camp miss someone you've never seen; clearing out snow

Aug 14, 2022

Hollow Tree breathed out, watching as her breath appeared in the cold air. The she-cat was sure this was the most snow she had ever seen. If there was any prey out in the forest it was buried beneath the snow. Her paws sink into the white frost. Trudging across the camp towards the way she would normally leave. The blizzard had trapped them in their dens and their camp. Stomach rumbling, she worries about her clanmates and family. Was there even anything left in the pile that could be eaten?

Scooping the fresh snow with a paw, she begins to try and clear the snow. She wasn’t sure if it was even worth it. Even if they could leave camp, should they? No. Her clanmates needed prey. Hollow Tree was determined to catch something. Continuing to scoop snow after snow. She was cold, frost began to build on her whiskers. Shaking off her pelt caused her to notice that some of the snow on her had melted at some point. The warrior was cold and wet.

Getting past the fresh snow her paw scraped across something hard. An unexpected pain cut through her numbing paw. Looking at her work, she had managed to clear quite a bit but under the first layer was now ice. The old snow had frozen after the snow storm. She wondered if they had waited too long to try and clear the snow. Changing her focus to her paw to make sure it wasn’t bleeding. There was no cut but it hurt a lot to scrape it across the ice. That’s when it dawned on her that all her paws felt rather numb.

Now that she was thinking about it. Her nose and ears also felt numb. Hollow Tree was also beginning to experience fatigue. Glancing towards the warrior’s den she weighed her options. She really wanted to get out of camp and hunt. But she also didn’t want to end up in the medicine cat den because of her wish. Would a visit to Berryheart worth the chance of feeding the clan? Hollow pictured Berry’s disappointed tone at his older sister being so foolish.

Starclan, let a vole wander into camp…

// hollow is trying to get out of camp to hunt, is currently near the edge of camp where she has been clearing snow. is covered in some snow with frost formed on her whiskers and starting to experience frostnip on paws, ears, and nose. along with dehydration and fatigue.
[ you fall through the trees . tags ]

They had only recently managed to get out of their dens, the snow had turned some something soft and pristine to something deadly and sharp; so cold it burned and so heavy it crushed like stone. Moonpaw was learning that leaf-bare was as cruel as cats claimed when before she had no comparison to go by, she would greet the next seasion with more caution than she did now-more care. But there was nothing to do be done about it now. The tips of her extremeties felt biting, she wanted to lick the chill from her nose but feared the moisture would freeze over it and block her breathing; a silly fear but one she didn't dare risk. One of the other apprentices had licked a rock and gotten stuck the other day, it took a lot of rubbing paws and warmth to free them and it was a lesson learned for all of them. Well, some of them. Her peers were either ridiculously loud and reckless or stubbornly fixated on one path.
She thinks of Lightpaw leaving the medicine cat den while still injured, remembers Sparkpaw going to fight the fox when it had nearly killed grown warriors.
She worried and its this worry that had drawn her across the camp seeking company because he rampant thoughts had become too much alone.

The tortie point sees the pale brown and lattice black coat of her aunt perched near the edge of the camp, ruts of snow dug out around her a piles framing her sides where she had seemingly tried to dig it out through the bramble wall to freedom. It was the dazed look in the others eyes that hurried her steps, concern welling in her chest.
"Hollow Tree." She greets, tone light and chipper but strained-she can't hide her worry, she never can. "Are you okay? You look...unwell?" Was that rude? It was hard to tell the word to use but the other seemed almost unfocused? Like her mind was elsewhere? Dizzy? Too cold? Moonpaw didn't know, this is what they had Berryheart for.
"Were you trying to dig us out? But it's nothing but snow out there.."



The blizzard had been gnawing a hole of worry into Sweetpaws stomach, ever since the day he and Wildpaw had ended up separated from their patrol and were forced to hole up in an old fox den to wait out the snow. Call it naivety or just plain old inexperience, but he hadn't realized that snow was like rain, able to go from a gentle downpour to a raging storm in mere moments if the weather turned. It had left him uneasy, because unlike the rain, the snow never seemed to stop. It went on and on, covering the land beneath layers and layers of white that had eventually sealed them all in their dens.

