mission to mars .. joining


the perfect placeholder
May 17, 2023
⋆⍋ The sun had just barely begun to rise by the time the couple had set out. The pale colored she-cat carried the largest of the writhing scraps of fur. And no matter how much that little scrap yowled and mewled in protest of being carried for so long, so far, she refused any assistance from her companion- her mate that held the other two. Gwen and Onyx. Two cats with the prize of kittens, yet no outcome to raise a family on their own.

Gwen, the lovely lilac, was too attached to her kittypet lifestyle to take her chances as a full stray like her counterpart. Onyx, the burly black tom was not welcome in his mates garden. The pair knew what happened to housecats with kittens. They already experienced one of them being taken away before they could take their chances with the forest cats. Gwen refused to let it happen again, she wouldn't let another twoleg hand near any of her kittens again.

With their mouths full and jaws tired, the two both let out twin sighs of relief when the familiar descriptions of the bordering fence appeared. It seemed there were already a few cat-sized tunnels dug underneath. Onyx placed the two smaller kits beside Gwen and slid underneath, pulling each kitten his mate pushed through to other side.

"We should wait it. The scent is strong, typically means the space has been claimed." Onyx warned Gwen when as she moved smoothly through the gap. The pair collected their little ones in a neat pile, with Gwen tiredly resigning to their mewls and cuddling beside them. They looked at one another sadly, but neither spoke a word against their actions. This would be better, they thought. Rather than allowing them to disappear into the arms of a twoleg, not knowing if they will ever see them again. They would know their kin were becoming much more than either of them would ever be. 'Warriors' as the rumors described. Honorable lives they would live.

And so the pair would quietly idle, not daring to move forward a single step so to avoid being turned away.

Pushing out of the river, drawn by the sound of mewling. Kits? He’s bewildered as he steps out from the reeds. Eyes locking on two strangers, and the ringlets of blonde on his hackles twitch in surprise. Where had they come from, the pair seemed to sit expectantly if not just recovering from a long journey. The fisherman's nostrils flare to draw any sort of clue, rogue smell was like mud and Dogteeth had long forgotten the smell of twoleg.

Seeing the small scraps, the blonde’s eyes swell in size and his heart coos. His face contorts a bit in a pout, a sadness glimmering briefly but he raises his chin and faces the parents. Water pouring from his belly, dripping down his tan ears. " quite a troop you guys got… where are you headed? This is Riverclan territory, and I’m Dogteeth " he informed with a faded smile. These two looked, very tired. Had they been run from their home?

  • — Dogteeth PINTEREST
    — twenty-eight moons
    — warrior of Riverclan
    — gay | crushing on n/a
    — small curly-furred blonde and tan tom with blue eyes.
    — very gentle voice and laugh
    — deals a nasty bite
    BIOGRAPHY——— ✧
  • 0yQlsKL.png

જ➶ Slipping from the gentle waves of the river they pick up the sounds of voices. Some are not familiar to him but another is. They narrow their eyes and find themselves drawn to go and see just what it is. Stepping lightly through the reeds the moggy focuses their gaze on the pair of strangers and he couldn't help his hackles raising. Yet as soon as he sees the bundle of kits with them they try to relax their fur along their spine. Hearing Dogteeth he has to agree that they look supremely tired. With a frown on their muzzle they step up along the tan warrior's side and eyes the kits before looking at the pair. "Wolfglade." They decide to introduce themselves so as not to cause more tension by their arrival. They just don't think that one warrior needs to be alone in this situation. Never know what to expect

"Did you...need something from us?" Given the fact that they waited here upon their border and did not cross the scent line it stands to reason that maybe they cane here on purpose.
⋆⍋ Gwen's gaze turned to Onyx as the tom instinctively curled his tail around hers for comfort. Dogteeth, despite his softened exterior had intimidated the pair. With the addition of Wolfglade, Gwen appeared tense as she held her kittens closer to her side. They weren't sure what to expect how these Clans were like, exactly how they would treat folk like themselves. Truly they were here out of pure hope they would abide by the wishes of these kittens parents.

