camp moonlight on the river // coming storm


moonlight on the river
Jun 1, 2023
Today was a particularly terrible day to be grieving. A summer storm looms overhead, blocking out the sun and threatening to spill at any moment. But it’s been hours and only a few times did a couple tears fall from above, mix with hers. Ears pin back as she shifts in her nest, the air is stuffy and humid and its driving her up the walls. Usually it’s bearable, but today…? She swears she’s going to lose her mind before Crystalkit becomes Crystalpaw.

He rests besides her like he always does, but she carefully picks herself from the nest, leaving his silver form to slumber away. He’s tiny compared to her and she finds her heart squeezing. But… He looks so much like her that it leaves her wondering if Littlekit or Rainkit would’ve too. I need to get out of here. Pale blue eyes flit over him one last time before she exits the nursery, her tail lashing back and forth as she settles at the entrance. She tilts her head up to the large thunderclouds above, a growing sadness erupting in her chest. Why couldn’t it just rain already? Why did it need suspense? Nothing one could do but wait.

She turns to the nearest cat with a hum, small conversation. "It’ll be good for the trees, at least…"

The sky swelled with anticipation. Grey and heavy clouds spanned above them, making it an uncomplicated feat to predict what approached. At the very least it was no longer windy- though he was sure the nursery would erupt with yowls of fear when the thunder began its assault. He could only hope it would not interrupt anyone's rest or recovery too detrimentally... and that the rain would not flood anything, or sweep anything away. The tortoiseshell was not one for pessimism; he hardly dwelled on the grislier options for more than a moment.

Dull eyes flickered toward the cat beside him, who made a low-voiced observation regarding the oncoming weather. A small nod moved Berryheart's head, his agreement shown before he let any words escape him- nothing other than the norm for him. "Yes... necessary, unfortunately." Not many were fond of the rain, especially not when it came in a deluge from clouds so dark and heavy. He could only hoe it would be a quick process, despite its importance to the cycle of everything... all of the plants drying out was a worse fate for them all than a rainstorm.
There were many advantages of green leaf...plentiful supply of prey, warm sunning spots, all the beautiful flowers...but there were disadvantages too. The biggest thing she didn't like about green leaf was the rain and storms. As long as the storms didn't get too rowdy she didn't mind...but the rain was another story. Light rain was indifferent, but with her thick pelt if it rained too much then it weighted her down and she felt like a lumbering badger.

As she returned to the camp, she spotted Tansywish and Berryheart speaking nearby. She stopped as she passed by them, hoping to not intrude. "Looks like my patrol got back just in time! It's looking nasty out there." her gaze lifted to the sky. Above them, the clouds were swelling and darkening, a tell tale sign that rain was coming soon. "Hopefully it will pass by morning...I've got dawn patrol duty."


Redwind smiled softly at her clanmates perspective of the storm, she carefully sheltered herself beside Flamewhisker. She gazed over the crowd, listening to each of them and reading their expressions and then lifting her gaze and chin to the clouds lingering above them. "A storm is as beautiful as sunlight, the dark sky's are an ease to the eyes. Lightening is a sighting to see and thunder is like a chorus of birds. It's like emotions, mentality. There's no sunshine without rain."

Redwind would shelter herself from these storms despite her such feelings. The rain would soak her pelt and make it feel heavier than it was and uncomfortable for the rest of the sun cycle of the day. Although, she did enjoy watching the weather take action as if they were birds upon the treetops. It brought peace to her, relaxation. "Soon these rains will grow something beautiful. Life and color will soon come to life again. Plus, if you really watch the storm it's quite entertaining and exciting if you ask me." Hopefully, her perspective could brighten their moods. Thunderclan needed a victory, Thunderclan needed hope and optimism. Besides, what was thunderclan if they didn't appreciate the very strength of the storms? The element they were named after. "It represents strength as well, like our clan. How fascinating is that?"

it was quite dreary outside. despite the time, the camp was canopied with an unusual darkness thanks to the angry clouds that loomed overhead. the heat of greenleaf was ramping up, and while she knew a shower was needed to cool the air back to a bearable level that did not mean she was to be happy about it. a storm would wash scent trails, slow down patrols, leave everything soggy. redwind's vivid imagery and poeticism made her ears twitch in irritation.