Out in the storm, before Wildpaw had found him, Sweet had been frozen with indecision and fear. It was an unusual thing to see, because while they very much were like their namesake- something sweet and kind- Sweetpaw was not a coward. He was a brave and determined little cat, thoughtful and eager to help those around him. But that had been the problem- out in the woods that day, there'd been nobody to be brave for. Just himself, and unfortunately he didn't seem to have the instinct to protect himself like he did with others.

He wasn't in the woods anymore though, trapped alone in a blizzard waiting for someone to find him. He as back with his clan now, the cats he cared about, and so when he spotted Hollow Tree and Moonpaw by the edge of camp and realized what the warrior had been doing, he was quick to make his way over, having to leap through the thicker patches of snow on his shorter legs.

He arrived at the entrance with a gentle pant on his lips from the exertion of navigating the deep snow, but he greeted the pair with a wide smile, letting his tail rest against the warriors shoulder as Moonpaw spoke. They were right, Hollowtree looked exhausted and half-frozen, and Sweetpaw couldn't help the wave of empathy and pride he felt toward her, working so hard to try and feed her clanmates.

"Why don't you take a break, Hollow Tree? I can dig for you in the mean time, it's no problem." he offered. "Who knows, maybe the squirrels and mice will try to use the trail if we dig it out deep enough into the woods!" he suggested. It was a possibility after all, right? Surely even the prey must need an easy path to the surface.

WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ ————————————
All of the snow and cold was really starting to get on his nerves. His fur may be long and thick, but it didn't do much to keep the frost from biting at his nose, ears, and paws. Lightpaw felt as though he was always sniffling when he stepped into open air.

Such as now, as he clambered to his paws and nudged his way out of the medicine den for maybe the third time that day. Maybe Berryheart had finally given up on telling him to stay put. It's not like he bothered to try and force him to. While there was still a limp to his gait that he very obviously did his best to hide, it seemed the golden apprentice was on his way to recovery. He had also been told he would recover faster if he sat still for once, but he didn't see how it mattered. So he didn't.

Lightpaw huffed as he shook snow from one paw at a time, only for it to cling with the very next step. Not many cats were out and about in the clearing, and he didn't blame them, but he couldn't stand sitting around for so long. Those who were, however, caught his eye, one of which being Hollow Tree, who looked to be more snow than cat.

Picking his way through the ruts half-carved-half-dug by those struggling to go about their business, he made his way over in time to hear Moonpaw inquire about her wellbeing. Now that she mentioned it, she didn't look too great, did she? "Who knows, at this rate we might even make it to Fourtrees by next Leafbare." It was a joke, but his expression may have been a bit too neutral to drive it home.

Glancing between Moonpaw and Sweetpaw, he tilted his head to the side ever so slightly. "Seriously though, there's only so much you can do if you turn into a block of ice. You should go, uh, de-snow. There's lots of cats that can help out in the meantime."

[penned by its_oliverr - ]
Raccoonstripe often thinks he has received the bulk of common sense and what little was left was divided sparsely amongst his other siblings. His two older sisters especially make him scratch his head. Little Wolf with her kittypet boyfriend and half-Clan kits, and Hollow Tree with her spaceyness, her desire to claim outsider kits as hers. Now Hollow Tree stands with her whiskers frozen, the tips of her ear slowly becoming dark as blood.

"Listen to the apprentices. Even they have more sense than you." It's a jeer, but it's said lightly, even lovingly, for Raccoonstripe. "You'll be no use hunting anyway, even if we do clear a path to the forest." He twitches his tail. "Go see Berryheart and warm up, mousebrain."


Did she really look so unwell that it attracted a bunch of apprentices… and Raccoonstripe. Hollow Tree greets each of them with a respectful nod. She was happy that they all cared but felt bad for making them worry. “I feel if we wait much longer to go hunting, there will be nothing but snow in here.” Maybe that was too dark to say. It was how she was feeling. The dens could only keep them so warm. Cats needed energy to keep the cold from shutting down their bodies.