Onyx was the first to speak, giving Gwen a reassuring glance. "Thank you for the introductions. My name's Onyx, this is my mate, Gwen. And these three..." His head turned to look pridefully at his kittens while their mother comforted their mewling. "Are our kittens. I'll make it short, we don't want Gwen's twolegs taking our little ones away. They already nabbed one of'em. And it's not easy living out on the streets with me. We heard that you folk in the forests were different, though. And, instead of waiting for them to be taken from us, well... We wanted to make the choice of where they'll end up." Gwen prodded her hind leg at him, get on with it, the gesture speaks.

"R-right, so, it's a lot to ask of strangers. But we wanted to take the chance, ask you forest cats to raise and protect our little ones where we can't. Give them something meaningful in life. Teach them things we never could." His whiskers are trembling, trying to hold his nerve in the presence of the two before them.
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  • Crying
Reactions: DogTeeth
The journey only helped raise the kittens temper, squirming and writhing about in his mother's jaws. It was uncomfortable, cold, and he was loud in his distaste for it. Of course no matter how obnoxious and shrill his grievances were, it did not provide any outcome he wanted. Eventually he fell silent, content making his mother's life harder by just squirming out from her jaws. Sometimes he landed a paw to her nose and pushed as hard as his might kitten muscles could manage. Of course he only managed to tire himself out.

Then at last- at last! He is met with the ground. For a short while he is satiated, even as he's passed between his parents. Then the warmth of his littermates greet him and the kitten feels fully content. The familiar scents return to him as he nestles both into his siblings and his mother's side. Distantly he can hear his father's voice and he begins to purr loudly. ​
  • Love
Reactions: DogTeeth
Looming behind Dogteeth with a blank, unwelcoming stare, it was probably not doing much to help their anxieties or concerns that she stood in complete silence and just... watched. Icy blue eyes keenly observing as they explained, weaving a long story about their dismay. The tragedy of being a kittypet no less. The corners of her mouth fell slightly into a frown, growing more agitated the longer this story droned on... It was too familiar.... Too infuriating.

Sliding in next to Dogteeth finally, her rigid stance remained unpleasant at best. "So let me get this straight." Anyone that knew her deathly emotionless manner of speaking was prepared for how poorly this summary would go.

"You lot decided to have children. Yanno... a lifetime commitment, eh? And not only did you not consider that Onyx is a Clan-less rogue, that Gwen is a Twoleg companion, but also that your beloved Upwalkers might not appreciate you coming home with more mouths to feed," she let out a small breath, inhaling as she prepared to continue her tangent, "So then after all of that lack of insight you thought, hey, let's drop off more mouths to feed with these strangers by the river? That all sound about right?"

It was rhetorical... a scolding for their selfish thoughtlessness. Looking at the small and persistent pile of fur on the ground that had made a mockery of his mother's 'kindness' to bring him here, she shook her head as if to dismiss the smirk that threatened to ruin her point. He was a little pest... a stubborn one that would probably survive out here just fine. But that wasn't the point!

"You clearly don't actually have options outside of this dumb last ditch effort... so..." Turning to her clanmates, the molly shrugged at them...

"Who wants to tell Cicadastar they're a new father? I mean I can but I don't think he'd believe me."
જ➶ Hearing them talk of their situation makes a frown pull at the corner of their muzzle. They couldn't keep their kits because the twolegs would take them. They already took one of their ilk and they wonder just what they did with them. On the other paw he supposes that kit will have a better life to some degree than wandering out here where they would have to contest with the other clans and face danger. A soft life is never for them but for some he supposes it is warranted. Still their ears pull back as they listen to Lichentail go on and on in reproach of their decision. With a slow huff he looks to the other and merely flicks an ear before shifting to get ready to move. "It's up to Cicadastar if we can have them or not. With how things look we might be able to accommodate them if a Queen will raise them properly. I'll fetch our leader, stay here with Dogteeth and keep watch." The moggy then, carefully brushes against Dogteeth, worry slightly in the back of his mind before he leaves to retrieve their leader.

This situation is odd to them that a family is so willing to give up their own children to strangers. A hope for a better future they suppose.



Petalnose made her way over, hostile eyes narrowing on the two bodies and then the kits. Her expression didn't change, her eyes only narrowing more a Lichentails remark. "I'm wondering the same as Lichentail. And who told you we're so friendly as to take in any kit haphazardly? We're not to be a nursery for outsiders." She meowed suspiciously, giving them an annoyed snarl and gazing down on the two adults sternly as if they were kits themselves. If the two didn't have bundles of fur, she'd likely show more hostility. Any outsider was still a risk. A suspicion. Though, she guessed they were telling the truth or they just didn't want the responsibility of it all. Another possibility could be they were terrible parents either on accident or on purpose. There were many possibilities and she wasnt appreciative that Dogteeth and Wolfglade were so relaxed, "We don't request what outsiders need from us. We don't owe anything to strangers. I'm disappointed I have to remind this.." She meowed, dragging a paw over her face from mere annoyance.

