Oct 8, 2024

Lambkit has seen some of the older kits and younger apprentices do it, so how hard could it be right? It was just snow, after all. And as it turned out, his big clumsy kitten paws were the perfect size for scooping and patting snow. He sets off to work building his snow cat, tongue sticking out in intense concentration. Another scoop of snow here… another there… aaaaaand DONE!

He steps back to look at his "masterpiece" which is really just a mountain of snow that only vaguely resembles a cat. But now that it's finished, the real game can begin. He fluffs his coat up to make himself twice his size, eyes narrowed, but a wide grin on his face as he delights in the game he had invented. "Think you're tough huh freak?" he says, trying to make his voice deeper than it actually is. "I'll bite your paws off! DIE DIE DIE!" he then leaps forward and delivers a hard blow to the "neck" of the snow cat. The head of it rolls off, landing in the snow with a muffled thump.

@RAMKIT but no need to wait

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  • 92609962_IJHHFYAPLztcqs9.png
    A fluffy cream coated tom with mismatched white socked toes, a white marking blazing a trail down his face, and striking blue eyes.
    easy in battle + no formal training
    difficult to befriend
    Peaceful + healing power-play allowed, anything else with permission only

Chickbloom's paws had grown a bit restless of late, unable to indulge in any weaving since before the storm. The coward didn't consider himself artistically minded, only making crowns and necklaces to pass the time, so sculpting didn't appeal to him. He'd seen some cats take it up, and while the whelp was happy some were making use of the snow, all he saw in the statues were frozen paws and wasted effort.

Amber eyes flicked towards Lambkit, watching the lump of faux-fur come together with mild concern. What would make Slatesnarl more angry: stopping his kit from having fun, or watching while they froze in the snow? Chickbloom was still terrified of the older warrior, and worried over either option resulting in red staining the stark white around camp.

The whelp had run the calculus. Rising to his paws, Chickbloom was about to (gently, very gently) suggest that Lambkit go get warm in the nursery when the tiny tomcat suddenly put on a rather disturbing display. Sitting right back down, amber eyes widened as he watched the…was it a 'gruesome' display if it was just snow? Either way, the warrior felt nauseous.

Coming to terms with the fact that he might be scared of a kitten, Chickbloom shuffled forwards. "He certainly has his father's temperament" The coward observed before clearing his throat, hoping the other's ire didn't fall on him. "T-Those are some…i-interesting moves. Who taught - er - w-where did you learn them?" Violence was intrinsic to wild life, but this…​

[ ༻ 𓆩✧𓆪 ༺ ] What ever had been to spark such a thing from Lambkit, Fawnkit did not like in the slightlest. A cat made of snow (even if it was truly just seeming more of a blob than anything), the sight made the boy's bi-colored eyes widen in shock. Chickbloom seemed to attempt to make the whole moves that Lambkit did seem 'cool' but to Fawnkit? They were horrifying.

"I dont think... thats something... uhh.." he trailed off awkwardly, shifting his paws slightly, wondering what would Butterflytuft think? Would she too be horrified? Plumed tail swished slighrly as his gaze scanned the clearing for the tortoiseshell queen awkwardly. This surely wouldn't pass with her being okay with it... surely. Violence against the snow-cats.

Most warriors would... surely praise Lambkit anyways for taking down the faux creature that stood before them but also another thing that crossed Fawnkit's mind, did the warriors also expect such things from Fawnkit? Or had they already accepted his soft nature like Butterflytuft had? Ears flicked slightly looking back to the crime scene with a slight frown on his lips.
  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Fawnkit 𓆩✧𓆪 He/Him, Kit of Skyclan, 5 moons.
    Fluffy Fawn with low white with bi-colored eyes (Blue and Yellow)
    NPC x NPC
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


She finds her fur rippling uncomfortably at the sight of Lambkit. This was something unique to today's circumstances, the orange tabby usually finds a fondness for her younger sibling. Admitting that the line to how she feels about them has grown blurry due to the fact that her kits are growing up alongside them. It's never been anything bad before now. Yet she finds as she stands there watching him tearing into this crude creation of snow that something must have changed overnight. She doesn't want to see this, nor does she think Chickbloom or Fawnkit do judging their own reactions. Her muzzle scrunches in thought, paw tapping at the snow as she tries to look for Butterflytuft (not thinking of her mother or Slate as viable options to look for in this instance). "You shouldn't call anyone a freak, Lambkit" she doesn't find it necessary to reprimand him but a gentle reminder shouldn't hurt right?

