montage // pebblepaw


blaze bright, then brighter
Sep 4, 2024

While at first she had been a little - okay, a lot - disgruntled by the fact that she wasn't going to be Foxtail's only apprentice, and that she was in fact the second apprentice to someone who had already been training a lot longer than her, realistically speaking, Pebblepaw... wasn't bad.

Which was also doing Pebblepaw a disservice to just say they weren't bad. So... Maybe he was fine, or something like that. She still wasn't quite sure where she wanted to land on that definition - but at least when it came to sparring she had to admit it was at least kinda fun to train with him.

Foxtail had left the two of them to finish one more round of sparring while he went off to check on something, which left the two apprentices in a small clearing, sizing each other up. But given it was their last round of sparring, and as such not their only round they had done today, Sunpaw huffs a little as she takes a place in front of him again.

"This is getting boring," she declares. "Let's make it interesting, huh, Pebblepaw?" There's a flash in her eyes, a tiny peek of a grin as she momentarily sits herself in front of her to-be opponent. "Whoever gets a hit in gets to ask any question they want - and the other person has to answer honestly. And it can be anything. What do you say, Pebblepaw?"