They say it's protection of twolegs. Though, she remembered the news of what happened to Ashpaw. The traps, the wires. The twolegs were well aware cats remained near the river. They probably were only safe until apprenticeship, where they can leave camp. Unless they happened to sneak out like she always had when she was a kit amongst the group of marsh cats. She decided against telling the news towards the strangers, she didn't want her clan to look weakened.

The tall female wrinkled her nose as Lichentail requested for Cicadastar towards the strangers, about to turn to fetch him until Wolfglade took the chance. Secretly, as much hostility as she possessed in the moment, she had a soft spot for kits. It reminded her of the bundles of fur her friend bore, which, pained her at the same time. Though, being a mother meant commitment. It meant she had to stick in a den all day and listen to deafening mews. Nothing exciting. It wasn't a life she wanted to commit to. Kits were a look not touch sort of situation for her. So, she merely looked upon Otterkit and his littermates squirming with longing and pain through her furrowed brows and hostile posture.

It must really pain them to give them up.


This hit close to home, it reminded him of his former kittypet ma who raised six kittens all on her own. A loner father in and out like a wood roach, providing nothing and taking everything. Dogteeth blinks painfully, looking down at the kits. There’s no way, they would leave them. Could they?

" you… want to leave them? " the blonde’s brows are pinched; he cannot fathom leaving his children with strangers, but he’s never been at the end of the rope before. Well- maybe he has, but still.

Lichentail and Petalnose do the talking, scathing words but not without truth in the commentary. Dogteeth is stirred by Wolfglade’s touch as they go to fetch Cicadastar, the blonde never realized how much the other grounded him and made him feel just a bit safer until they are gone and he looks towards Petalnose and Lichentail for subconscious reassurance.

  • — Dogteeth PINTEREST
    — twenty-eight moons
    — warrior of Riverclan
    — gay | crushing on n/a
    — small curly-furred blonde and tan tom with blue eyes.
    — very gentle voice and laugh
    — deals a nasty bite
    BIOGRAPHY——— ✧
  • 0yQlsKL.png

⋆⍋ There it was. The catalyst to the disgusted, disappointed reactions from the riverside cats. Truthfully it's not a reaction either of them are surprised by. The pair had long since accepted the consequences of their actions, what this would label them. How it would change the way their friends might look at them. But they couldn't change what they had done. Couldn't take it back, and now were left with what to do now.

Both of the outsiders nodded tiredly as they were verbally scathed and judged. No thoughts they hadn't shouted at one another before coming to this conclusion.

Onyx opened his maw to speak, but this time Gwen cut in. "We are not oblivious to how irresponsible we are." Her voice sounded just as fatigued as she looked. "We had assumed- hoped, a different outcome. But it didn't happen."

There is an odd glimmer that seemed to light up the queens face. As she looked over each warrior, there was admiration in her gaze. Contrast to Onyx who now had fallen silent with shame. "No one told us anything aside from there being colonies outside the neighborhood." She answered Petalnose calmly. "You would be absolutely right that you're not responsible for our oversight. Onyx nor even I would blame anyone to turn us away, but..." Gwen uncovered her tail from the assortment of fur at her side. "Every one of you has looked at them, and only thought about how cruelly selfish this is. You reasonably blame us, but not a harsh look to them at all. I know it was right to bring them here. You've proven a kittens safety is important to you all."

Gwen looked down at the kittens once more, a gentle smile on her maw albeit tears threatening the corners of her eyes. "This Cicadastar, he sounds important. We would love to talk with him."
Pike isn't sure what to make of this situation. This is the first time he's ever borne witness to this sort of event. He holds similar sentiments to his clanmates at the absurdity this is. Kits are precious and for parents to give them up and trust them to raise their kits as Riverclanners... We stopped letting in outsiders long ago. If you had come sooner maybe you would have been allowed to join. Wait. Why don't any of them want to force themselves to join the clan for their kits? His brows furrow as his clanmates continue their harsh berating of the parents, not disagreeing with their comments. Why should he? All of them were speaking the truth of how irresponsible these parents were, but then his eyes land on the kit nestled against their father.

