pafp mishap, mishappen ;; frightening.

Fireflypaw was quiet when he walked in thought, paws barely trudging through the snow- the crunch of it beneath his paw nearly inaudible. He cannot understand why his father would keep such important things from him, such as his half- no, siblings birth lineage. What if he had never found out, and continued to treat Duskbird and Skyclaw like they didn't exist? Because in his eyes, they didn't- if he just pretended they weren't related to him, he could continue on with his days of not having to worry about anything with them. He didn't have to care for them, because well- the Warrior Code says he didn't. It still meant the same thing now that he knew the truth, but it just made things stickier. Would he hesitate, in the heat of battle if ThunderClan were to ever invade (not that he believed his grandma would actively let that happen), to protect himself? His clan?

..Of course I wouldn't hesitate. He thinks dumbly to himself with a grunt, halting in place immediately when the smell of Flowercloud is present. She must know he's around, shouldn't she? I mean, he's right here.. "Heya, Flowercloud!" He shouts with a smile, blind blue eyes staring cheerfully towards the warrior.

  • Dead
Reactions: flowercloud.

flowercloud was fortunate to find that what was of her family was here in camp, or the unknown parts of family out in the twolegplace. she never would have to encounter the idea that she'd have to come across friends or family or children in battle one day.

flowercloud had spent a bunch of her day pushing herself to go further from camp- often pinning her ears back at the slightest of noises and bracing herself to run. it was harder now, only having half her hearing, so she tested the waters carefully.

she knew better than to full on push past fears even if the fear was leaving camp. but she knew they were hungry, and that they needed food. she had the coat to endure the cold, she just had to get out of the fear a dog was going to spring out of nowhere.

shed push her way back into camp, a bit spooked already from a large branch splintering and cracking as it hit the ground a few lengths from her. thoughts of insecurity flooded her mind at her hearing causing issues further than she could determine now. she wasn't exactly paying the most attention now that she was back in camp, a small frown forming on her face.

when fireflypaw approached her side, she would have no clue. so when the chipper voice rang beside her, and the molly let out a yelp of fear, fur bristling before turning to eye the point, realizing quickly it was just fireflypaw. a nervous chuckle came from her, trying to unclench her paws from the frosted ground and calm her thudding heart.

"good afternoon, fireflypaw," she returned the greeting in a soft shaky voice after a few moments, nervously licking her chest fur down.