Jun 28, 2022

Split off from a larger hunting patrol, the pair of cats breached the tree cover into a wide clearing. With the protection of shade, the sun swept through the greenery right to their roots, bathing the space in tan. Dry columns of grass sifted together, their roots fletched with flat attempts at new growth. Sloetride led the way between the pair, ears a solid tail length from gracing the top of the mock tunnel.

Insects flocked to the tips of the sallow meadow. His ears traced two tumbling butterflies, the patterned shapes beating across their path. He had assumed the lack of canopy movement would make for easier hunting, however the whizz of bees and other bugs told him otherwise. At least their presence suggested there'd be prey- right?

With the territory boar-free and with Wolfwind as company, Sloestride hazarded an attempt at small talk. The other feline always managed to get him talking anyway. "So, how’s lead warrior life treating you? Congrats b-" The clatter of the nearby crickets soared, their screams driving a needle straight into the back of his skull. Distress curled from his cropped tail to his scruff.

Mouth agape, Sloestride ploughed on the instant the whirring stopped. Congrats. Shame there s’not a special 'ceremony' for leads like warriors, eh?" A discontent, though well-natured, expression scrunched his features- brow low, maw bent up. The tom had not forgotten the chill of mud through his pelt since that day she had encouraged him through a tradition of her own.

“Yo-“ Buzzing punched back into the relative quiet. Sloestride’s ears snatched back in despair. It made his pelt itch. A sheepish laugh hummed through the din, the barest beginnings of lunacy wringing his mind. This time, the reprieve lasted only half a beat before another segment of the grasses went up in song.

“For fu-“ The pitch simmered high. An uncharacteristic flash of frustration and helplessness slung through the warrior’s body, back feet buckling to dunk him into a sitting position. Honey swallowed his countenance, slit pupils wavering amidst wide eyes.

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If there was anything she could appreciate about Leaf-bare, it'd be that you'd never find bugs being obnoxious as they were being today. As litters came with the warm season, she supposed they did for insects too– if that wasn't one of the grossest thoughts in in the world. Or maybe more like the funniest. Small as they are, she doesn't think a cat could make out a damn thing. Instead of the grueling labor they do, it was probably more like... ya' blink, and suddenly the mayfly's fuckin' multiply.

What was she thinkin' about? Yeah, it's like they decided its safe to come out at the very same time ThunderClan did. Bees buzzed about the flowers that haven't yet died and mosquitos get too bold comin' near her. She has to shake out her fur more than once, thick tail lashing for them to get away. It's been some days now without the boars comin' back, so she lets herself ease up more, finally. Sloestride makes it easy to focus on nothin' but how funny he is.

Wolfwind cocks her head; purses her lips, already contemplating his reply. Poor Sloestride isn't afforded the same leeway as nature itself seems to scream for him to shut the hell up. Wolfwind tries her damn best to hold in her snicker as his mouth hangs agape. It only half works. "I mean, s'only been a few days. I feel the same, really, " Wolfwind says with a smile, eyes idly scanning the treetops. Not like she'd be chasin' anythin'. up there. Sloestride could go climbin' on his own, thank you. "Only difference is I don't gotta listen to Raccoonstripe any more! And I can have you exiled if you ever wrong me! " ( THIS IS A JOKE ). For good measure, she'd go to bump shoulders with him

Wolfwind snorts at the callback, grin remaining impish. " I'm sure I can get that changed real quick. you watch. " She angles her ears toward him as he looks about to say somethin' again. Poor guy can't get out another word before like, a million flies or somethin' decide what they have to say is more important. Another half-muffled laugh punches past her lips.

The final try leaves him broken. Defeated. Wolfwind barks a laugh, probably frightening any prey that hadn't been driven away by the boars already. " Imagine if this many bugs had been 'round during that Windstorm! " And, later, after realizing his genuine frustration. " Hey, hey, you okay? "
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Wolfwind’s laughter knocks him out of his dizziness somewhat, throat still stiff. Sloestride tucked his chin deep into his chest and snorted out a hasty, "Yeah- yeah I’m a‘right." Normally slim cheeks rounded with shame. "Just sensitive I guess, don’t those crickets get in your head?" The tom shook his head in emphasis. Maybe they didn’t. He’d always been a bit more on edge than others after living with his twolegs. The insect’s static-like cries reminded him of her voice through the handheld lightbox, ravaging the silence with garbled screams.

