MISTY MORNING // first catch

//tw for very brief blood description in the first sentence but better safe than sorry

It was warm in her mouth, its pelt, its blood, the taste. Purrs of delight and pride cannot help but be sung, for Figpaw on this very day caught her very first catch. The marmalade tabby was perhaps a late bloomer in the art of hunting, she's been training for over a moon now but until this day has only come close to gripping her claws around prey. She recalls a squirrel she had almost taken back home, stomped on its tail but she had hesitated and through its squirming it escaped.

Now at last, she did not hesitate and she had performed the hunt with a moderate amount of skill. A mouse was her prize, the clean was not perfect, no... but it was far from not being edible. She grins a big toothy grin to @TALLULAHWING and anyone else present in her hunting patrol. "Look! My first catch!" She beams, doing a little dance with her paws against the cool earth. A breeze slips through the trees, blowing against the patrols fur, Figpaw hardly notices the chill. "I wonder who will get to eat it... They'll be reallyyyy lucky." Figpaw's own mouth is watering, she's had fresh prey before but never this fresh. She's very "subtly" looking for permission to dig in with wide orange eyes.


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· FIGPAW, AMAB — she / her
╰ ‣ 5 moons .
╰ ‣ skyclan apprentice . believes in starclan, doesn't fully understand

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like pine nettles & sap, status — 100%
╰ ‣ A red tabby she-cat with orange eyes.

· ENFP-A ❝
CAMPAIGNER❞ , Gryffindor, Lawful Good
╰ ‣ Excitable, generous, caring, quick-to-act, daft, naive
╰ ‣ finds relative ease relating to others . kind-hearted, will show mercy

· NPC X DAISYFLIGHT, sister to Greenpaw, Violetpaw, Snowpaw & Butterflypaw
╰ ‣ homosexual . mistakes admiration for romantic feelings
╰ ‣ poor fighter . okay hunter .
╰ ‣ unlikely to start fights . will flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.
I won't apologize for being who I am
Silently he lies in wait, his body frozen and well concealed behind the leafy coverage of a dense bush. The world around him is quiet for the most part, despite a chorus of birdsong firing off here and there. But he was not idly laying around, no, the boy was tracking a vole that grew ever closer to his hiding spot. His adrenaline soared to new heights as he determined the little creature to be well within reach, pastel eyes of green boring into his potential catch. Thistleback's treasured words of wisdom whisper into his mind, reminding him of the necessary steps that create a deadly hunter. Coyote's eyes narrow, muscles tightening as he prepares to pounce of the unsuspecting rodent. Leopardcloud would be so proud. He mentally counts down, psyching himself up for the strike "One, two, thr-"

"Look! My first catch!" The vole snaps to attention and Coyotepaw feels fear sink into the pit of his stomach. "No, no!" He thought fleetingly as the critter turned on its heels to run away. The spotted tabby bursts from his hiding place, sprinting the vole down to make up for lost ground. There was a moment he stepped on it's tail but the momentum of his run caused him to overshoot the placement of his opposing paw, thus the his prey escaped down a hole. "Argh!" He grunts, stamping the ground with a single cream paw in frustration. He was so close. The boy's brows pinch as an exasperated sigh falls from his maw. "Sorry Thistleback...I nearly had it." He muttered, glancing over at Figpaw stifling disdain as he nods to her. "Congrats." The word is mumbled. "...on scaring all the prey away from here to fourtrees." Is what he wished to follow up with, but he managed to compose himself. (@ThistleBack )
Tryna throw shade on me say a lot 'bout you

However quiet these children thought they were, he knew he bested them. Gilded paws, baubles of bristled lead, shivered through the underbrush with an oppressive silence. Winterwink had not yet mastered hunting, but the act of moving undeclared had proven easy. Hunting, hun-ting… It was a tricky business, trickier than most. If only mice could be convinced to death, undoubtedly the tom would be the mightiest of warriors. There are none with a pelt that can resist his charm.

A squawk blunted the forest’s acoustics, one belonging to the juane-speck apprentice upstage a few tail lengths away. Feather-float, Winterwink engaged in the commendation, "Wonderful… A good little hunter aren’t you." A sweet smile buoyed his expression, moustached snout askew.

"You could give it to me? I’d very much appreciate the luck." An exaggerated waver held his tone, in unison with the coiling of his tail. The tom was disadvantaged… her kind act would ensure he had his fill as well. So focused on his compelling, only a lone ear was offered to the other apprentice on the scene.

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Though Twitchpaw was not the best hunter yet, he was... getting there. Unfortunate that he was so lousy at catching birds considering it was the only thing his stupid mother ever seemed to want to eat, but Daisyflight had said that skill would come with time and he supposed he had to believe her. He'd caught a mouse at least today. That would do. He'd give it to Dad, even if Dad decided it was more of a 'morning meal' and pawned it off on someone else...

A chirping tone, brimming with triumph, pulled him out of his bitter stupor. A mismatched gaze turned to settle upon Figpaw, ear flicking at Coyotepaw's muttered congratulations- the half-intention of the latter was hard to miss. Still, he let a shaky smile present itself upon his face, the expression fighting past the quiver of one of his eyelids. Placing his mouse by mismatched paws, he took in a breath to offer his congratulations- but cutting through his speech was the wishy-washy tone of Winterwink, and he felt ant-bites under his pelt.

