pafp MODERN WARFARE - splashing


Apr 24, 2023

If she were being honest, though she was a good hunter, sometimes she found the act especially boring. Go stand in the river for a little bit and stare at the water until a fish appears. Slap fish out of the water. Kill fish. Repeat. The waves gently lap at her belly fur but she's certain that for other cats the water is much higher, or they didn't go as deep as Tallwave had. She lets out a big sigh as more and more moments pass and there is not a fish to be seen "I would give what's left of my tail for even a minnow right now" she says wistfully to whoever was closest. She doubts they're having any more luck than she is, the river seemed painfully empty right now, at least it was where they were. Maybe they could... Wait!!! There! She sees something shiny out of the corner of her eye flash in the shallows and without thinking she jumps for it.

Unfortunately, the cat who said flash was in front of was none other than Cindershade herself "I GOT IT!!" the gray furred warrior calls out as her entire weight ascends into the air, water droplettes glittering on her front legs as they come down and with a great splash make contact with the river. Water goes everywhere, unescapable and in a massive torrent. Instead of meeting the soft flesh of a fish though, her claws scrape against stone "What the..." she says and using one paw, she scoops up the rock she had mistaken for a small fish.

She looks sheepishly at the cats she had splashed, rock still in her paw and she laughs "Whoops my mind musta been playin tricks on me" She feels the worst for Cindershade who had gotten the worst of the downpour caused by her canonballing right in front of her. "Ya gotta admit it's a pretty rock though!" and it was, it looked like the stars itself had been captured in this rock. Well worth risking her clanmates murdering her in her sleep if you ask her! It was no fish but still it would make a nice nest or den decoration!

// please wait for @Cindershade to reply!

Unlike her counterpart, Cindershade found a peace in wading through the waters and waiting in silence for a meal. It was something mindless, a second nature to her now, something for her to focus on and relish in the silence except for the background noise of the bubbling as water flowed seamlessly over river rocks and the roar of the falls distant. It's hum never ceasing and lulling her into a state of almost euphoria. Most of the time, she would be taking this time to be by herself and focus on this one task. It was one of the reasons why she was such a deadly huntress. But today, she didn't get to grab that luxury eith being assigned to a patrol with Tallwave. The boisterous warrior was always up for a good time, the serious streak within her was small; especially when it came to fishing.
Today, the river seemed to be giving then no luck and the lead warrior can't help but to be a bit frustrated over it. She's hunted this nook of the river many times and always had the luck to snag something at least. A flit her of gaze lands along the much larger feline beside her, wondering if she was the possible perpetrator of why there was nothing coming their way. Tallwave sighs, her wistful words grating against her ears and Cindershade can't help but throw her a lightly annoyed look on darkened features. "Maybe if you'd shut your trap long enough—" There! A reflective flash along the rippling surface catches her sharp gaze. "A flash—" She hisses in question, and she's about to observe it but Tallwave seemed a bit too eager. With a yowl of enthusiasm, exclaiming she had it, the large gray tabby slams her paws down along it with a monstrous splash. "Tallwave, no—!" A crystalline wave shoots directly for her, cutting off her words and soon she is completely soaked. With the sun residing on her back and warming her fur, the sudden change in temperature causes the molly to gasp at it's icy grip. Water foams and bubbles around her, sand stirring around her paws from the momentum of the splash.
Cindershade glowers at her blundering counterpart with an icy gaze, her rosetted fur now clinging to her compact form. Tallwave looks sheepishly at her, a smile still playing on her lips and it seems to just further poke at her ire. What Tallwave held in her paw was no fish, but a damn rock. It's reflective surface glittered in the sun, it's rays bouncing every which way off of it. The lead warrior growls, the fur along her spine like quills on a porcupine. "You idiot!" She hisses, rearing up on her hind legs to create an equally large splash towards the warrior beside her in hopes to soak her down too. "That rock is about as hard as your thick skull!"

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Hunting hadn't been much of a success this round it seemed. With the waters running empty on any available fish, Hazecloud was ready to take her chances further upstream. She had waded in until the water was up to just below her chest, roughly a tail length behind Tallwave. She turned to look at her fellow hunters, ready to persuade them to move somewhere else with her when Tallwave had leapt toward Cindershade, exclaiming to have found something that the black cat hadn't noticed already.

Hazecloud couldn't help but wince as she watched Cindershade become the prime target of Tallwave's splash. Sure, the warriors splash had reached her enough to spray against her coat, but not nearly enough to end up as drenched as the other. "Oh stars..." She murmured under her breath as she waded closer to the two. "I don't think Cindershade appreciated being splashed, friend." She would hate to be at the end of Cindershade's anger here, that was for sure. She glanced around them as the waves from Tallwave's jump began to calm down.

"And most certainly anything that might have been here is long gone. Should we take a break and move up?" Hazecloud couldn't help but look at the stone like it was plagued. She couldn't agree that it was worth any risk- a rock wouldn't feed anything. It would hardly keep a kit entertained for very long either. Well.. maybe unless that kit was Tallwave herself.
( tags ) Of course he would come hunting if Tallwave was on the patrol, but it seemed like the whole patrol had back luck today. I was hoping we didn't have to go too far today, but it looks like we have to. His ears perked when Tallwave had told the patrol that she had caught something, but before he could even look at it, he was hit by water. It wasn't enough to drench him as much as Cindershade, but he was feeling a bit damp. He had heard Hazecloud's comment, nodding in agreement. This was indeed an oh stars moment because making Cindershade upset was practically a death sentence. One way or another it would be ugly. Anyhow, he followed suit and tried not to stare at poor Cindershade.

He offered his friend Tallwave a smile, as if reassuring her that it was no big deal. As in, Tallwave was not going to be clawed to death by Cindershade. It was not as bad he hoped like that one time someone spread rumors that Cindershade was expecting kits. At the suggestion of moving up he nodded, seeing as there was no reason for them to continue to hope to find something here. If they had the Sunningrocks, then that would've been a good suggestion. However, with how things were as of late... it was best not to take that risk. "Would it best to also look for any signs of prey that aren't fish? I know that we're looking for at least a minnow, but any food is better than none." Sure they were Riverclan and they were known for swimming and hunting fish, but that didn't mean they were limited to just fish.