"a drizzle would suffice," nightbird huffed, were thunder and lightning really necessary in replenishing the earth? torrential rains would only benefit the foliage, not thunderclan. she could do without.
make peace with your broken pieces .
Whitelion enjoyed the thunderous booms that ignited his pelt like untamed fire, sending jolts through his bones. He felt most alive during those times, tearing through the undergrowth with only the rain damping his fur and the lion’s roar to guide him. It was refreshing, even if he had to sit for hours to groom his fur. It was worth it in the end. To feel alive.

He found himself nestled some lengths away, tearing into that of a decently plump mouse, ears flickering as he listened. “One can only hope.” He hummed, veering to stare at Flamewhisker. “But the rain is certainly not the worst we’ve faced. Nothing but a good grooming should suffice if one happens to become drenched when the skies pour its grief.” He mused.

His optic crinkled at Redwind’s speech. That it is, my friend. The storms brought life and hope with newly grown flowers that Honeywish could pick, creating elaborate flower crowns or adding life to their mundane camp. “Would a drizzle replenish the lands of all that we’ve taken?” He questioned, head cocked, turning to Tansywish with a curious twinkle within his remaining eye. “The storm is a reminder that even the skies must grieve for all its worth. A reminder, that we too, can grieve beneath its cold embrace and no one will notice.” Whiskers twitching, lost in thought, gaze saddened, but sprinkled with hidden humor.
thought speech
"Perhaps it will aide in your herb searches." she does not complain as Berryheart speaks up, no, the presence of the Clans' medicine cat does not bother her. It's a quiet one, not boisterous, a perfect cat to sit next to as she watches the storm roll in. Or... Perhaps it'd be torrential rain, and perhaps it'd drown the plants, give them too much of the thing they need to live. Or perhaps the lightning would strike odd and send a tree tumbling over, igniting their forest just as it had been last year. She simply hums, devoid of any such emotion.

Flamewhisker returns from a patrol and she says as much, leaving Tansy to snort. "Crystalkit'll keep me up all night if it doesn't stop, I know what you mean." not exactly, as it had been... how long? Three moons, four moons since she had stretched her legs on a patrol? Even longer for a dawn patrol. Somehow she finds herself fine with it, especially with the boars roaming the forest. Flamewhisker was stronger than her in that regard, thats for sure.

Redwind's enthusiasm should be a breath of fresh air, but she finds herself tired. She simply nods along, stifling a yawn. "I do quite like to sit and watch the lightning in the distance." she muses quietly, her tail flicking back and forth behind her. Redwind also says something about how the storms represent their clans namesake- she stores the information in her mind, that way she could tell Crystalkit when he inevitably cries from the thunder. Nightbird is next to speak and shes not quite happy-sounding about the storm, at least not as excited as Redwind was. Tansy, unfortunately, has no real opinion on this storm other than her previous speakings.

Whitelion is next and she flicks her tail in greeting. She quite enjoyed the mans mellow company, never too high-energy or quick to wear her out. Contrary to every other time they have spoken, his words now makes her stomach twist, a sick feeling settling in her chest. Her breathing slightly shudders and she swears her heart skips a couple beats as a familiar, crushing feeling pushes down on her temples. A reminder, that we too, can grieve beneath its cold embrace and no one will notice. She feels tears prick the corners of her eyes but shes strong and she does not let it fall. She picks herself right back up as if nothing happened. "...Right." is all she says, avoiding the look he sends her. I cry for them every day, a heavy sigh leaves her parted lips. Each storm she is reminded of Rainkit, each little sprout she is reminded of Littlekit. "I wonder what the sky has lost, then. If it needs to cry." an ear flicks, she moves on to start another conversation using his other words.