camp Mondays || Feeling sick

He quickly got used to sharing a nest again. Skunktail was easy to curl around and it was comforting to hold someone close and keep each other warm. Their relationship still felt strange to him, he felt like a fawn learning to walk for the first time. Regardless, they spent every night or day curled into each other and Frostbite laid awake analyzing his feelings and trying to untangle them. He's really done a number on himself by closing his heart for so long, letting himself love again has been difficult. He manages though, and it shows in the smiles and purrs and teasing he gives Skunktail. He finds himself wanting to spend more time alone with him, just the two of them with no interruptions.

Love is such a nice feeling.

What isn't a nice feeling is the nausea that wakes him up so early in the morning. He feels disgusting, actually. With a quiet groan, Frostbite quietly untangles himself from Skunktail and leaves the warriors den on unsteady paws, taking a deep breath of fresh morning air. It does little to soothe him and he settles down onto his stomach again with a long frown, closed eyes and furrowed brows.

"What did I eat....?" He complains quietly, contemplating if he should wake Starlingheart. He doesn't want to bother her over something that may simply pass in the next hour.

So he sits there. And waits.

One, such as Smogmaw, who prides themselves on being analytical ought to be more informed on the clan's dating scene. Granted, his paws haven't come close to dipping in those waters since he lost his mate, and he harbours no immediate intention to allow them to. The Flickerfire route is firmly off the proverbial table, too, for this pond is his pond, and he'll be damned if he tries to swim in any other. Still, it would benefit him to at least understand the ongoing undercurrents in ShadowClan.

Then again, if he knew Frostbite were twirling tails with Briar-spawn, he'd feel just as sick as the lead warrior himself.

Comfortless mewlings hit his ears as he's crossing camp, prompting him to realign his trajectory and inoffensively draw near his fellow council member. Frostbite lies on his belly like a heap of wet leaves, paws limp before him and head held with all the posture of a dead mouse. "Maybe something's outta place in there," he suggests when his steps cease, nodding towards the source of his woes. "I could-," the deputy starts with a coltish smirk, as his forepaws hoist and press gently into the other's spine, "I could roll you over a couple times, see if that puts everything back where it belongs."


Gigglekit slides out of the nursery at the very sight of something strange going on, and she stares from a short distance away as Smogmaw pokes and prods at Frostbite's back.

"I wanna roll 'im over!" She finally decides she's seen enough to interject herself into the situation, and she approaches Smogmaw and Frostbite tenaciously, flicking her little tail to and fro as she settles into a stance beside the deputy. Then, solemnly, Gigglekit looks upon Frostbite and asks, "Is he gonna die?"
  • !
  • GIGGLEKIT kit of shadowclan, one moon
    blinks incessantly & uncontrollably.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted.
    penned by Archivist.archivist on discord.

"woah, hey, gigglekit. way to be an optimist."

chilledstar had over heard the young kit when they decided to come over. their paws stopped firmly beside smogmaw, ears twitching back and forth and back again, head tilting as they gently sniffed the air. their brow raised ever so slightly, as their ears flicked back in thought. ew. he smelled gross. sickly. but why? didn't seem like anyone else was getting sick and chilledstar could only hope it was going to stay that way.

"he's not gonna die. maybe we should bother magpiepaw and starlingheart for this one, hm? better safe than sorry so you don't die."

———————---***ALL OF MY FEELINGS ARE GONE***———————---

  • black feline with a white marking across their face, a white chin, a white right front paw, and blue eyes. chilledstar is covered in scars, the most prominent ones being the one across their face, and the one across their neck.
    44 moons old; ages the 3rd every month
    they / them pronouns
    aromantic / homosexual ; currently not looking / looking
    child of JAGGED and RAVEN
    shadowclan ; loyal to shadowclan ; other info if applicable
    mildly difficult to befriend ; trusts barely anyone; trusts no one outside of shadowclan
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
Immediately he is beset by Smogmaw and Gigglekit who have the nefarious goal of rolling him over. That's the last thing he needs right now! He's trying to keep his insides in!! But Gigglekit seems all for his torment.... He senses that being rolled over is imminent....

"Smogmaw.... How could you betray me in my hour of need...." He answers Smogmaw dramatically. "If you roll me I'll die....."

More like he'll lose whatever is in his stomach everywhere and then NOBODY will be happy.... He's not confident in his ability to keep things inside. He feels awful, wonders if he should actually go run out of camp to throw up. But he stays put, because running could make things worse. He tries to recall everything he's eaten that could have caused this, yet nothing was out of the ordinary. Was he just having a bad day? Always a possibility.

Thankfully, Chilledstar is here to save him. Maybe. "I was trying not to bother them for possibly nothing, but if you insist...." He says. It's probably better to get them anyways. What if it's something instead of nothing?

