pafp moonsetter | story-telling & questions

Jun 30, 2023
Theres a certain warrior that little Pearlkit has been stalking after for the past couple of minutes. She finds it fun, hiding whenever a yellow gaze sweeps across the clearing. Honestly, she isn't the best hider, opting to crouch behind too small of grass patches and various stones that she finds. As tiny as she is, it's obvious that its not enough to cover her and Duskpool is infinitely more tall than she is. She pays no mind to this however. As soon as he looks away, shes bounding forth to potentially tackle his legs, the biggest grin on her face. "Boo! I got you!" she giggles quite loudly.

Regardless of if she was successful or not she clambers back to her feet, peering up at him through wide eyes. "Hi, Duskpool! Why are you so tall? Can I have your fur color?" it seems that even with her time in the camp she still does not grasp the fact that you just cannot change your pelt color at will. But these cats were MAGIC and she is sure of it! Especially with Plaguepaws fur turning a different color, his death inevitable. Sad, sad! "Did you get your scars from fighting, uh, big bears and dogs?" shes seen dogs before but never bears, hearing them through stories her mother told her siblings. "Can I look as cool as you one day?" an ear flicks. "Can I be just like you? Can you tell me how you got these?" she points a paw to the aforementioned scars. "Can my warrior name be Duskpool as well?"


anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
It wasn’t hard to notice, catching sight of the kid through his peripheral, peeking behind inanimate objects with an air of innocence, drawing a crooked smile from the deadpan tom, hidden beneath obsidian fur, molten copper crinkling. The brute paid no mind, helm peering at the freshkill pile when a bundle of scraggly fur came bounding forward, knocking into his legs, drawing a loud grunt from the male—exaggerated. The motion was nothing more than a soft tap to his scarred legs, rumbling in amusement.

He ruffled her helm, his touch gentle, molten copper crinkling. “Gotta work on that ambush, kid.” He mused, willowy tail flickering high above his shoulders to droop, brushing against the kit’s side with an amused crinkle.

Sitting on his haunches, he peered at the energized bundle, brow raised as she fired off questions like there was no tomorrow. The kid’s worse than Yukio. He remarked. The obsidian-hued brute shifted, watching the camp, molten copper narrowing. “Don’t think it works like that, kiddo.” He mused. Unless you wanna roll yourself in mud, then be my guest. His nose crinkled at the thought. Hadn’t Yuhwa attempted to color his fur using fruits? He couldn’t recall if it worked, no doubt ending in a sticky mess that Duskpool sure as hell wanted nothing to do with.

At the mention of his scars, Duskpool stiffened, helm swerving to peer at the youngster with a crinkle of his brow, deadpan optic narrowed. “I’m not that cool, kid.” He shook his helm. Whatever her definition of cool was, Duskpool sure as hell wasn’t one of em’.

He dipped his head. “You wanna be like me, huh? I’m flattered.” He sure as hell didn’t think the clan needed another brooding brute, not someone who barely slept and in a last-ditch effort, ignore everyone he’d grown close to over the moons he’d been a warrior. Pulling himself out of his thoughts, Duskpool hummed. Tail flickering to curl around massive paws, he mulled over the question. “Think you can handle a spooky story, small fry?” He asked, as Pearlkit insisted, pointing to the marred flesh visible against his dark fur. She wanted a story, and he sure as hell wouldn’t be the one to scare the kid. Besides. Some of em’ weren’t as horrible. He figured it was better than commenting on the scars dotting his face, recent additions he doubted anyone wanted to relive now.

“Got most of em’ fighting dogs.” He jerked his chin towards the more noticeable ones. “Can’t say I’ve fought a bear before, but I’ve seen a few in my life. Things bigger than any dog I’ve seen.” He turned, scarred muzzle pointing towards the towering canopy that loomed above them, casting shadows over them. “See this?” He pointed to a peculiar one, odd-shaped, but prominent against the obsidian, more claw-like than a gash. “Think you can guess what happened?”

“If ya guess right, I’ll see about bringing some flowers from outside. If ya get it wrong, then … Guess you’ll get a decent story out of it, mm?”
thought speech

From where he lounged, fur set star-blinding by a generous ray of sunlight, it was impossible not to hear the drill-speed set of questions that flooded out of Pearlkit's mouth. It was almost surprising that Duskpool was not physically battered by them, but instead answered them in a measured-yet-gruff manner as he always did. It was a wonder, some incredible feat that he didn't laugh- such a display of ceaseless curiosity, a barrage of ridiculous requests! Mallowlark knew he himself would have doubled over from giggling. Pearlkit's name being Duskpool... he supposed, she shouldn't know how it all worked yet...

The conversation funnelled down to the warrior's scars specifically, and Mallowlark's ceaseless stare lingered long and unblinking. "Definitely wasn't a bear!" he called, a hint for the kid, a helping paw... the mention of bears earlier, even if Duskpool had explicitly said he hadn't fought one, had left the black-and-white warrior's mind lingering on the topic. "Those things could smash you to bits," he commented, pupils unmoving from Duskpool's form. The violence of his words was unfiltered even in present, tiny company. She'd forget he even said it, probably...
eggkit | 03 months | male | he/him | physically easy | mentally easy | attack in bold #108297
"Maybe if starclan likes you enough your fur'll change like the trees do!" eggkit is quick to chirp, the speed of his words easily matching pearlkits as he toddles over on chubby legs with to-big paws. He hasn't interacted much with duskpool, but the thought of knowledge and stories is enough to catch the pale furred childs attention in a heartbeat. Head dips to the side as he listens, before questions come spilling out. "Did you get bit by a real big dog - with sharp teef? I heard dogs are huge and stinky and eat kits for breakfast sometimes," he's also pretty sure he's seen his siblings playing 'dog' attack, though he himself hadn't participated, more interested in pestering the poor elders and queens with his strange ramblings.