private MOONDUST // medicine cat meeting

There was with a bitter heart that Vulturemask arrived to the moonstone that night to attend his first very meeting with the other clans medicine cats. He was determined with his cause to why he even was here tonight but the road to even get here had not been easy. Trust apparently meant nothing to his clanmates cursed to have to pay for the previous medicine cat mistakes when he had done nothing to earn such mistrust. Sootstar could not have humilated him more when sending a guard alongside him on the journey to make sure he not went mad just like the rest of them. Like the meetings were to blame for all of it.

Vulturemask had come to realise he was living with fools who didn't have a brain bigger than a mouse. He wonderd how well they actually would do without him or a medicine cat for that matter if they all would go into extinction without any cat there to heal their ungrateful souls. One day he hoped the moors would burn into the ground. Starclan for sure would give them a fitting punishment one day and he hoped the one to suffer the most would be the self-claimed queen herself.

" Wait outside." That was the first words he had said on his whole way here to the unfortunate warrior who had been orded to babysit him. Vulturemask would not bother to cast a glance back at them though as he spoke bitterly. This was sacred grounds and he wanted to believe starclan wanted nothing to do with vermins like Scorchstreak to enter a such sacred place like the moonstone to taint it down with their...filth.

He said nothing more to the warrior as he expected them to obey or feel starclans wrath that was all up to them.

Vulturemask was last to arrive as he could hear the other medicine cats in there chatting and talking about things that was left unheard to his ears. His presence could be heard as his claws scratched against the stony ground he walked upon and in the darkness his orange eyes glow as he slowly made his apperance out from the shadows, revealing himself. Vulturemask looked calm and collected as he approached the group that was surrendered around the big shiny stone. He could feel their eyes slowly turning towards him to burn into his skin. Some might give him welcoming looks some might not.... but all had something in commen and that most be suprisement to see him here.

At final last windclans medicine cat had rejoined the meetings after the previous ones had fallen.

// accompanied by @SCORCHSTREAK

Being chosen to accompany the prickly medic to the moonstone is not the most exciting of tasks, but Scorchstreak understands her duty. She is here not only to ensure that Vulturemask does not meet his doom between camp and the moonstone—she is also here to ensure that the tom, trained by a snake-hearted traitor, does not turn his own voice against WindClan. Her recovery from the battle has gone well, wounds inflicted by the dappled king of the river are healing decently despite their severity. The healer had allowed her to return to her duties after only a couple days, and she may not trust them wholly but she does not fight their judgment.

Vulturemask doesn't speak to her the entire way, and she quicky gives up on her attempts to draw him into idle conversation—there's simply no point in trying to get into his good graces. The very first words spoken are curt, nearly venomous, and she turns calm blazing eyes upon the healer as he orders her to wait outside. "I'll be here when you're ready to leave," they assure the healer, but he's already gone, disappearing to meet with the other medicine cats. A vile creature, he is, but the calico has been given a task to perform, and they will not let harm befall him or WindClan—Sootstar—at this meeting. They settle with a sigh, settling their tail around their paws as they stare out into the distance. On alert, as they will stay for the duration of the meeting.

White tipped paws knead the earth as she awaits the arrival of the other medicine cats. Realistically, Vulturemask should have been first since he is closest to the moonstone but the tom last time had failed to show and Starlingheart assumes this time is no different.

She is shocked to see him, green eyes swing to the entrance to the tunnel they have all had to travel through to get here. A smile pulls at the corners of her mouth but an unfamiliar smell pulls them back down. "I-is there is there s-someone outside?" she asks, brows knitting together in confusion.

Fireflypaw lifts his head from his paws as he hears Starlingheart's words, confusion in his sleepy gaze but nonetheless he rises to his paws the moment she does. He scoots closer to Dawnglare then, glaring at the smell of heather and moorland. "So they're finally showing their faces around here.. What a surprise." Fireflypaw remarks with a hum, finding his attention back on the glowing around him. When would they be beginning? It was about time. Dawnglare wouldn't be too happy to see this WindClanner here, but wasn't he the new medicine cat? It would be a crime against StarClan not to let him join them today, even if it was late.

Arriving to the star-soaked cavern, Berryheart had been wholly prepared for the regular merry-go-round of a conversation. Golden liquid knowledge would likely be spilled, after he had provided last time his concrete discovery of juniper berries and their aid with breathing. All the signs pointed to everything being uneventful- at the last gathering there had been no announcement of a new medic (though he would not have been surprised if WindClan had come out with yet another new face).

"Hello," he hummed pleasantly as he entered, tone as level and tranquil as always. Beside Pebbles did he choose to take a seat, this time. Their Clans were at each other's throats almost constantly, spitting taunts over the Thunderpath, but that animosity would not extend here as long as he had anything to do with it.

Given warning by an outside voice, relaxation fled briefly from Berryheart's form as another entered, an addition to the count that the flame-speckled tom had not been expecting. Heather-scented and wind-rushed, the identity of the WindClan medicine cat was not a difficult one to deduce. "Ah... we assumed you'd never show," Berryheart murmured, no malice in his tone as he acknowledged the entrance of the bat-fanged ebony tom. He offered Eyeteeth a slow blink and a polite nod of greeting- it was nice to finally meet him. He let the ShadowClan medic's question linger in the air, however- had he imprisoned his apprentice outside, perhaps? An odd choice, if so... something seemed unsatisfying about that conclusion. There had to be some better answer slumbering beneath the surface... and hopefully, with a mystery out of the way, they might have time to befall some dewdrops of knowledge.