private moon river . grizzlyjaw

Aug 14, 2023
In their little haven, the noises didn't seem quite so loud. Off in the corner of the Thunderclan camp clearing they sat bundled up. Pelts illuminated under the bright shine of silver pelt. Snuggled together, in the quiet of nightfall when no cat dared to peep, she laid her tired head on Grizzlyjaw's plush tail.

Purring rhythmically, she nuzzled into his soft pelt, easing down into his scent, reminding her of the woods in spring when the flowers bloomed and the critters shuffled about. Her mouth watered at the thought and her stomach churned with hunger.

This made her yearn for an easier season, but she knew they were well on their way to leaf-bare from the chill in the crisp air. Sighing aloud, she nudged the larger cat's side to rouse him from his doze. Rolling onto her side so she could face him she blesses the napping cat with a cheeky grin.

Quietly, she murmured to the massive tom with the same smile in her tone. "Hey, wanna go for a run?" It had been too long since they got to explore the territory like the night owls they were. Sure, it was dangerous to test the waters right now, but next to Grizzlyjaw, she had little to fear.

Playfully, she cast a pleading gaze to his side, aiming for the smokey feline to catch her pitiable look. With enough leverage Honeydapple knew she could sucker him into a little date.

OOC; @GRIZZLYJAW for you stink stinky
Thanks to his insomnia, Grizzlyjaw oftentimes found it hard to find or get sleep but when he does is when he sleeps like the dead completely unable to wake from anything unless someone is insistently nudging him. He's only able to sleep for a few hours before he wakes and lays curled around his mate, tonight, the smoke finds himself slowly nodding off but feels Honeydapple nudge him and he opens one of his eyes to peek at her. She bares a cheeky grin and he only knows what this may lead into as he opens both eyes looking at her with amusement etched on his rough, scruffy facial features. His feathered ears perking up when she speaks and he let's out a sigh but a faint smile present on his maw, the way that the fur around his snout lift showing that he was, on fact, smiling at her.

"Do you never sleep, bug?" He mumbles affectionately with a softened gaze watching her but he does not reject her invite for a little date and instead slowly rises from their shared nest parting his jaws to let out a quiet yawn, he carefully begins to leave the warriors den making sure that he didn't step on anyone while he was heading out and once at the mouth of the den, he uses his bottlebrush tail to beckon Honey forward. Grizzlyjaw huffs under his breath and with Honey hoepfully at his side, the pair head for the forest to catch their breath, stretch their legs, and simply bask in one another's light.

A run around the territory and he thinks to himself that he doesn't have the energy for it but he'd muster whatever strength he has left for the dappled molly. He casts his partner a quick look unable to help but smile seeing how lovely she was underneath the light of Silverpelt, he's quietly admiring her before the words slip from his maw "You're beautiful..." He flicks a feathered tail and Grizzlyjaw turns his gaze away with a little twinkle in his blue eyes "Although... You already know that," He muses bumping into her smaller form gently with his own larger one.

  • grizzlyjaw.png
    ✦ 50 moons old
    ✦ thunderclan warrior
    ✦ bisexual demiromantic, mates w/honeydapple
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✦ difficult in combat; relies on brute strength, street smarts, and his large size
    ✦ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✦ penned by bosstaurus
  • Love
Reactions: Honeydapple
Starting up into a trot as they neared the exit, Honeydapple couldn't contain her joy, and it spilled out in loving banter. "What's the use of sleeping when I can stare at your handsome maw all night?" She teased Grizzlyjaw with a wink, eyes twinkling away from mirth. It was an integral part of her connection to the sturdy warrior, a sweet melody of reliability and bliss that underscored her deep affection.

Rolling her eyes melodramatically she bumped back into the other in a coy response. "I'm not so shallow as to admit it aloud, but you do know how to pick them, hm?" The jab was light and airy in her muted voice. "Of course you know that I find you far more mesmerizing to look at." Jutting her wide head to the side she rubber her cheek against the others passing shoulder. Holding still a moment then jumped forward to catch up.

Unlike her mate's desire for a waltzing stroll beneath the crescent high in the sky. The dappled molly craved a much more heart pounding adventure. Casting the other a devilish smirk her trot steadily grew faster. Egging her much taller partner to keep pace as her trot turned into a gallop and eventually a full on sprint. Eagerly, she taunted aloud as she wandered ahead. "Better catch up, slowpoke!"

Honeydapple's paws switched to pounding rhythmically against the familiar terrain of their clan's territory. The thunder of paw steps close behind thrilled her, as their untamed rhythmic thrum, echoed off neighboring bark in contrast. Her tufted fur flowed, and she could feel a renewed sense of energy surging inside. The slight breeze ruffled the tuft between her ears, and the scent of leaf fall wrapped around her like an embrace.

Weaving playfully between the trees, Honeydapple couldn't help but cast an affectionate sideways glance at Grizzlyjaw. His strong, broad-shouldered form moved gracefully, his presence reassuring and grounding. She knew that they were in their element, surrounded by the whispering leaves. Unlike their former home of two-leg dens and silvery tunnels, they could roam freely here.

Laughter bubbled with each glance as she cast an unspoken letter of admiration. That in which went far beyond words she could muster. Panting with every leap, her thoughts swung around to the promise that they would always be together, no matter the challenges the world threw their way.

As they continued their dance, she couldn't help but scoot in closer, her flank aiming to brush temporarily against his in surprise as she pranced by. It was as if they were swaying to a secret rhythm only they could hear, a rhythm that brought rivers worth of joy.

She was grateful for every moment she got to share with Grizzlyjaw, and as the world blurred around them, she couldn't help but smile. He was the only tom able to bring on this youthful side even when the clans felt torn apart. The grayed feline would always be her rock to rely on. A cat she could murmur sweet nothings to and mean every sentiment. Her lovebug of a giant she could admire at every coil of his fur and shy stare sent her way.

Growing tired the spark of exuberance steamed to a steady pace. Exasperated she called back to the other. "Let's take a break over here!" Allowing herself to slow to halt as they approached the small embarkment a couple of hops away from Riverclan's territory. Sunning rock's stood evident in the gloom of a starry night. Highlighted in small crevices and enticing her to pause and rest beside her better half.

Each labored breath was sucked down and exhaled matching her easing heart rate as she stared at Grizzlyjaw. Taking intense note of the way his smokey pelt turned a starlit silver underneath the moon. The mollies purring ramped up tenfold as she lazily smooshed her head into the other's fluffy shoulder. Burrowing herself into the familiar cacophony of warm scents and soft fur.

OOC; (FIONNA AND CAKE SPOILERS IN THE SONG) I listened to this song like 50000 times. Sorry if I power played their interaction a bit much, let me know and I'll tweak it up bestie!