border misguided ghosts—joiner


a poison to erase my existence –
Feb 7, 2024

Clan cats. They had a vague awareness of them—well, perhaps a little more than vague—having been regaled with tales about them that they were never entirely certain were true from the time they were still a tiny kit, several moons past. They'd believed them then, along with every other word and story that their father had told them; he was, if nothing else, a fabulous storyteller, and that was just it. But after all, what kit wouldn't have trusted the word of their parents? Fictions on top of fictions, lies on top of lies. The wool wouldn't cover their eyes forever, and it hadn't, which is why they had gone. It took several cycles of the sun to come this far, far from the lands where they had grown up, and they had more or less been traveling completely blindly, following tiny bits of information they could recall from stories they hadn't heard for moons, using the only method of guidance that they had been taught: the brightest star could lead.

As they edged closer to the pines, and further from the Twoleg houses, though, the cat-scent became stronger and clearer—so some of it, at least, must've been true after all. Of course, none of these scents were ones that they recognized, and they were quite strange to the nose of a loner who had never encountered Clan cats before. Unsure where their paws should take them next, they linger where the scent had been the strongest so far—unbeknownst to them, the SkyClan border, ears pricked to listen for the sound of any other cats nearby.

  • speech, thoughts, actions
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  • HARMONY they/them, loner, 14 moons
    LH blue/black chimera with high white and amber-green heterochromia
    ex-member of a loner group
    speaks with a strange lilt; eyes are without highlights and are dull or even dead-looking
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by harmoniamessage for discord or find me in the server

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Having taken a border patrol out that morning, Dogbite was weary with tiredness. He never had been worth much on dawn outings, but duty was duty, and he wouldn't upturn his nose to it. At worst, he could be a touch grumpy, and at best, share a couple rounds of yawns. Today, he felt indifferent and only a bit dreary. Marching through the crunching grasses, his nose twitched as the scent of something out of place piqued his interest. Dogbite's mind snapped into attention, and his maw opened to taste the air. It was a cat unlike one they'd ever scented before and surely wasn't a part of the brutish bunch that had been chased off. Nor the usual stench of two-legs kittypet kibble.

His blue gaze thinned into distrust as he held his tail up in silent warning to the other patrol members. Follow me. Quickly, he trotted to the two-leg place border and spotted a lingering black and white cat. From what he could tell, there were no others to be seen or scented, just this lone stranger. Seeing as they hadn't trespassed, yet, he kept his haunches lowered. Cautiously, he stepped to the scent line, keeping a fox-lengths distance between them. In a low growl, he ground out a cool and steady demand. "Who are you and why are you at Skyclan's border?" There was no real threat to his words, and his claws stayed characteristically sheathed, allowing the outsider to speak for themselves.

  • ———✧———​
    ✧ LH cinnamon tabby w/high white one blue eye
    ✧ child of npc x npc ; sibling to crescent and bear
    ✧ skyclan lead warrior ; ex-loner ; mentor to littlepaw
    ✧ 32 moons old ; birthday 07/01 ; ages realistically
    ✧ AFAB ; nonbinary ; he/they
    ✧ pansexual ; polyromantic ; single
    "speech", thought, attack, powerplay
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric

The goddip that SkyClan managed to atract would never make sense to Twitchbolt- though he supposed it was because the mere existence of a Clan was so familiar, so normal, that its concept being strange to a kittypet did not often occur to him. But- really he should be thinking more about it, for so many curious face wound up on their borders, having heard often-dramatised rumblings. The scent of a stranger- one who at least had the mind to linger at the border, at least- tipped Twitchbolt's attention. A feeling of discomfort lodged itself in his throat.

The small, bristly tom lingered behind Dogbite, approaching with the sharpest little glint of hostility in his eye. Tenseness, really- he couldn't let his guard down, not yet. Niceties could always be faked- and though he'd learned that chances could be given, he'd never grin at a stranger, open his arms, expose his heart, anything like that.

Through his jittering, his spasming, Twitchbolt was largely silent. Wide eyes kept deeply trained upon the stranger, his presence a silent message. There's more of us, so you wouldn't stand a chance.
penned by pin ✧

That, then, was certainly proof of the existence of these large groups of forest cats that supposedly existed. Despite the mild tension in the air, the loner doesn't seem afraid, or really all that concerned, but they don't have the all the naivete of a kittypet, either. They keep their paws where they are, but they certainly don't have any intent of causing any trouble, or, frankly, putting up a fight if anything were to happen. Their eyes first focus on Dogbite, then flick to Twitchbolt and back again carefully, though their gaze almost seems to go through the other cats instead of looking directly at them.

Finally, after a moment of processing, Harmony inclines their head briefly, thinking of what to say next. Despite all the time that had passed on their journey here, thinking up something to say once they had actually gotten to their destination had not come easily, and they try to choose their words carefully, though it takes a few more moments. Even if they'd heard a little bit about these cats, it wasn't enough to know what their expectations of them would be. "I have come a long way," the black-and-white cat begins slowly, their gaze starting to shift off somewhere into the trees as they realize that they're not so sure how to explain themself. It couldn't hurt to be honest, though they're hesitant to share much detail for a variety of reasons, including not being entirely ready. Their voice is a murmur, carrying on with a strange rhythm, "A long time ago, I heard that there were cats that lived together in the forest, beyond the territory where I was born. It was only recently that I needed to leave. I wandered for some time until I remembered what I had heard." Finally, their gaze lowers. "I am not sure what to expect, but if your group—Clan—is willing to accept another cat, then I will do whatever it is that I need to. Either way, I am at your mercy."

"SkyClan has been known to accept outsiders." Orangestar confirms from above the small group of cats, standing atop a nearby bough. She watches the trio with sharp eyes; Dogbite and Twitchbolt, challenging a stranger on the border. She skitters down the trunk with a small spray of bark, a grunt of effort accompanying her landing, and she pads over to join them with a twitch of her ears. The story makes her think this stranger is a loner, but Orangestar wonders to herself if this is a Clan cat come wandering.

"Clan life is difficult. But it is easier than living alone, if you're loyal and willing to contribute." Her eyes narrow slightly towards them, though the motion is considering rather than hostile. "What's your name?"

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    ORANGESTAR ✧ she/her, leader of skyclan | nine lives
    " a scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes."

    — single ; mentoring springpaw
    — speech is in #E3B2A9
    tags | art by pin

ੈ ✩‧₊˚ Ears pricking, the loner's gaze quickly shifts upwards at the sound of Orangestar's voice above their head, and their eyes her as she lands. They incline their head once more, only slightly, a gesture of acknowledgment.

"It is Harmony." The SkyClan leader was right, of course. Even over the past little while they'd been alone, survival day-to-day was harder than it ever had been, especially during Leafbare. They had been relatively well protected among the other cats that they'd lived with several moons ago now, and being forced to constantly move, keeping one eye open in case of danger and having to take care of every task that any wild cat would need to manage alone was difficult, and sometimes near-impossible. When they speak again, it's a bit more slowly. "I'm certain that there is a lot to learn.. but I am willing to bring all that I can offer."