meek, irritatingly so. It surprised him none that she had been among the crowd of young warriors who had failed in keeping their clan safe. He watches Ravenstrike berate the gray tabby and does not move a muscle. If the new warrior rose a paw and struck out at Ravenstrike now she may just earn a sliver of respect back from Bigfang. However, the tom expects voles to sooner sprout wings and fly.

He will not rush to her defense; a warrior must fight their own battles. Narrowed green eyes watch intently, waiting for a reaction from the anxious cat.
  • » HankBigfang
    » ThunderClan Warrior
    » Former Kittypet
    » He/him
    » A large, beaten-up ginger tabby tom with green eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A heavy-hitting foe who makes his hits count
    » Excels in heavy, powerful move.
    » Fights to protect and maintain honor
    » Though strong, he is a slow mover. A fleet-footed cat would both easily frustrate and land hits on him.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
leafhusk is mad at the warriors for leaving their post. she struggled to look at them without disdain, and she kept her interactions brief. to her, though, there was no reason to vocalize her frustration for they knew just how mad the clan was. they were also trying to fix their mistakes, and that’s what mattered in the end. there is no room for anger in her grief.

petty squabbles, spitting in one’s face, teeth for words; all things she finds to be dumb childish activities. frankly, there were less… dirty ways to show you’re mad at someone. some people love to put on a show, though, don’t they? getting distracted from her groom, she raises her head, ears pricking at the venom dripping from ravenstrike’s tongue. she can’t help but roll her eyes at the display, wondering what this was going to accomplish.

she stands down for now, not seeing a reason to help lightflower yet. the girl deserved a chance to try.​
Palefire had been doing her best to keep her head down and get her work done these past few days. She'd been struggling with the guilt of her mistakes, same as the other three warriors who'd been on guard duty that terrible night, though she suspected they all had different reasons for their feelings. Most days it was hard to set a paw back into camp and face the disappointed looks or heated glares of her clanmates, but she did it all the same, day in and day out. Right now it was hard to imagine it ever getting any easier, and it certainly would never go back to the way things had been before, but she still had to try. For the most part, she felt so terrible for the part she'd played in the wolf invasion that she allowed whatever abuse and hatred came her way.

But today she felt angry. Her leader was disappointed in her. Her mentor wouldn't even acknowledge her. Her best friend seemed to hate her just the same as everyone else. The friend group that she'd received her warrior name with had been ruined by this whole mess. She had no support system, no one to turn to now when the nights were darkest. She was tired, and heartbroken, and done with all of it. If no one else was ever going to stand up for them, or even stand beside them, then she would just have to do it herself. And she would not allow one of her closest friends to be spat at in front of the whole clan.

The young warrior had seen the ridiculous exchange between Lightflower and Ravenstrike from her perch near the warrior's den, and as soon as the barbed words left the ebony feline's mouth she felt her blood boil. Her rage was only further flamed by the fact that everyone else just sat there and watched. In that moment, she felt the tables turn. Their disappointment meant nothing to her under such a display of indifference. What was the point of this clan, of any of it, if they were all going to turn on each other the moment mistakes were made? They'd made a bad decision. Their clan had paid the price, but now they were the ones who had to live with that. Howlingstar could have punished the four of them, she could have exiled them but she didn't. They were still members of this clan just the same as any other and she could not let the kindest of her friends to be put down in such a disgusting display of ego.

"Hey!" She called furiously to Ravenstrike's retreating form, rising to her paws and stalking slowly towards the other she-cat. Her tail lashed sharply behind her."You don't get to talk to her that way." Her voice was deceptively calm, but her words were laced with the same venom that flashed in her narrowed blue eyes. The promise of violence was clear in her tone and she felt her claws unsheath into the earth beneath her, every muscle in her body tight with barely-contained fury. "If I ever hear you speak to her like that again, or see you push her again, i'll make sure that you are the one paying for your mistakes." She was sick of it, she was sick of it, sick of the looks, sick of the hissed words, sick of the overwhelming anger that grew like a shadow in her heart. She didn't care about the consequences anymore, there was nothing they could do to punish her that would be worse than the way she was punishing herself. This was it, the final straw - they had apologized countless times, they were working themselves ragged to make up for what they'd done and she would take no more of this bullying.

[ ic opinions only ofc <3 ]
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Ravenstrike held nothing back, putting her contempt and disgust on display for everyone to hear. Each stinging remark had her wincing backward, ears pressing back, shoulders hunching. Her chest felt tight, stars, she could barely breathe. Her pelt grew hot. Everyone was just... watching. Staring. Like it was some show to watch. Like she was center stage at the 'Let's humiliate Lightflower' show. And to top it all off, a blunt check causing her to stumble to the side.

"Hey!" She heard Palefire shout. Lightflower whipped her head to her friend. Please don't, please don't- she thought. StarClan help her, she couldn't be here. Every word, every pair of eyes, she was practically swimming in it. Tears welled in her eyes. No, not here. She couldn't cry here. Her breathing ragged, vision blurry, she nearly wailed.