Owlheart doesn't think to criticise his technique, while she wouldn't want her own children mimicking him she found admiration for his eagerness to kill. Given the state of the clan's resources it may be good to try and instill a hardiness. Of course, she wouldn't expect this behaviour from her own children but her siblings are fine enough. "Did you make this game up yourself?" It was rather inventive, she does believe Chickbloom may be onto something in the assumption that someone had taught him this.

  • ooc.
  • zbNXVoZ.png
    She / her ||Warrior of SkyClan || 21 moons
    An orange tabby with low white and an owls feather tucked in her tail.
    Mates with Oddgleam and Crowsight | Mother to Pearlkit, Cuckookit, Morningkit, Brightkit and Ravenkit.
    Mentoring Hollypaw
    "Speech", thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}

He is still standing proud and victorious over his "kill" when Chickbloom approaches. The young kitten cannot help but take the warriors words as praise, his shoulder square and he smiles up at the tom, pride filling his words as he says "I've been training!" he declares proudly. In truth, he had just watched a couple of apprentices spar in camp the other day and had done his best to emulate them. "Did I look cool?" he asks, still smiling, gaze now alighting on his denmate as Fawnkit approaches "Hi Fawnkit! I'm teaching bullies a lesson! You want in?" he asks, tail waving in the air. He had already killed this one but he supposes it wouldn't be too hard to un-behead them. Seeing as how they were made of snow and all.

But then Owlheart is here and she is saying not to call anyone a freak. The smile slips off is features then "But my da calls people freaks all the time!" he says, a soft whine entering his tone. How could it be fair for an adult to be allowed to say something but he's not? Did you make this game up yourself? Owlheart asks and he nods while kicking snow, suddenly unable to meet his older sisters gaze "Mhm" he hums softly, the sound neither sounding like a resounding yes or no but rather a reluctant answer. Was he going to get in trouble? He was only having fun! This was stupid.

  • 4egpTNu.jpeg

  • 92609962_IJHHFYAPLztcqs9.png
    A fluffy cream coated tom with mismatched white socked toes, a white marking blazing a trail down his face, and striking blue eyes.
    easy in battle + no formal training
    difficult to befriend
    Peaceful + healing power-play allowed, anything else with permission only
"Slatesnarl shouldn't be calling cats freaks either, Lambkit." Orangestar meows, exchanging a glance with Chickbloom and Owlheart as she approaches. At least, not where the kits can hear. The disapproving edge to her voice does not reach her eyes, however, and she tilts her head to touch her nose to the space between Lambkit's ears. He grows taller every day, and while Orangestar is no small cat she can easily envision a future where he outpaces her in height.

Her attention moves past him then, to the half-demolished lump of snow behind the kit. She hadn't witnessed the murder, but the smaller snowball tells a story of an unfortunate beheading. Had they not lost Clanmates in strange circumstances - her heart aches to think of Oakrumble, unbidden - she might have seen more humour. As it is, however, this is an opportunity to learn. "... But I see you've been training. Will you show me?"

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    [ art by pin ]
  • ORANGESTAR ✧ she/her, leader of skyclan | five lives

    — "a scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes."
    — mate to slatesnarl ; mentoring budpaw
    — speech is in #D2977D
    tags | penned by mercibun, contact on discord for plots.


His eyebrows knit together in confusion at Orangestar's words. If that were true that would mean his father was wrong about something... But he cannot decide what is worse, Orangestar being wrong or Slatesnarl so instead he keeps his lips pursed and nods quietly, thoughtfully, his eyes downcast until his mother presses her nose to the top of his head. It's a welcome gesture, one full of all the warmth and love promised to him in his kit-hood and her next words re-light his features with a smile. She wants to see how well he's been training! "Really?" he squeaks with excitement I mean uh.. Yeah! I could show you a few moves!" he tries desperately to sound older than he is, but he cannot hide the way his eyes shine with unconcealed pride, the way he bounces in his step as he re-approaches the now headless snow cat.

His eyes narrow, and he tries his best to pull his lips back into a snarl, but he cannot get the smile off his face. Threre's a small part of him that is hoping his mother will be so impressed with him that she'll make him an apprentice early, that she might even decide to train him herself! That would be the best because then he would get to spend more time with her, right? He settles into a crouch, snow capped tail flicking behind him for only a moment before he's springing into action with a fierce battle cry. He lands squarely on top of the snow cat, kicking at it so that it crumbles beneath his weight and sends snow spraying everywhere.

  • 4egpTNu.jpeg

  • 92609962_IJHHFYAPLztcqs9.png
    A fluffy cream coated tom with mismatched white socked toes, a white marking blazing a trail down his face, and striking blue eyes.
    easy in battle + no formal training
    difficult to befriend
    Peaceful + healing power-play allowed, anything else with permission only