Perhaps they were right. Taking a break would do her good and maybe by then some other cats will clear away enough snow to leave. Though, she wasn’t sure if prey would actually walk in here. The camp smelled strongly of Thunderclanners. Sitting here and speaking with the younger cats was reenergizing. Yeah, just a small break till she was warm again. Her body ached and she felt like a nap would be nice. Even better if she could curl up to another cat. "Thank you. The sooner we dig out, the sooner we can go back to hunting. Hopefully, the sun will help melt the snow too."

Her yellow eyes flickered on Raccoonstripe at his jeer. Something familiar but uncommon swarmed her. Mousebrain? Maybe this mousebrain should show her brother some sisterly love. Hollow Tree got up, padding past Raccoonstripe to head to the warrior den. Before pausing in her steps right beside him. “Warm up you say?” The older feline aimed to swiftly turn around and shove her freezing face into Raccoonstripes side. Hoping she would shove him with enough force to knock him onto the snow. Starting to laugh softly even if her move didn’t work.
[ you fall through the trees . tags ]

Little Wolf loves all her siblings, from Graystorms foul mouth to Racoonstripes big head. Hollow Tree is not an exception to this rule. The brown tabby had always kept her space from them, had seemed more distant ever since their father had passed and that, admittedly, made the black she cat sad. It pulls at her heartstrings to see her sister now, desperately overworking herself in a vain attempt to get out of the camp, to find them some well needed food. But at the expense of her life? It wasn't worth it. Luckily, other cats seem to think so too.

She comes to stand next to Moonpaw, her beautiful daughter, and presses herself against her in a warm, loving greeting before her green eyes find her sister again. A smile forms on her face as she turns and bowls over Raccoonstripe, if she is indeed successful in bowling him over, Little Wolf would yell "I think you both could use some extra help warming up!" before landing on top of the both of them, if he hadn't been bowled over yet she would add in to her sister's efforts all the same.
War weighin' on my heart but I can't fall
The shouts and playful banter captures the ticked tabby's attention as he trudges through the snow. Momentarily he pauses watching as the group of siblings toss themselves at one another. Laughs and giggles erupt from the two mollies in their attempt to trample Raccoonstripe. Still, looking at the dark color of Hallow Tree's ears he clears his throat in what he hopes to be a polite interruption. He only needed to ask a simple question, and then after that they could return to their roughhousing if they chose to do so. "I have a thicker lining of moss in my nest. Would you like some?" Silver murmurs with a flick of his tail. Perhaps the added density would warm her up faster.
Seekin' shelter from the storm on this blank road



Sweet was releived when Hollow Tree eventually agreed to rest up, heading over to Raccoonstripe to harass the tom before Little Wolf joined in. He missed the casual closeness he'd had back with his littermates when they were around, and quietly he prayed to Starclan that they had found warm, safe homes for the winter.

Not wanting to let himself get too down at the idea of his siblings, he quickly threw on a smile and turned to Lightpaw and Snowpaw. "Wanna help? We could probably clear a good chunk between the three of us." he suggested, turning back toward the snow that Hollow Tree had been digging away at.

If they just went at it in little bursts, they could probably keep their paws from freezing up too badly, right?


nestled at the edge of camp, a group had formed around hollow tree. the tabby was clearing the snow, surely frozen to the bone by now. she didn't pay much mind to it, busying herself with other duties. that was until a flash of gold was seen escaping the medicine den. nightbird's tail flicked, but she didn't say anything, curious as to where his self-obtained freedom would lead him.

she followed, taking her time to traverse the snow. it was on the way to melting, but that only made it much more difficult to navigate. the warrior arrived at the same time sweetpaw was suggesting the three apprentice's take over hollow tree's work. a displeased gaze was sent towards the spotted one. "i'm afraid lightpaw will have to miss out," she said coolly before turning her head towards her apprentice "i think his nest in the medicine den is growing a little too cold, wouldn't want it to be uncomfortable," nightbird added, brows raising expectantly to where he stood. she returned her attention to sweetpaw soon after. "i'll help instead."
[ ☾✩ ]

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