MISS OUR LITTLE TALKS | mint & burning


pocket the sunshine ´ˎ˗
Dec 15, 2022

Cove loves her friends and its so very obvious, and though she considers Thunderclan whole as her friend, she has two very special cats that rise above the rest. Mintpool and her big brother Burning, the latter was given but Cove had become fast friends with Mintpool. She shakes out her pelt, letting clumps of snow fall off as she returns to camp with shells, her usual. She did try to hunt while she was out, she really did, it was just... Hard! The snow was so pretty and glimmered in the sunlight, a burst of rainbow, and the trails had been stale. She huffs lightly, placing down her shells as she looks around and finds her two besties.

"Hi Mint! Big brother! Come look at what I got!" she chirps excitedly, gesturing to the shiny pieces she had brought in. Shes not sure if she should ask about the gloom that had befallen the camp lately, ask about their opinions, so instead she opts to clamp her mouth shut until they prance over. Was it her place, really, to even speak about it? She did try to cheer her other friends up and maybe it had worked, if only just for a bit.

// @Mintpool @Burningspirit
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( ) Much like Cove, Mintpool was struggling with how to truly handle the doom and gloom that had settled over camp. She could not blame any of them, of course, death usually had that effect.

But it was times like this that she thanked the stars themselves for Covecatcher. Her best friend, her mood booster, the molly she knew would be beside her through thick or thin. So when she heard the familiar chirp of her friend, calling for her and Burning to come and see her newest treasures, Mintpool was up on her paws and bounding over to the pretty warrior with excitement glowing in her emerald gaze.

"Cove! Darling kitty, welcome home." She would move to brush against her friend before looking down and smiling warmly at the shells that had been collected, "Oh, Covecatcher these are marvelous! What project do you have cooked up for these?" Her fluffy tail swished happily as one paw reached out and lovingly touched one of the shells in particular.

Inconsistent paper stars

A cat had settled under a tree branch though it did little to prevent the snow from falling from the tops of the trees. A blue eye was closed happily as they sounds of camp mingled about. Kits squealing and running, warriors chatting, and apprentices' next big thing to impress their mentors. A smile ghosted across a scarred muzzle at the happy sounds of the clan around him, his home away from home, and a place of safety for now. Though things had been dampered with Morningpaws death and the recent gathering, but he had hope. Things would work out for the better.

Then a light hearted voice sounded from the camp entrance and a singular pale tabby ear flicked upwards, "Ah, shes back," He mused happily and opened his one blue eye. Burningspirit got up onto three legs and made his way over slowly, keeping the nub of a leg he had up from touching the snow. Covercatcher was his beloved sister, and it was simple that Covercatch had a much different history than himself but he was so glad to see her everyday.

Mintpool had also joined them, from what he understood was that they had become best friends since her arrival. It was really some fantastic news, "Do tell, Cove, do you have a project ready for these?" Burningspirit gestured with a nubbed foot towards the shells and smiled warmly at his sister.