- Aug 26, 2022
- 294
- 82
- 28
Rabbitnose has been restless once again, visiting constantly and fretting over him and Sunshinekit especially given the others poor disposition as of late. Sunfreckle will admit he is also afraid, afraid of what might be and what might come next; rarely leaving the nursery for too long if he can help it but the stress was getting to him as well and though it took some convincing he finally agreed to join his mate on a walk. The kits were napping, Wrenflutter and Tansyshine made aware of him stepping out and one of them willing to warm the nest until his return and finally he took his first steps out of the camp since the minor meltdown that had lead to him stomping out onto the territory in wake of Spotflare's abandonment.
His thoughts linger on his kits, but a few nudges and comments on oddly shaped leaves and funny rocks has him paying more attention to Rabbitnose's genuine enjoyment in being out and about with him again. His mate is far from the most wisest of cats, but he brings a smile to his maw and a warmth in his belly that no other cat could ever replicate; he loves him, foolishness and all.
They do not go very far, he can imagine the gray hairs he might add to Howlingstar's muzzle if they went anywhere near as far as he had trekked prior in his recklessness but it is just far enough away from camp he can put it at the back of his mind and just enjoy the jovial company of the blue tom's endless prattling about.
Their peace ended swiftly with the sounds of a shrill yowl in the distance, a horrifying screech that flattened his ears against his head. Immediately Sunfreckle wants to leave but a voice rises in the distance and it becomes clear the sound was a cat calling for help. His green gaze widens and darts to Rabbitnose and he nods to his mate as he steps back to hide himself under a nearby shrub for cover; not wanting to risk leaving his kits without him. It took only a moment for Rabbitnose to return and he can scent the blood from his hiding spot but a tiny gray bundle is placed at his paws as he creeps out to greet the other. Sunfreckle stares, horrified at the miniscule kitten opening and closing its mouth in a near silent mewl and instinctively he goes to curl around them before catching himself; camp. They needed to go to camp.
Carefully he picks them up, a newborn he suspects given the tiny size, and briskly moves to head back to camp with Rabbitnose at his side.
PAFP - @Rabbitnose