camp Mondays || Thinking

Nov 7, 2022
Grapejuice sat in the clearing in quiet contemplation, paw touching his bow and ignoring the wind that battered him. On his mind was a thought that had crossed him several times before.

He wanted to live in the forest. He could physically leave his twolegs easily enough, but..... He liked them. They were kind and loving and did good work, and they loved him. He couldn't just leave them when it came to his heart.

But he wanted to be free. He wanted to be with Skyclan.

He needed to come to a decision. Perhaps he could have both if he scheduled it right. He loathed the idea of abandoning the twolegs who raised him with love and care.

"I don't know what to do..." He mumbled to himself.

He was beginning to give himself a headache. He hated complicated decisions.​

"Hmph." It seemed to be a Daylight Warrior state of mind, not knowing what to do. Had they not been selfish with their knowledge, perhaps Grizzlyridge, Sheepcurl, and Daisyflight would still be walking among them, each with their respective ranks and pride. It was a bitterness only increased by knowing how useless he'd been in being able to help the forgotten friends, but as he looked Grapejuice over, he was as taciturn as he could be given the tumultuous week he'd been having. Eyes locked onto the other, Silversmoke instinctively moved towards the freshkill pile before doubling back when he felt nothing but air between his sharp teeth. Right, the storm had completely ruined his chances of catching a bird earlier that day. Suppressing the instinctive bristle to his fur, the spotted tabby moved closer to Grapejuice, face locked in a neutral expression and a light mist catching on the silver ends of his two-toned fur. It shouldn't have to fall to him to check in on the Daylight Warriors but... with no one else around, he supposed he would take on the extra duty for the sake of his clan. With all the empathy of a leafbare chill, Silversmoke drawled, "You're mumbling, what's wrong?"

The kittypets that lived among the SkyClanners always intrigued Brightpaw, mainly due to them being so comfortable with twolegs. Of course it showed that not all of them could be bad, but the food didn't sound appetizing, and sometimes the smells that came from those who travelled back and forth caused her to scrunch her nose. Despite the more... odd things that came with them, so far Brightpaw enjoyed the company of the ones who were in SkyClan, and she liked to learn more about them, so it was often that she could be found lurking around the kittypets, staying at a distance but trying to listen in to what they were saying.

Ears pricked, she walked forward and sat down, head tilting to the side as she waited to hear the answer to Silversmoke's question.​

Twitchbolt found himself walking at a rather awry angle, the wind rushing in from one side and making him lean considerably toward the other. His ears lay flat, protecting himself from the swell of a breeze-induced headache, and he could feel blood spreading through his mouth with the sheer force he was gripping his prey. Perhaps it was rather an overreaction, but- he had always believed in respecting the storm, as he'd told his Clanmates earlier in the week. There was no use tempting fate.

It was a little less relentless in camp, but his mind was elsewhere as he walked through the threshold. It was only when he was about to walk straight into Grapejuice that he noticed the daylight warrior a tail-length or so in front of him, and scrabbled backward to avoid a collision. "Sh- sorry! Need to look where I'm going-" he cursed himself, immediately feeling the skin beneath his pelt prickle with the heat of embarrassment. Stupid thing to do- apprentice-like, really, that mistake. Still- even with how far-away he'd been (figuratively), he noticed Silversmoke and Brightpaw's lingering presence, and the slightly foggy look in Grapejuice's eyes. Silversmoke asked what's wrong, and Twitchbolt nodded slowly, silently seconding the lead warrior's question.
penned by pin ✧
He seems to have attracted one of the resident kittypet haters and he curses himself for not finding a hole somewhere to have his crisis. Silversmoke would never understand. Grapejuice doesn't know much about him, but he's come to the conclusion that he is a certified GROUCH.

He side eyes him a little, knowing he is just going to be judged harshly and that he may or may not snap back.

"I want to stay in the forest." He begins. "I want to stay here, in Skyclan.... But I don't want to leave my twolegs....... They were the first family I ever had. They saved my life when nobody else would. I can't just leave them..." He explains.

He still remembers the terror he felt at three moons old, huddled in a crevice in an ally while a dog tried to get at him. A big, skinny dog with big sharp teeth, snapping just whiskers away from his face. Past the dog he could see and hear other cats, but none stepped in to help him. Even as he cried for help, nobody cared.

A twoleg did though, and he's been with them ever since.

How could he just leave them?

"I don't know what to do." He repeats.​
Tawnystripe approaches the small group of cats, listening to Grapejuice's conundrum. He's never been with twolegs himself, but he can imagine how hard it would be to leave someone you care about. He's never been particularly close to anyone though, going from being a bully to self exile to repent, so he's never really tried to have a meaningful relationship. Maybe it was fear...that something like this could happen. Either way...

"It's, of course, up to you 'n the end. I'm darn sure you'd be fully welcomed though if you decided to stay full time," he offers, giving a sad smile. "But listen to your heart, first and foremost. What's it telling ya?" It could be sending mixed emotions, but maybe there's still a set answer deep down in there. Tawnystripe doesn't know what he'd do if it were his decision to make...but he never will have to, anyways.