pafp moon above the valley — accidental compliment

die with memories , not dreams .
Being stuck in the medicine den hadn’t been the worst thing he’d experienced and awkwardly enough, Dawnstorm felt safe tucked away with Ravensong and Moonpaw’s presence, outside of the occasional visit. It left his muscles gooey, mind sluggish, and silent for the first time in moons. That didn’t go to say he enjoyed being cooped up in here, words still sluggish and a mind that still reeled in pain at the slightest movement as his sight went up in flames, nothing more than a blurry, colorful mess that made his head throb in silent tandem with the rapid beat of his heart.

Something rustled, drawing mismatched hues to the source, helm tilting upward to peer at Feathergaze. Of course, he knew who it was. Honest. He did. He never forgot a face, or their name. It was something he prided himself in, but now became a fleeting thought staring at the warrior. “Pretty.” He spoke, greeting her like he had just said her name, not even bothered in the slightest. “Hi.” He would have nodded if it didn’t make his vision swim, raising a shaky paw to press against his helm, lips curling in a frown. “Head hurt.” He huffed, biting back a wince, reaching to pat the edge of the nest, hoping that would explain his question of ‘come sit with me’ because looking up caused his eyes to strain and that brought on unwanted nausea.

/ please wait for @Feathergaze
thought speech

For a warrior, Feathergaze spent an awful lot of time milling about the medicine den. She just couldn't help it; she felt awful for the sick and injured inside, imagining how lonely it must be. Her childhood dreams of becoming a healer had never truly faded either, and with every whiff of herbs her belly twisted with longing. Dawnstorm had recently been admitted after a nasty head injury, and Feathergaze hoped to visit him today. They didn't know each other all that well, but as a former colony cat she could imagine he didn't get a flood of visitors, and that was just wrong to the fluffy molly. She padded over, a small fish clamped in her jaw with the intention to share.

Prevented by the future meal from speaking first, Feathergaze could only blink as Dawngaze spotted her. He was looking right at her, and yet the word out of his mouth made her wonder if another cat had walked up behind her. Pretty? She glanced over her shoulder quickly, just in case. It was just... a nice thing to say, unexpectedly nice when Feathergaze was used to being addressed with rolled eyes and stifled sighs.
"That's... Thank you, Dawnstorm, that's very kind of you to say," she meowed, having set the prey down next to his paws. Her face creased as he touched his head; clearly it still pained him severely.

"I can't imagine. I can go find Ravensong if you like, perhaps he has something to dull the pain?" She followed his gesture and moved to sit beside him, shifting so Dawnstorm wouldn't have to move his head much to perceive her. "I'm not sure if you feel like eating much, but I-I brought a fish in case you were hungry." She paused, wondering if she should've chosen differently. Would a mouse go down easier in his state? Maybe a songbird... as usual, it was too late to go back and make a better choice. "How... How have you been? Has Ravensong any idea on when you might be in less pain?"​