private MOONLIGHT ON THE RIVER ✧ hazecloud

Some idea has been growing in her mind for a few days now... A seed planted, blooming to fruition until just the thought of it is unbearable to not do. They've been... well, Salmon can only assume they've been stressed with the sudden change in their life. Lichenstar, now, no longer Lichentail... The name slips through her teeth just as easily as tail, but it is still a little odd to address her as such...

But if she were to do this plan... She needs an accomplice. And what better of an accomplice... than Hazecloud herself? Her new friend. Friend, it feels so silly to say she has friends now that her heart skips a beat at the mere thought of it.

The trek to the nursery feels more welcoming than ever before and she even has half a mind to look out for little Eveningkit along her way there. She pokes her head in, finds the familiar figure. "Hazecloud," she begins, her voice soft. "Could I trouble you for just a moment...?" she grits her teeth at the awkward way it tumbles through her lips. "I want to do... something nice... for Lichenstar." she looks away as heat dusts her cheeks. "And..." she sucks a sharp inhale in- "If I could ask for your help... That would be nice. It can be from both of us... They've seemed a little stressed, lately- and maybe, maybe it could cheer them up a bit." Stars, shes never asked for much help before... Besides when she had been assigned Moonpaw nearly a full turn of seasons ago, now, when she had approached Lichentail for advice... She had been a lead warrior back then... Not a deputy, not a leader, and Salmon begins to feel old.

  • @hazecloud
  • 81452832_bOcoySRKc8PW5Ka.png
    salmon ,, salmonshade
    cis female ,, she/her ,, 39 months
    warrior of riverclan ,, mentoring riverpaw
    fluffy & dainty chocolate tortie smoke with white, blue eyes
    "speech, fd9367" ,, thoughts
    lesbian ,, single
    smells like warm flowers & freshly cut grass
    chibi by pin ,, penned by chuff
Unsurprisingly, since the fishbone crown had fallen from between Smokestar's ears and wedged itself to her mates, she and Hazecloud had become far too busy with their responsibilities to pass even more than a moment for one another. Lichenstar had no deputy, and thus continued both the duties she carried for her predecessor on top of those bound by nine-given souls. Meanwhile the queen herself had taken to assisting with the journey of motherhood for their most recent additions; Robinheart especially after Brookstorm's passing.

In the din of childish whines and unfair play, a voice drew the molly from delegation and mediation. One gladly welcomed as another queen took over to let them speak. "It's no trouble for you!" She reassured with a pleasant smile, warmth beaming from her face. She found it quite endearing how Salmonshade always seemed so shy yet sought her out.

"That would be real sweet, I don't think we've been able to say much more than a 'good morning' lately..." Shellpaw's training was another addition to her plate, as her daughter had missed a solid moon of training from her illness. A rhythmic caught the flick of her tail as she thought on what Lichenstar would want that they could actually provide. She hardly had an appetite when stressed, prey would be futile. She hadn't even taken a nest into the willow tree yet...

"I think I have an idea... I'll gather the babies and can you collect as many berries and flowers you can?" Already her head swung to look for her son and daughters. Perhaps she could even get the older ones to participate as well. "We'll decorate the willow's den, so she feels more at home in there."


  • 73582445_EEfwz37mLUqnNP7.png
    —⊰⋅ Queen of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ LH blue smoke with green eyes.

It's no trouble for you, her face warms at the comment, really, something warm blossoming in her chest too. She can't help the small smile that punctuates Hazeclouds words. "Thank you... for entertaining this," she begins, dipping her head. Truly, it does mean a lot to her because she swears if she had not felt comfortable around either, she would not be here right now. "I think... It'd be good. Anything would be good, really. Just take the stress from their shoulders, if only for a little bit." she reiterates with a small hum, glad that the queen shares the sentiment.

But Hazecloud does mention they haven't really even shared much together and its this notion that draws a deep frown from her. Is being a leader that damning? She can't imagine the thorns that would dig in to her temples, trying to manage a whole clan... And then a mate. And then kittens. And then an apprentice. Stars, Lichenstar really had it cut out for her.

"Decorating... Yeah, of course. I can be back by..." her gaze shifts to the sun outside of the nursery. It's still decently early... "Sunpeak, would that be okay?" her paws shuffle over the flooring below, excitement in her chest. Getting excited like a kit, it's pathetic, really, but she cannot help it... It's a two in one deal: hang out with Hazecloud and do something nice for Lichenstar.

  • 81452832_bOcoySRKc8PW5Ka.png
    salmon ,, salmonshade
    cis female ,, she/her ,, 39 months
    warrior of riverclan ,, mentoring riverpaw
    fluffy & dainty chocolate tortie smoke with white, blue eyes
    "speech, fd9367" ,, thoughts
    lesbian ,, single
    smells like warm flowers & freshly cut grass
    chibi by pin ,, penned by chuff