His gaze softens and he gives the little kit a faint smile. This was not the kits doing and he would not show any anger towards them. What he did feel was immense sadness. From what he could see, the kit clearly was attached to their parents. How would they react at being taken away from their mother and father? Would they wail? Would they grow to hate Riverclan? Mistakenly thinking that the clan stole them away from their true parents? As much as he wanted the best for the kit, he knew he must look at their parents.

When he finally takes them in, he can see how desperate they are. Not enough to leave their old lives behind and try and join us. Even if that was unlikely. But when he looks at that kit against his father, his heart screams not to let this kit suffer. He glances at Petalnose and senses her discomfort. He isn't sure what exactly it could be, until he is reminded of her history with kits. Without a doubt this must have been difficult for her. He wishes he could ease her mind, but now is not the place nor would she want it to be a spectacle.

Instead, he takes a step towards Onyx and Gwen. He is not Cicadastar, but he would like a word with them and their kit. In fact, he gets close to the family and bends his neck down to face the kit, "Hi there. Don't worry I won't do anything to your mommy and daddy. I just want to speak to them." A soft smile ever present on his lips, he looks at Onyx and Gwen.

"I'm sure you've had enough of being told how irresponsible you are, so I won't talk about that. What I want to know is this. If we take in your kits, how would you like them to remember you if at all? From what I see this little one loves you, so I expect there will be confusion about why strangers took them away from you two. Do you want them to leave them with names like ours?" Maybe he's speaking out of line. Considering that Cicadastar wasn't here to say whether or not the kits would stay. However, if they were allowed he wanted to know what the next steps would be.

He saw no reason to explain his questions to the pair. They were correct that each of them cared about kittens and would do anything in their power to ensure their safety. Pike knows that he can't care for the kits and that these kits would be raised by queens, so it may be strange for them to have more than one mother. In terms of father... He isn't sure if Cicadastar would be happy with becoming these kits father considering what had happened with Hazepaw and Mosspaw. Yeah, he lost his mind that day with those two. He's leader and I'm not saying he wouldn't be able to, but sometimes leaders needed some help.

Call him Fish-brained for what he was about to say, but he refused to let these kits suffer. He turns his head to his clanmates, in particular Lichentail. "You don't have to tell Cicadastar he'll be a new father. He's got his paws full with Hazepaw and Mosspaw already. If it gives them a chance, tell Cicadastar I'll be their father. W-well act like one. I can't replace the real one after all."
( ) padding softly at the end of the patrol, the smoke lead warrior is the last to scent the newcomers. as she emerges through the reeds, the unfamiliar scent causes her pause, fur lifting gently until her gaze fixates on the kittens. her heart just about melts. willowroot will be the first to admit she is almost motherly to a fault she has a habit of making rash, unhelpful decisions when the safety of children are in mind. so, as these two strangers introduce themselves and explain their situation, her heart tells her to accept their offer immediately. once, she would have. but her mind flickers back to ashpaw, to the cries of despair as the clan learns that their bright apprentice has been stolen.

she remembers moons of softness, allowing ashpaw to sleep next to her in the nursery, then moons alone, having returned to the warriors den- without her kits, without ashpaw. she hadn't trained the girl right, she knows this now. softness is not the way you survive in the wild.

she will make herself seen, appearing beside dogtooth with a nod. "hello, i am willowroot, one of cicadastar's lead warriors," she will introduce herself. pikesplash announces he will be the father to these children and green eyes widen. "riverclan has no issues with kits. we take in abandoned and lost children when they come to us. you are lucky it is newleaf, and our clan is strong."

she lets her gaze flicker back to the children, mewling and pushing at their parents. half of her mind spots venom, dares her to tell the she-cat that it is only right that twolegs control her life. after all, gwen does not seem particularly ready to abandon her twolegs. the fucking loyalty of kittypets to their prison guards… still, she is more noble than that. "i have no doubt cicadastar will allow them to join. however, it will be up to the clan how they will remember their parents. many are not… fond of kittypets, nor twolegs. there will be no visits to the twolegplace, or meetings on the border. if cicadastar agrees to this, these will most certainly be his terms. the kits may know they have parents outside the clan, but it will not be proven to them. they will be riverclan, raised by riverclanners." she almost finds her own words vile as she speaks. had she been but a year younger, just joining this clan, she would've renounced these terms. willowroot has grown, she realizes, become almost the thing she'd abhorred as a loner.