"Congratulations on your first successful medical evaluation, Gigglekit. I too see it as a sign of future life dwindling into stardust, wasting away beneath the weight of agony and unease." The black and white apprentice gives a dismissive snort of a noise, his uneven steps hobbling him forward to stand before Frostbite with a critical eye, his nose wrinkled. Unlike Smogmaw, he paid quite a great deal of attention to the clan's structure and various relationship ties if only so he could loom ominiously in the background and be judgemental about it - he didn't actually care. Things like mates and love were well beyond his scope and after having witnessed what love did to his mentor he didn't have much interest in investing in it outside idle observation.
"Your stomach hurts, it has been a half moon since you laid nest with a heathen and based on my few instances of being privvy to such situations given how most of our clan should not bother to copulate for fear of further idiocy, I fear you may be plagued with something dire."
He gives a full body shudder, expression twisting into a grimace, "Kits." His blue-violet gaze narrowed at Gigglekit with accusation as if angry at them for...also existing. Was it not bad enough Ferndance and Needledrift both had to fill the clan with their wretched spawn that now more cats decided to do so? Newleaf was beginning to look like a nightmare for him.
"It is unfortunately terminal."

  • OOC can go here.

  • 75204717_KgcjQ7iJ5YDThlB.png
    —⊰⋅ MCA of ShadowClan
    —⊰⋅ He/They
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/a white throat and blue-violet eyes.
    —⊰⋅ Has mild cerebellar hypoplasia (Wobbly cat syndrome)


Facile amusement descended upon him for the briefest of interludes. Rarely does the ambiance in camp tilt towards something as benign as amusement, and for Gigglekit to lend a helping paw in his mission, it allowed the deputy to indulge in a smile. Paws instinctively dislodge from the other tom when his leader approaches on measured steps, and in a single instant, Frostbite is spared from getting turned turtle. Lucky duck. If not for the watchful eye of someone seeking cause to reprimand, those gathered would learn a lesson or two on a fellow feline's rolling capabilities.

When Magpiepaw emerges like an evening silhouette and brings forth an equally as ominous premonition, Smogmaw feels all that jest seep right from his pelt. "Again?" he blurts out, before he can grasp the inconsistency in his own standards. "I mean- kudos to you, Frostbite."

Newleaf and new litters go paw-in-paw, it's simply a question about who and when. The matter of 'why' holds lesser weight, he's come to learn; trying to marry logic with instincts is a fool's errand when it comes to family. From time to time, certain events simply unfold. What truly counts henceforth is securing the best possible outcome for all involved. His tail lashes suddenly, vision drawing focus away from the medicine cat apprentice and onto the wintry warrior for a second time.

Though Smogmaw's expression reeks of ambiguity, a cursory glance would suggest a tacit approval. He sees no issue in ShadowClan welcoming more kits. No issue at all. "I just hope your standards have risen since your li'l trek out to Carrionplace," he comments with frank candour, vaguely alluding to the mystery sire.

He is not rolled....But is given an omen by Magpiepaw. What does he mean, a sign of future life dwindling into stardust and wasting away beneath the weight of agony and unease???? What does that even mean???? It didnt sound good regardless and Magpiepaw made it sound worse than it was. He's not one to doubt his medicine cats, but he doesn't feel that terrible.... As Magpiepaw continues though, he realizes his ailment before the apprentice states it. Stomach hurts... Laid nest with a heathen, though that's not the word he'd use..... Kits.

It all makes sense to him now. This feeling, it's the same as he felt when he was with his first litter. How did he not connect the dots?

Excitement flutters in his heart, as well as apprehension. Nervousness. How will Skunktail react? Frostbite pushes down the negative thoughts threatening to infect his mind. Skunktail wouldn't leave him. He refuses to be as stressed and anxious as he was during his first litter. He thought he was going to die during birth, for stars sake.

"Kits...." He repeats. "Well, it's a good thing I have two incredible medicine cats to help me with this terrible illness, huh?" He says to Magpiepaw with a smile.

Smogmaw's blurt makes him smirk. "Oh, surely it's not that bad..." He says. His kits were perfect in his eyes and didn't cause any problems. Even Muddypaw who buried himself in the mud more often than he thought was normal. He's not sure where he got that from. "Thank you.."

The mention of how his first litter came to be reminds him of how irresponsible and broken he was at the time and while he doesn't regret it, he acknowledges it was code breaking and stupid. But goodness came out of it in the form of his kits and Flamingmoth. "Flamingmoth isn't that bad either, he's fun to be around! I could have done worse." He says. He brings a splash of color to the marsh, after all. Both in personality and fur color.

He feels more at ease now that he knows he isnt dying at least. "Guess I gotta move to the nursery now, huh."

He didn't dislike the nursery, its just he was finally getting used to sharing a nest with someone, and now he'll have one to himself again.