She is restless. What is a healer without her instruments to heal? Clanmates were getting injured and all she could do was put some cobwebs on their wounds and tell them to just hold on. It was frustrating, like she was a kit again only pretending to know what to do when in reality she was just barely hanging in there herself. Never again she had vowed. And yet, here she was. Useless. She couldn't even lend a paw when it came to hunting. That's why she had decided she needed to do this. That coupled with the fact that Ratwater's wounds were not getting better. She needed something to treat for infection, to lessen pain, or else they would be sending a clanmate to the stars and Starlingheart would not allow it, not if she had a say in it. That's why she had asked if she could take a patrol out, that's why she was here with @spectermask @GRANITEPELT and @Frostbite They were here to make sure she was safe. If Magpiepaw had asked to come with, or any apprentice really, she would shake her head no. This was too dangerous to risk their other healer or any of the future warriors of ShadowClan. Magpiepaw did not know much, but he knew more than most. If she died here today...

She shakes her head and forces herself back to reality. The others lead the way while she walks next to her mate, letting her dark fur brush his gray pelt as they make their way through the woods. His presence here is a great comfort. He would protect her, shes certain. She dares not say anything though, too afraid to attract the attention of any creatures that might be lurking about. Creatures with big teeth and paws, tipped with claws that could rip them in half in a single blow if it wanted to...

His nerves were on fire. Starlingheart needed herbs to tend to the wounded, and she was joining them on this excursion to the camp while those bears were still out and about.

On top of that, she was pregnant.

He felt sick imagining what could happen to her and her kits out here.

He prowled through the marsh with ears pointed tall. His gaze scanned everything before him, ears twitching at every sound. He would not be caught off guard. He would fight that bear if he had to.

They WILL get these herbs. He will make sure of it.

He would not let that brute harm his clanmates. It's done enough damage, caused enough pain. He was itching for a chance to return the favor, but now was not the time.​
When Specter had been approached, he hadn't exactly been too keen to return to the old camp. Memories of Chilledstar being struck down flashed behind his eyelids at the very mention of it, but he reluctantly agreed. And by that, he had said yes instantly, because Starlingheart needed the herbs, which meant their clanmates needed the herbs too. And he wasn't exactly keen to let their pregnant medicine cat waddle out in to the unknown, even if she hadn't been too far along.

His nose twitches as he walks alongside Frostbite, occasionally sending a glance back at the two lovebirds bringing up the rear. It's something that makes his fur prickle with unease for the simple fact that he fears them falling behind. She should be situated in the middle of them, like a true escort, where they could have protection on all sides. He keeps his mouth shut, opting to simply sniff the air for any potential danger. Nowadays, he's not quite sure if he's hallucinating the bear scent out of fear, because it simply just follows him everywhere he goes. He shakes his head, squinting his eyes as he scans the passing tree line for anything that moved.

Hopefully this escort would go decent, and they wouldn't have to fight tooth and claw against a beast.
Granitepelt would not have allowed Starlingheart to go on such a dangerous mission without him. She’s in a fragile condition, after all. Even if she’s only a half-moon pregnant, Granitepelt would not want her to be hindered if she needed to escape from one of the bears quickly. He stalks beside her through the shadows, his flint-colored flank slipping against her ebony. Frostbite and Spectermask lead them, ears pricked, senses alert.

All around them, the darkness seems to breathe. Their territory has lost all sense of familiarity with the monsters lurking within. He remains silent as the others, knowing even a whisper could alert a slumbering bear somewhere. They’ve claimed ShadowClan for themselves—he would not let them have Starlingheart, though. He’s already determined that if needed, the other warriors will die so she can escape with him.

Perhaps it will not come to that, though. Their luck seems to be holding out so far.