These cats- like his father, who spoke in riddles that meant sense only to them- what did he mean luck? She'd been skilled, hadn't she? Not fortunate- there was a stark difference. Before he barked a retort, though, he reigned himself in- swallowed his snap reaction. No, Winterwink reminded him of his dad but he was not nearly as bad with the making-no-sense. "Shouldn't- shouldn't she get to eat her first catch?" A suggestion offered in a dithering tone, it seemed the best reward for her success.
penned by pin ✧
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Figpaw's cheerful declaration was drowned out by his own annoyance, but he pushed it to the side for now-for his sister. Snowpaw would not give any other cat an leniency or congratulations, but his siblings were permitted the rare degrees of softness his dappled form betrayed at times; perhaps not right now with so many cats present, but he'd slip her a proper congrats at a later time in private. Right now? Right now he was more focused on cackling like a hyena at Coyotepaw's dejected tone, his compliments to his sister would be thinly guarded backhands at the other apprentices direction, "Nice faceplant! Almost had that! Maybe Figpaw can give you some pointers later if you ask nicely?" The saccharine sweet tone of the spotted tom was perhaps a little too oozing with sympathy to be taken serious at all. Not that he cared about being taken seriously, but if he was immediately hostile from the start the older cats would start scolding more swiftly, whereas his facade took a little longer to play out before a paw was put down. It worked with some, not Deersong, but others saw past him now. He had an inkling Thistleback did too, but he couldn't be bothered to care. Another older feline approaches and Snowpaw can not help but stare at him incredulously.

Winterwink's remark is met with an almost polite suggestion otherwise by Twitchpaw, which made the blue tom's cheeks puff up in righteous fury to what he deemed to be utter cowardice. With a whirl of fur and gold eyes he pivoted about to face the older tom with teeth visible and pupils tightening into dark slits. "Go catch your own! Luck can't help slackers!" Daylight warriors were either absolutely pathetic or proper warriors like his own mentor and he was shoving this one into the pathetic section without hesitation; at the very least if Figpaw wasn't allowed to eat it then she deserved to take it to the camp to show off her catch even more, not let some warrior wannabe gobble it up in front of her.

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I won't apologize for being who I am
The cackling is immediately caught by honey toned ears, brow pinching as Snowpaw chortles on about his misfortune. Pastel eyes narrow ever so slightly as he glares the other boy down. "I think that hawk might have taken more than just a little skin, Snowpaw. When did you see me fall?" A low blow fired as the cream tabby tips his chin, genuinely questioning the older male. He hadn't fallen, only misplaced his paw and stepped over the vole. But if the other apprentice wanted to trade retorts Coyotepaw was more than willing. Anything to blow off some steam surrounding his current anxieties over Leopardcloud. Most days he was a hairs trigger away from imploding, just barely keeping it all together. "Maybe you should visit Dawnglare after we get back, hm? Just to make sure everything is in working order." He walks closer to Thistleback, taking a seat beside his mentor as he surveys the words tossed about by others regarding the prey Figpaw held onto. "I agree...I think she should be the one to eat it." She'd caught it, why not allow her to be the one to have it?
Tryna throw shade on me say a lot 'bout you
╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

Tallulahwing, despite her warm, gushy exterior with her adult Clanmates, is quite utilitarian with little Figpaw. Her praise is the absence of criticism, most of the time, and her approval and disapproval mainly shown in faint, oft-confusing body language. But the torbie pauses as she sees he little ginger she-cat flash across the front of the patrol, eyes gleaming with intent, paws outstretched. When she turns, a tiny brown lump hangs from her jaws, naked tail apparent.

"Your first catch." She's surprised, but not unpleasantly so. A flick of an ear, a ghost of a smile -- Tallulahwing is pleased. "Figpaw, that was good. Do you know what was different about this time?"

Poor Coyotepaw misses his own catch as a result of Figpaw's boisterous eagerness, but Tallulahwing does not correct Figpaw on this -- not right away, not in front of the other apprentices. It wouldn't do anything but spark resentment, and besides, why damper her pride in her first mouse? She sees no point in it, but she chokes on a badly-hidden giggle at Coyotepaw's expression.

Tallulahwing wrinkles her nose at Winterwink, the ostentatious and bizarre daylight warrior she shares quarters with. "Nah, now! It'll go in the fresh-kill pile. I'm sure Dawnglare or Burr would appreciate that mouse, Missy." She twitches her tail tip, acknowleding Twitchpaw and Snowpaw and ignoring the quarrel Coyotepaw has with Figpaw's littermate. She can see Figpaw oh so subtly asking permission to devour her catch, but in Tallulahwing's eyes, it's not appropriate.

She turns to her apprentice and says, voice almost prim, "Little gal, take heart. There will be so many mice for you to eat in this life... but your first one should be for the Clan. It'll put a big ol' smile on someone's face, just for today. It'll feed SkyClan. And ya just can't do any better than that, can ya, darlin'?" Her whiskers twitch as she waits for Figpaw's protest.

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