camp More passion! More passion! More energy! ♡ Yoga

Mar 30, 2024
*+:。.。 Wrathpaw was overjoyed when he met Twilightkit for the first time and found him lacking a limb. Not - not to say he was glad that Twilightkit was missing his appendage, or that he wouldn't wish for the kit to have it back if that were possible...But it was nice to not be the only cat in the clan to be born with a stump where an extremity should be. Since meeting the litter for the first time, Twilightkit in particular remained constantly on his radar. Between training and keeping a reluctant distance from Nightbird, he never quite had the time to interact with his "brother in arms- or lack thereof" (he giggles every time that phrase pops into his head). Today, however, the stars aligned themselves perfectly, resulting not only in Wrathpaw getting a break from training today but also Nightbird temporarily leaving her kits to be babysat while she did who-knows-what exhausted queens do when they need a breather.
Either way, Wrathpaw practically leaped at the chance!

One conversation later, and Wrathpaw was happily galloping his way into an unoccupied but sufficiently wide area of camp.
"Okay so, I know we have different missing legs, but like I said, it's good to stretch the ones you do have to make up for the weight disparity," he purrs, beaming brighter than the sun as he watches Twilightkit get into position. " So early in the morning or after training, I like to roll my joints to shake off any stiffness" he explains, moving his wrists in a circle one at a time before moving onto his ankle. "Knees and shoulders too, 'cus they're carrying a lot of your weight," he continues, crouching low to the ground before languidly rising back up, "I kinda look like a frog though, huh?" he adds with a purr, hoping it'll encourage Twilightkit to laugh.
"Since you're missing a front leg, I think stretching your other arm will help a lot to keep it strong, so lower your chest down while keeping your tail to the sky, like this" he demonstrates, tucking one of his front legs under his chest while keeping the other stretched out in front of him, "and lean down on your shoulder and much as you can, but make sure to stop if it hurts."

As he demonstrates, he notices eyes slowly flickering in their direction. Not missing a beat, he tilts his head in a welcoming gesture, more than happy to have others join in on his lesson with Twilightkit. After all, joint health is important for everyone! Although Wrathpaw's cheeks do warm at the idea of teaching more cats than just Twilightkit, he can't say he isn't overjoyed.

@TWILIGHTKIT ⋆ //but you don't need to wait for her!

  • Disclaimer: I'm not an expert on any of this, I just googled for ideas ;W;

    DMAB— He/Him
    9 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Brother to Lovelight, Joywing, Laughblossom || Pridepaw, Merrypaw
    Thunderclan — Kit
    Mentored by Wildheart

    Physically mediocre | mentally easy
    Attack in bold #4a59ff
    injuries: None currently
Wrathpaw is a tom that the little kitten has, in truth, some interest in. She's been told about Berryheart, who lacked a paw instead of an arm, and has heard of Sunfreckle who's missing limb mirrored her's - but she did not see cats with odd numbers in their extremities like herself. At least, not until she started noticing Wrathpaw more. And though in noticing Wrathpaw, she noticed how cats either detested his words or joyfully praised him - the silver she-kit could not shake the barest sense of curiosity.

She had been leaning against one of her siblings when Wrathpaw was assigned babysitting duties. Her ears pinned to her head as his gaze floated around his many charges and eventually landed on her. And after short pleasantries, Wrathpaw had offered to help her with the discomfort in her limbs - stretching, he called it. It seemed stupid and simple, and yet she was enthralled with the idea. Twilightkit listened at first, watching as he rolled his shoulders and wrists, explained his efforts and made suggestions for how she should do it. And eventually, she joined him.

"Like... this?" Twilightkit arcs her claws into the dirt and sand beneath them, stretching her lone foreleg in front of her, far beyond even a casual lounding position. The strain makes her frown, and eventually she loosens her limb, tucking it beneath her. Golden eyes glower at Wrathpaw for a moment, "... That's not very comfortable."