pafp moonlight sonata | starlit swimming

In every situation you give me peace
Midnight hues cloak her obsidian pelt, marking her nearly invisible if not for the streak of ivory lining her back and scattered splash across her face. Periwinkle shines in the darkness, seeking out the ginger pelt of Fernpaw just to her right. A small smile touches her lips as she trots a little closer, now peering over the edge of the pebble laden shoreline. "You're right, the river is beautiful like this." She whispers in awe. The normally crystal clear waters by day now looked like a flowing inky liquid, its small waves illuminated by silver starlight. Fireflies also gave their glow alongside the chirping multiply crickets. It gave the river a whole new layer of beauty and if she were to be honest she preferred this version instead.

A single paw hovers over the dark expanse before dipping in and vanishing entirely. The waters were cool, but still held some residual warmth from the heat of the day. Slowly she wades in, water sloshing sluggishly at her sides until it rose to her chest. Coiling the muscles in her legs she kicks off what is left of the bottom she can feel. Slow smooth strokes bend her in a tight circle until she is facing Fernpaw again. "Now I see why you like swimming at night." It almost felt as if she'd entered another world. "My only gripe is that I wish you'd shown me this earlier." She jokes good-naturedly, sending forth a spray of water from her paw that would not quite reach. (@FERNPAW)
Don't gotta be afraid because you're in the lead

Reflective river waters cradles the starlight, running molten obsidian through their territory. He'd witnessed the river in this state many times throughout his life, especially in leafbare when the moon seemed to bruise the sky black more eagerly. At night when the water was dotted with silver, Fernpaw found it hard to believe that he had once been scared of encroaching the waters; something beautiful could never be terrifying, at least to him. That unique beauty greatened his fondness for the river, a place which often felt as if it was the only place he truly fitted.

At Sablepaw's observation, he smiled with a small, appreciative exhalation. He had hoped she would be able to see the beauty in it, rather than some swirling, reflective void. It was odd that he had not mentioned it to her before now, really... the river, he supposed, was harder to parade around than trinkets.

His eyes drifted shut as he glided into the water, muscle-memory setting in to keep him afloat. Waltzing through the waves spurred by their presence, he set his verdant gaze upon his friend, able only to make out her snow-splashes and clear-sky eyes in the darkness. "I totally should've. I'm glad you like it as much as I do," he hummed earnestly, voice sweetened with gladness. For some reason, his love of swimming in this circumstance felt like a peculiarly personal thing to surrender. A laugh peppered his breaths as he swam a little closer, healthy eye narrowing slightly in a squint. Amusement rang true in his tone. "I can barely see you! It's like you're made of the water."
penned by pin

LAKEMOON — me and the devil, walking side by side.
Starlit walks had a certain way of calming Lakemoon, though the warrior would always gravitate towards the appeal of milky-blue mornings, there were times where she’d allow a break in her routine to take walks like this.
She hears the distance sound of laughter before she breaks through the sparse shrubbery, slipping onto a rock that overlooked the river, still warm to the touch.
Fernpaw is a burst of vibrancy against the blackened river, and Lakemoon finds the pair easily. The warrior doesn’t announce her presence immediately, opting to sit for a moment to gather what she thought of the two apprentices, diving into the abyss of water with no mentor in sight.
She tilts her head, it does look as though their having fun- but Lakemoon also knows Lilybloom would have some words if the tabby were to just leave the apprentices to their devices, no matter how close they were to warriorhood.
"Evening, you two." Lakemoon would finally speak, her voice a neutral hum as she’d settle on her stomach, head still raised to keep the apprentices in view.
"How’s the water, tonight?"

Water, regardless of time of day, was in Troutpaw's blood. In her heart, swirling and tumultuous. In fact, it was one of her favorite places- settled up in the shore of the water, waiting for fish to dare to swim close enough, or perhaps in the deeper eddies of the flow, allowing her paws and body to carry her onwards. She found it especially helpful in Greenleaf, when her fur was too heavy and hot. So as the stars begin to twinkle high overhead, she had found herself along the banks of the river as well.

Noises of clanmates caused her ears to twitch- Fernpaw, Sablepaw, Lakemoon. She quickly recognized them and she relaxed, exhaling through her nose. Responsibility seemed to claim Lakemoon, but it wasn't like Troutpaw truly noticed. Instead, her orange optics had settled on the water where the two had played and swam inside it's contents, the ripples twisting and bending the reflected of the stars and moon high above. She approached, her voice low as she spoke- as if afraid to break the peace that seemed to encircle the four of them. "Pretty. I'm glad the sky is clear."​
જ➶ The sky is riddled with stars and yet the woman feels as cold as ever. Her paws silent as the owls that hunt from the darkness step towards the sound of voices near the water's edge. With a small pause she then makes her way closer to see her daughter with Fernpaw. Concern laces her features for just a moment on the apprentice's condition but he seems to be okay. He seems more jovial when he is with Sablepaw and for that she is grateful. Happy he has someone he can lean on. Settling down then she doesn't have much to say given the circumstances. It is a beautiful night and one that can be shared with others. She is for the moment content. She doesn't want to worry about anything. She just wants to be for a while and then she turns her gaze up to the sky. Looking at those stars that twinkle ajd twirl in the air. So far away from them but always watching.
In every situation you give me peace
A soft chuckle escapes her snow capped jaw. "Makes it all the more easier to sneak up on unsuspecting cats." Her forearms continue to paddle through the dark water until she picks up on Lakemoon's voice resonating over the sound of lazy lapping waters. The suddenness of it all nearly makes her jolt. "Evening Lakemoon," She begins sheepishly, How did she fail to spot the warrior earlier? She really needed to work on her awareness when distracted. Perhaps it would be something else Cindershade could teach her. "The water is really nice." Sablepaw finishes, nodding along with Troutpaw in agreement. It would have been a shame if the stars were hidden by cloud cover tonight. The alabaster ridge of her mother's spine catches her eye, causing her to pivot in the water to address her easier. "Are you coming in the water too?." Sablepaw asked, hoping to coax the former shadowclanner into the river.
Don't gotta be afraid because you're in the lead