miss american girl ★ sweet treat

Usually she headed out earlier than this but she had been especially cute and cuddly with her two-leg that morning to get one of the little treat packs full of delicious fish-flavored dribble just so she could bring it to the camp for the kits there to enjoy. She'd taken a few licks and stopped, waited and watched as it was tossed into the bin as her owner rushed out and then very quickly knocked the basket over to dig it back out. Normally she would sit there and slurp it all out herself but she had resisted that impulse and was now carrying it gingerly between her teeth at the opened base so it didn't spill before she got it to camp.
The daylight warrior pauses at the camp entrance upon stepping in, slinging her hat down with a shake of her head onto one of the low-hanging branches of the surrounding bushes and leaving it there to fetch later as she skipped her way on light steps to the fallen tree that made up the nursery den entrance.

She shoves her head in with a purr, shaking the pack lightly between her teeth, "Heyyyyyy, little furballs-how are you guyssss? I got something for you to try!" It wasn't a lot but hopefully it would help distract them from their hunger with how hard it was to keep the freshkill pile full lately; she herself had eaten a decent breakfast of kibble so she could head out and see about getting something substantial to contribute but first...the nursery visit. She loved the kits and seeing them delighted her each time. It was one of her main motivators for showing up each day and if she had time before it got dark and she had to go home she'd play with them as well.
She has brought a Churu treat for the kits!
it's not my fault i have my father's eyes .
Things were weird. Littlekit wasn’t sure what to make of it, watching everyone with a critical eye, judging. It wasn’t until the dwindling of prey that his temper rose. He battled it off to his siblings because he didn’t need their help. If he could walk on four paws without stumbling then shouldn’t he be allowed out of camp? Was it because of his size? He was smaller than the other kits, dwarfed by their size, but that didn’t stop him from observing the other apprentices' training. Littlekit stopped when he couldn’t watch, his stomach nearly giving his position away.

Stupid. He grumbled, poking his stomach in annoyance until Hazelbeam’s voice broke him out of his tantrum, head whipping to stare at the molly in curiosity. He’d gotten used to seeing her, tail flickering as he rolled out of the nest to get closer, expression curious. “What is it?” He inquired, helm cocked.
thought speech
As usual, Butterflytuft is near the nursery when she's not performing her other tasks. She is in the middle of fixing up one of the queen's nests while they're out when Hazelbeam's voice flits through the nursery. She looks up and offers the daylight warrior a soft smile, tail waving in greeting. Her eyes soon lock onto what she offers the kits, though. The smell wafting from the tube tickles a part of her brain, resurfacing memories she had long since forgotten.

"Oh, my twolegs used to feed me those," She mews in surprise, leaning forward to tentatively sniff at it. It had tasted sort of similar to the birds they'd catch here, only colder and more...liquid-y. It isn't something she'd choose for herself now, not after seasons of living in the wild. But it would always be fun for kits to try something new. She steps back and watches Littlekit approach, smile warm.

XXXXXMine did as well,” the SkyClan leader purrs, padding to stand beside Butterflytuft. He flicks his tail affectionately against his former apprentice’s flank. “That scent is one I haven’t come across in many, many moons… but it smells good, doesn’t it, little one?” He turns his attention to Littlekit, who tentatively sniffs the little treat Hazelbeam had brought for him and the other kits in the nursery.

XXXXXAs tempting as the treat is, Littlekit regards it with suspicion, like a true Clan kit facing Twoleg items. “What is it?” He asks the adults, sniffing it warily. Blazestar chuckles. “It’s food, though it might not look like it. Go on and take a taste. See if you like it.” The rest of their bellies no doubt quiver in the wake of such an enticing scent—their prey pile had been ravaged by yellowcough and rogues alike—but Blazestar wants Littlekit and the others to get all they can from the little tube.