the nerve of the clans to think so highly of themselves is a conversation for another time. this is what cicada would say, and when representing him, it's her job to tell the truth. "if you have named them, we will respect their names, although they will gain clan suffixes. we have a queen in the nursery right now who could be convinced to nurse them." sighing, she will dip her head again. "i apologize that it has to be this way. i am a mother to the two my warrior just mentioned. i know how difficult this must be. i appreciate that you are willing to sacrifice for your children. they will be protected and beloved, i promise."
//mobile, sorry!!

⋆⍋ There is a moment of shock on Onyx's face as Pikesplash came closer to them. He fought off the paternal urge to shield his family from the approach, instead rooting himself where he was like stone. He trusted nothing of harm would come from any of the warriors present, he had to. Gwen had so much faith in their family's future here, he had to believe it too. Believe and know that this would be their best shot.

Pikesplash's words toward their oldest just about warms their hearts. While the rest had stayed a distance away in their lectures, this one was friendlier. Onyx nodded his head at the toms concerns, listening carefully. "Gwen and I have talked about this, extensively. We don't know your practices, what's allowed and what ain't. But what we believe would be best, best for them, is if they only know the river as their home. We feel if they know or are told of us, it would backfire on why we brought'em here at all."

He glanced toward Gwen for another look of support. "He does love us, all of them... It's not easy doing this. I hope none of you are in the position we are, same circumstances or not." The dark tom stood a little straighter as Pikesplash announced himself to fulfill the role meant Onyx. A great respect filled the rogue. Gwen had been right to take the chance, she really knew they would do their best to ensure their kin remained well taken care of.

The two are a bit more attentive to Willowroot when they make themselves known. They listen intently, glad to hear the consistency between Pikesplash and her words. Their wishes would be granted, and of course at the foreseen cost. This would be their last moments with them.

Gwen released herself from the grasp of kittens. She faced Willowroot, one mother to another. "They don't have to know a thing, as Onyx said. None of them have been given names, never got the moment to do that together... Whatever your naming tradition in RiverClan is, it's only appropriate they experience that as well." A sharp, sudden hiss brought her attention to Onyx. His kept his paw close to his chest, sights on their oldest. The two share a giggle before looking to the lead warrior again. "I suppose its right to warn you, that one has an otter-mouth. Has trouble keeping his teeth to himself."

And now the dreaded moment of goodbyes. "Willowroot, we owe you and the rest of RiverClan for this. I'm sure Mosspaw and Hazepaw make you the proudest mother. I hope... I hope their new mother and father will be proud of them too." Gwen purred as Onyx rounded the little bundles up, murmuring his goodbyes and sharing his last bit of affections with them.

The lilac she-cat joined her mate, tearfully purring her goodbyes and good wishes to them. They pulled away only so that the warriors good take them where they were needed, standing side by side as they comforted one another.
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  • Crying
Reactions: willowroot
While the adults talk, things continue to stir with the kitten himself. While he had been bested before in the battle of will against his mother, he used his time of rest to simmer for now. Having a loud temper was exhausting for such a small body. He could only be so loud and obnoxious for so long before his chest felt heavy and sank him back down beside his siblings.

Gwen had left the three of them again, but this time he does not shrill and cry for her. No, he doesn't need that now. Instead he blindly shoved himself away from his siblings and followed the scent of the Other One. He knows this figure by scent and the blurred size that would tower over him whenever he was around. Much bigger than the one that fed and warmed them.

The ground he gained was slow, and not by any intention of his own. his little kitten legs are hardly efficient in maneuvering him anywhere quickly but thankfully the Other One is distracted by the others long enough. When he reaches exactly what he's looking for, a fuzzy paw, the kittens mouth moved faster than his victim could react. Teeth latch onto the paw and the Other One ripped his paw away. He doesn't care though, he succeeded his little mission and is given the attention he deserved. The Other One and his mother reunite him with his siblings and his loud purring returned, though became confusion when left alone again.

But, perhaps by the graces of the stars, his mission had tired him out enough not to complain. This time. ​