Todays whims leads him back to his home. It has been a little while since he has visited Twolegplace, and he assumes that it would be much the same for Blazestar nearby. His scourings for Lungwort and Feverfew have led him all across SkyClan’s land; from the sandy ravine, to the rockpile. Lungwort, he had quickly discovered, would only ever be a fruitless search during this season. Feverfew too, dwindled quickly; and part of him did not believe the journeying cats would return before he could uncover no more of it. That is, if they returned at all.

While herbs grown by twolegs were not immune to the change of seasons, Dawnglare finds that they tend to be more resilient, if only a little bit. His eyes scan the swaths of cultivated land for hints of purple, though most of the flowers themselves were almost certainly on their way to the earth — or already taken for whatever purpose the twolegs had for them. What a world it would be, if the housefolk used them similarly; for things to rot quietly. Of course, he knows, that housefolk prefer to let their herbs wilt within the confines of their dim - lit dens, than to use them for anything useful.

" I am not sure if I have told you this, " to his apprentice, he says it suddenly. How strange indeed, to not be sure of something. Dawnglare blinks the thought away. " Anything you cannot find on SkyClan’s territory, you will likely find here, in twolegplace. " A part of him thinks his ramblings to Fireflypaw will be wasted in the end, but he does so anyhow. And with a pang – he notes that it will be much more difficult for him to find certain herbs within the tightly kept patches. Scents often mingled as twolegs toyed with the world in whichever way they please. " You remember what lavender is for, don't you? "

They have seen him use it enough over this past moon. " I have not needed so much in a long while. " Or ever, he thinks.

  • 66822083_8akGM16AUReCLf3.png
  • ( 𝙒𝙃𝙔'𝘿 𝙄𝙏 𝙏𝘼𝙆𝙀 𝙎𝙊 𝙇𝙊𝙉𝙂? ) DAWNGLARE Medicine Cat of SkyClan. Mentoring Fireflypaw
    —— He / him , deeply confused by the use of other pronouns
    —— Currently 56 moons old. Mated to Mallowlark

    Unsettling and strange, Dawnglare bears a unique perception to the world and stars above on top of a generally unpleasant disposition. Holds others to uniquely impossible standards and himself undeniably above the rest.
    You may find him kinder to others than is typical, exhausted from the yellowcough blight and heart heavy in a way he has never felt.​
    Mood is decided by dice - rolls per thread, with the exception of some important threads
The Twolegplace was not something Brightpaw had been to many times, her previous mentor taking her just to introduce her to it and to tell her where to be careful and where not to go past in their territory, and Johnnyflame hadn't taken her into the area yet either, whether that be because he simply didn't want to or because he was worried about the twolegs that weren't his own she didn't know - nor did she really care. It was something she was curious about, but she could have gone her whole life without stepping paw into it and she would have been fine, but when the older apprentice had been told to come with the small patrol that had head out that day, she had silently - but gladly - come with.

She walked in silence with the other cats around her, head swiveling as she carefully looked around the twolegplace, trying to get to know the area just in case she ever needed to come back or if they somehow got separated while looking for the herbs Dawnglare and Fireflypaw needed. Ears flicked as she heard the medicine cat speaking, and she turned to see him talking to his own apprentice, maw opened for a moment as Brightpaw almost asked questions, but instead she closed it. If Dawnglare wanted them to know what this lavendar plant looked like, he'd say something.
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    brightkit - brightpaw - bright???
    ⋆ she/her - 12 moons
    ⋆ bisexual - open to relationship
    ⋆ apprentice of skyclan
    attack - speech - thought
    ⋆ penned by tikki

XXXXXBlazestar hovers somewhere behind Dawnglare, his ears pricked and expression alert despite the gaunt exhaustion wearing his face and body thin. Twolegplace isn’t a border they can afford to be lax near—they’ve lost many warriors and apprentices to the upright creatures. Thistleback had only returned a short time ago, and Abysspaw, a kit Orangeblossom had nursed alongside her own, had disappeared into the belly of a monster. There are few experienced warriors here today—Dawnglare had wanted to travel lightly, no doubt. Young Brightpaw trails after the medicine cats, golden gaze curious but tongue held.

XXXXXHe flicks his tail tip against her in a friendly gesture. “Do you come here at all with your mentor and Glimmerpaw?” He searches the fenceline for kittypets or daylight warriors, mouth twitching, and then he turns to the newly-named Applefrost.

XXXXXAny regrets yet?” Though the content of the question is heavy, it’s asked lightly, in a friendly manner. He hears Dawnglare quiz his son about the uses of lavender, and dares not interrupt—no mentor wants to be interrupted during a teaching moment, after all.

The purple flower smells soft against his nose as he prods his muzzle against the plant, fluffing out his fur as he remembers that lingering scent from when Mouser and the others had died. When Morningpaw had died, he hadn't gotten to smell the scent of lavender on her pelt- she'd been taken back to ThunderClan before anything could be done, too young himself to know why. His eyes blink momentarily, thoughts wandering off until Dawnglare asks him a question. "What..?" He mumbles softly, though he quickly picks up the question his mentor asks soon after. "Oh. Lavender. It's for funerals. Masks the scent of death.." He answers half-heartedly, sleepy eyes peering up at his mentor as he begins his long sprawl of ramblings. It'd been a while since they needed this much lavender- when was the last? Had he had to use a bunch of lavender before?

"When.. Was the last time that you had to use this much, Dawnglare?" He asks, and though he knows it's an invasive question, he keeps his head held high and waits for an answer or a rejection. He's fine with not knowing, but his curiosity is high in moments like these. His eyes briefly flick to the direction of his father's voice, listening to his question to Brightpaw- had she regretted it yet? Fireflypaw surely hoped not. Perhaps he should keep his nose to himself, though.​

Returning to twolegplace so soon after she had shed her rank as a Daylight warrior was not something Applefrost had expected. She assumed there would be a little more time- the RiverClan border greeted her paws most days after all. Though now they tread on a path more familiar than anything else. Applefrost bit back the guilt that tried to creep up her shadow when she caught glimpses of curves and fences she would take to get back to her old home. Her heart sank lower and lower whenever they turned a corner that brought them closer.

Dawnglare and Fireflypaw discuss their herbs, questioning met with answers and she gives hope Fireflypaw has answered them correctly. Even she was familiar with the scent of lavender that hung like a low fog in their camp, but anything else regarding its uses, which gardens it grew in or how to even pluck it were lost to her. Then a pale, wide stare met the soft gaze of the flame points. Her smile is forced, it's obvious.

"I'm still getting used to finding fresh moss comfortable. I think we should invest in supplying our dens with more housecat nests." Her voice is flat in her usual tone, expression serious while there was a pause.

"Wouldn't that be hilarious? Anyways, we're getting closer to my old home. Is it weird to hope they won't miss me? Stars, I know I wasn't the best kittypet for them, considering I had another home for half of the day. I hope whatever cat they fill their nest with is much better than me and stays inside to keep them company." All of her thoughts tumble out at once without a moment between, it seemed Blazestar's question was certainly a loaded one.