"Stop it!"

And she bolted. Stumbling through the gorse tunnel, up the ravine, through the trees. It was all closing in on her. Was there enough air? Where was she? Her pawsteps finally began to slow after running as hard as she could. It was all catching up to her. The death. The heartache. She hadn't been allowing herself to feel it. Well now she didn't seem to have a choice. Broken sobs ripped from her as she nearly fell into a small clearing. All she wanted to do was something good.

Palefire was one of the new warriors who shared the failure with Lightflower. He is immensely disappointed that the gray she-cat is not left to fight her own battles, that the light-furred she-cat does it for her. Rising to his big paws he moves to intervene as Lightflower yelps and abandons the scene.

Enough,” He demands with a low and growly voice. ”Lightflower needs to learn to fight her own battles.” He firstly says to Palefire, but he doesn’t forget Ravenstrike neither. ”And you need to know when to pick yours. There shouldn’t be a healthy warrior walking around with idle paws. If you have time to bicker Raccoonstripe hasn’t given you enough work.” Her lashes his thick-furred tail as his brows furrow, his eyes narrowing into stern slits.
  • » HankBigfang
    » ThunderClan Warrior
    » Former Kittypet
    » He/him
    » A large, beaten-up ginger tabby tom with green eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A heavy-hitting foe who makes his hits count
    » Excels in heavy, powerful move.
    » Fights to protect and maintain honor
    » Though strong, he is a slow mover. A fleet-footed cat would both easily frustrate and land hits on him.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ "It wasn't Lightflower's mistake. It wasn't her idea," Badgerstripe would mutter - whether or not they fell on ears, she wouldn't know. The scrutiny her friends were facing, for which she felt was on her behalf, was.. unfair. And yet.. she could not bring herself to fully intervene, to face the wraith of her Clanmates in a similar fashion that Lightflower was now. Such is why she had instead secluded for days, wallowing in her own pity as Ravenstrike would put it.

At least Palefire has her back. Badgerstripe could be grateful for her bravery where she couldn't put her own. She finds she doesn't disagree with the notion that Lightflower should fight her own battles, but her reasoning is much different - rather than sit back and watch, she would abstain from the situation all together. That being said, Badgerstripe holds her tongue as Palefire bolts out of camp, feeling herself shrink back into the far reaches of camp as the intervention unfolds. She felt her only power lied in hoping this would end soon.

  • badger.png
  • Badgerstripe she/her, warrior of thunderclan, 12 moons.
    a long-furred blue tortoiseshell with a notable black dorsal stripe and green eyes.
    formerly mentored by burnstorm
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by ixora@.ixora on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Her heart wrenched painfully as she watched Lightflower erupt in tears, making a beeline for the forest before Palefire could try to stop her. And then Bigfang was growling at her, ripping her attention away from the pale tabby's retreating form to settle on the large red tomcat. Her lip curled into the ghost of a snarl at his reprimand. That was rich, coming from a former kittypet who had chosen not to intervene until he thought it might make him look righteous. "You can't scold me for protecting my friend. You all might be too stuck up to defend her, but that doesn't mean that I shouldn't. Clearly you wanted nothing to do with this, so why don't you just stay out of it?" How hypocritical, to drone on about not having enough work to do, when he obviously had enough free time to sit back and watch this argument unfold as if it were some twisted form of entertainment.

She wasn't interested in putting up pretences anymore, and honestly, as much as she truly did understand why her clanmates were disappointed in them for leaving their post, she was beginning to lose respect for the way Thunderclan seemed content to turn on one another as soon as it became convenient. Some cats could handle conflict and ridicule better than others, but Lightflower wasn't one of them and that was okay. That shouldn't leave her open to being made a target for someone else's bad attitude.

"The whole point of being a part of this clan is that we shouldn't have to fight our own battles," she scoffed bitterly. "Especially not against each other." Her glare lingered on each of the gathered warriors' faces before she moved to follow after Lightflower. She shouldn't be out there on her own when she was in such a volatile headspace. "Maybe the four of us aren't the only ones who still have lessons to learn." Her eyes collided with Badgerstripe's, briefly assessing the other young molly with an unreadable expression before she turned away. Her tail still lashed angrily as she disappeared through the camp's entrance to comfort her friend.

  • PALEFIRE she / her, warrior of thunderclan, 13 moons
    lh lilac lynx point w/ low white and blue eyes. tall and slender. built for speed and agility.
    currently emotionally volatile, all opinions are strictly ic and likely spur-of-the-moment
    single, open to relationships / / mentor to no one // mentored by nightbird
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking.
    penned by limerence@limericks. on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Rabbitnose watched. When Ravenstrike's shove caught his eye, he turned his head to see what was going on. Immediately upon seeing Lightflower, he became disinterested in coming to the defense of whoever was pushed. Good. She deserves it. They all deserve it. The looks, the bullying, rude words, they deserved all of it. He himself has only glared at them in passing, vitriol ready to spill at any second should the wrong words be spoken to him. He looks away from the scene since plenty of others are present....And he doesn't THINK anyone would...Actually let Lightflower get mauled in camp.

