misfit toys // caterpillarpaw

sweet like honey
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Honeypaw is a selfish girl. The red furred molly would find any which way that serviced her own whims the most, normally a way for her to weasel out of her duties. Whether it was kitsitting her sister, training with her mentor, or going out on patrols, Honeypaw had a wealth of excuses to tap into to attempt to make sure she could do the least work as possible. It rarely worked. But even when things didn't work out in her favor, they usually ended up inconveniencing others in the process. What did it matter to Honeypaw? Consequences that weren't immediately hers might as well not exist to her. Very rarely did the glowing tabby consider cats that weren't her or her family. It was that line of thought that had led her to sneak back to the carrionplace after her excursion with Ferndance, curious about what was hidden in the bags of detritus and retched smell. She had to be mindful to spend plenty of time in the marshes before coming back to camp so her Clanmates couldn't smell the carrionplace on her, couldn't tell what exactly she'd been up to. Of course, critical thinking wasn't exactly Honeypaw's specialty either - in her jaw was a small plastic ball with a bell in the middle, that tinkled when it was tossed around. Twoleg items weren't exactly sent by StarClan to end up in the midst of the swamps. It was pretty obvious where Honeypaw had got the item from - and it burned Honeypaw's nose to carry, the smell of rot clinging to the inorganic material.

But it was the thought that counted! And this time, Honeypaw was thinking about someone other than herself. Not impossible, but a bit unusual.

The apprentice was in camp with her head held high, toy dangling from her canines. Sunset gaze roamed across camp looking for a familiar face, one that Honeypaw shared a den with but had never truly got to know. Honeypaw wondered, briefly, if maybe this gift would be offensive. Honeypaw certainly wasn't above apologizing if her well-meaning had been misplaced. She doubted it'd come to such a thing. Excitement buzzed in her paws at the idea of handing the toy over. "Caterpillarpaw!" Honeypaw called out around the item between her teeth, sweeping her gaze around for her fellow apprentice. Was she maybe out with Siltcloud? Oh, that'd be disappointing.


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