sensitive topics Mommy issues || Frostbite

(( We got a bad mom and some maiming in here so if you don't want to see that pls avert your gaze))

He was tired, weak and hungry. He had forgone sleep in favor of hunting regardless of the time of day. His eyes hurt from the daylight, but he had to keep them open. He had to find something.

Reluctantly, he began heading to the Carrionplace. The place smelled funny and had weird stuff in it and he didn't like it. Sometimes it had food, though, and so it was worth the visit.

He didn't bother making his steps quiet while he made the trip. There was nothing around to scare. His steps were heavy as he pushed himself to keep walking.

He paused briefly, as a familiar scent hit his nose. It was enough to twist his stomach and fill him with anxiety. He hadn't smelled this cat since.....

It couldn't be her.

He didn't want to see her.

His mother was here somewhere.

His heart began racing and he lacked the resolve to move. He didn't know why, his mother had never hurt him. All she did was say mean things and abandon him.


Well. That's probably why.

To his misfortune, the silver molly who calls herself Rime was still nearby, and bold to boot.

Frigid blue eyes locked onto him and he could feel them. But Frostbite wasn't going to take an attack from her cowering.

He lifted his head and bore his teeth.

"I know you're there. Get out of here. Now." He growled.

Rime narrowed her eyes and crept from the patch of tall grass she lurked in. She was big, just as he was. Her fur was fluffy, and her face was marred with an old scar across it.

"That's no way to talk to your mother, now is it, Frost." She spoke with venom. She never wanted to be saddled with him in the first place.

"I'll talk to you however I DAMN WELL PLEASE." Frostbite shouted, whipping around to face her with claws unsheathed.

"Is that so? Tough talk for someone who's skin and bones. You can't even take care of yourself."

"I can take of myself just fine. Just like I can take care of you. You abandoned me and left me to die. You never called me anything other than a parasite. And now here you are, standing before me. Why."

"Because you  were a useless parasite. I never wanted you. I only took you in because the Queen begged me." Rime spat.

Frostbite lost his temper. He sprung at her, digging his claws into the side of her face and leaving her with a deep wound. He didn't even care about the answer as to why she was here.

But what was it she had said? Queen? She wasn't his real mother?

She swiped at him and he dodged. Frostbite smacked her in the wound he had just made and she yowled in pain, giving him the chance to push her over and pin her to the frigid ground they stood on.

"Explain. If I'm not your real son, then who left me with you." It came out as more of a demand than a question.

Rime bore her teeth and kicked at him, but no matter how she struggled, he wouldn't budge. She felt his claws dig deeper and deeper into her shoulders.

"Your real mother is named Winter Blossom. She was the queen of a mountain colony. But she was disloyal to the king....Cheated on him with his own brother." Rime spat.

".........Go on."

"The king was going to kill her for her treachery...But she ran. And when she gave birth to her litter, she gave them away."

"So I was abandoned twice. Good to know." Frostbite dug his claws deeper, taking joy in how Rime winced and growled at him. "You mentioned a litter. How many?"

"Hell if I know!" She spat. "I only saw you, carried by your wretched mother who cried and begged me to take you in. So I did. A split second of pity."

"How kind of you." Frostbite hissed.

"Indeed, especially considering you shouldn't even exist-"

Frostbite sliced her across the face again. And again.

"CONSIDER THIS  MY SPLIT SECOND OF PITY, THEN. RUN. LEAVE THIS PLACE." He roared with a fury he hadn't felt....Ever.


He stepped off of her and the moment she got to her feet, he gave her no chance to speak. He bit into her tail causing her to yowl sharply, and as she ran, nipped at her like an angry dog. He chased and herded her through the territory, leaving her with more wounds than she had entered with.

After she had crossed the border and was out of his sight, he sat.

He had a lot to think about, and he didn't know where to start.