Another flood of noise span through the grass but the warrior was better prepared, ignoring it with only a grimace. Less bogged down, the tom was able to consider Wolfwind’s responses. A laugh rambled across his tongue. "Only a few days and you’re already trying to change traditions? That would be like you. “ Then, partly out of guilt for souring the mood, Sloestride tentatively returned the bronze-eyed molly’s shoulder bump. It was weaker than a mouse’s but did better than his previous nonresponse.

"Anyway, I’d like to see you try to exile me- you’d have to go through Howlingstar first. “ There was a confidence he didn’t really feel in his words but the banter between them propped him up. It kept him thinking quick enough that he didn’t have a chance to regret his words. A strumming fly roved above his brow. One char ear twanged with annoyance, knocking it away.

Across the way, a small shape pinged from the dry meadow. Crystal folds fluttered as it sang. Sloestride's spine went rigid, irrational irritation plunging his rationality aside. It's just one- it won't stop the noise it- Black paws darted forward, one eager claw free. Despite the mounds of resolve backing the attack, by the time the mink warrior smashed his paw onto the grass the cricket had sprung free. The resulting sigh buffeted his whiskers. "Rats.“

/sorry its late! stinker rolled a 4 for the cricket
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Wolfwind tilts her head consideringly, tryna' get a better look at his mug as he retreats in on himself. Sensitive. Wolfwind guesses you don't get as much practice tuning out the unimportant sounds of the forest when you're a Kittypet. Though, unimportant sounds weren't always unimportant. Bugs usually sure were, though. Not even she could completely ignore the sound of their whirring, but it wasn't like, driving her mad or anything. Probably. Wolfwind pauses for a moment, pondering her sanity. Sloestride's voice sounds nice and normal, though. Normal in his own weird way, that is.

She doesn't miss his attempt at camaraderie, even though he feels like a light wind would knock him over. It's nothing new. She should consider herself lucky to garner such a response since he preferred to stand around awkwardly when he was in camp with tons 'f cats. Wolfwind almost wants to test her theory but knocking into him as hard as she could, but she supposes the apparent assault on his ears was enough torture for him today.

" What you fail to realize, my friend, is that I have favorite granddaughter privilege! " ...Was she, anymore? She had always been the easy choice between her and her (sorry) traitor sister, but Howlingstar had a whole other heap of grandchildren now. Where did Wolfwind fit in all of that?

...That's a crisis for another day. " Hm hm, perhaps your apprentice privilege may outweigh mine, though. " He totally gets points docked for being a kittypet though, right? (No offense). She is fully donning her 'thinking face' as she processes this, lip jutted out just slightly. The buzzing's still in her ears.

It's only then that she tunes into the sudden stillness that's crept upon her friend. Her eyes would try to look where his were looking. And then, in a flash of fur: almost like a kit, he lashes out at one of about a thousand sources of the noise, only to miss. " Taking out your anger on them! If only I could smack Wildheart when he's talking too much, too. " She wouldn't miss, though. " Okay wait, imagine the crickets are someone ya hate, and then you'll hit em. Or, wait, maybe you shouldn't do that, cause then you could ignore it better. "
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The unravelling of his form snapped back at the realisation of what he’d just done- the embarrassment. Going for bugs wasn’t warrior behaviour, it’s not like he could bring them back to camp and put them onto the prey pile. Sloestride hoped Wolfwind wasn’t the sort to hold it against him. He didn’t think so, but he assumed his judge of character was poor.

Her consideration of who had exile rights did a lot of good in distracting him. "Yeah, yeah… you said it not me." His rumble of assent drifted into a cautious grin. Wolfwind’s granddaughter privileges definitely trumped his own- favourite or not. Howlingstar’s family was tighter than a feather’s vane and his place as an ex-kittypet ex-apprentice couldn’t compare. Regardless, the molly’s attempt to say otherwise made him reorganise his shoulders, unconfident.

"Maybe you should- would get the message across." A bad idea, Sloestride knew, and it showed in the way his pointed gaze slackened and wandered off. Would be more than a bit funny if she did though. The drilling ambience was just beginning to snare his attention when- ’Okay wait,’. He blinked. Someone he hated? The suggestion rolled through his dark fur visibly.

"Hate? I dunno… nobody I personally hate to be honest. Sootstar is-" His dislike of the Windclan leader was strong, after that one encounter he had after leaving his twoleg nest combined with news that reached them every gathering. "Yeah, nah. Like you said, feeding it sounds dodgy. Why, do you do that? Imagine cats as things and hit ‘em?"

/sorry this is short rhahrh