Would he...?

He doesn't know the answer to that question. If any of those warriors responsible for Sunfreckle's death were in trouble, would he help them? Conflicted is what he feels when normally the answer would have been an easy yes. The weight of his grief clouds his judgement.

It's when Palefire comes to defend her friend that he begins to bristle. Hatred and rage combine in an ugly feeling that bubbles up inside him that he barely even attempts to restrain.

Too stuck up to defend her?? She's part of the reason Sunfreckle is DEAD!! SO ARE YOU!!!

He feels his paws bring himself closer to the situation as if by themselves, his claws extended and his dull, tear stained eyes alight with anger. He wants to hit her. He wants to strike her as hard as he can. He wants to make her HURT.

But he doesn't. He stands there stiffly, holding himself back from doing such a thing. He wants to speak, but he's too angry. The words are a mess in his mind that he can't get into a coherent sentence. Unable to fit the ugliness of his feelings into words, he just glares at them as they make their departure. With a frustrated growl, he turns his back on the others and storms a short distance off, sitting and gripping the ground with his claws as if it will keep him grounded.
In all her time as a ThunderClanner, Softpaw wasn't sure she had ever seen anything or anyone as divided as they were now over the actions of the four warriors who were supposed to have spent their night guarding the camp the night of the wolf attack. She understood the derision they received; she had her own thoughts on the matter, of course, but they were supposed to be a unified ThunderClan. That was, in Softpaw's eyes, a huge part of what made them all so strong, was that they worked together and trusted one another.

But since the attack and after everything - everyone - they'd lost, there hadn't been that feeling of unification abound as it used to be. If that was what kept them together, did that mean that without it they would fall apart? Softpaw wasn't so sure of that: ThunderClan had been around and stood strong against trials since before she'd been born, and she was confident that Howlingstar wouldn't allow her Clan to fall apart because of a few mistakes of young warriors. But watching the discourse that had just broken out in the midst of them all didn't do much to bolster the thought. Softpaw watched with a small frown as Lightflower and Palefire disappeared into the territory, though her frown wasn't for them alone - some in the camp were being cruel as well.​
Thistlepaw is in between tasks. A terrible place for an apprentice to be, especially when all of this is still so there in his mind. The fear. The fleeing. The– the sight of the warriors coming back, with Howlingstar and a gruesome body, and the bloody puddle where Sunfreckle once had been. Every time his paws stop moving, his mind starts spinning. And as he listens to all of them bicker, battling back and forth. . . he knows he should shut up. It wasn't an apprentice's place to talk to the warriors the way that he so desperately wants to, but neither was it Palefire's place to rail against them. Why should they fight for her when the four of them cost ThunderClan so much? How were they even warriors of this clan still? It was because Howlingstar was nice, and Thistlepaw knows that he is not.

His frame is thickening out but his lungs still strain as they fill up with air. He stands there for a moment, puffed up like a cloud fit to start spilling down rain, his pelt prickled outwards like a bush of thorns. What leaves him is instead just a huff. No spitting of pointed barbs or a thunderstorm. Just, "Why do we deserve to stand by the cats that didn't stand by us?" They left camp. They ruined everything. They caused all of this. "Come on, Softpaw. We need to– work on the walls." It's all he has, but he begins to stalk off towards Rabbitnose's direction without waiting for her response.

  • OOC. tryin to boss around @Softpaw lol
  • 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐋𝐄𝐏𝐀𝐖. HE - HIM. YOUNG APPRENTICE OF THUNDERCLAN. ————— the son of an ex-kittypet has spent most of his life confined to the medicine den. bad circumstances and worse healing left him in a limbo between life and death which he only just escaped. there's still recovering to do before his clanmates see him as anything more than a weak, sick kittypet.   PENNED BY REVELATIONS

    a prickly-furred chocolate and slate cat with amber eyes. though with a blocky, nearly bulky frame, thistlepaw has been softened, rounded, and stretched thin by his uncertain life. without work or play to thicken the pads of his paws or add strength to his limbs, his skin plays like canvas stretched taut over its frame, his fur a hazy cloak to cover the sickness. he seems soft and unwell in equal measure. certainly not an apprentice to be. . .
The world is ending, it must be. How else could she explain the feeling in her chest? She had no right being a warrior after everything. She hit the nearest thing to her, the trunk of a tree, over and over. Clawing at the surface enough times to leave a noticeable gouge in the bark. Her paws bled, the claws torn, the pads ripped. She didn't care. She couldn't feel it.

Lightflower fell to the ground, heavy with exhaustion. Weak sobs shook her. Palefire's appearance in the clearing was met with a halfhearted look in her direction. "We were supposed to be the ones who stayed," she hiccuped. "We were the ones to help with the owl, how did I let us get dragged into this? I'm so sorry, Palefire,"
  • Sad
  • Crying
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