border MORE THAN ANYTHING // thunderclan patrol

"Stay alert, I don't want us running into any of those pesky rogues that have been kicking about. Or any predators either." Shiningsun warned as he led the patrol along the border as dusk rolled over the landscape. The shadows cast by the trees reached far by that point, but even the ever expanding gloom seemed to do little to dull the gleam of his shining pelt. The warrior cast his gaze towards SkyClan's side of the border in hope of spotting any of the neighbours, especially since he had a thanks that he longed to extend to them. He had been part of Hailstorm's team days earlier when they had requested herbs to help Berryheart. It was only right to express his gratitude to them.



she couldn’t take cougarpaw with her anymore, she was sure the entire forest could tell by the vague hostility she emitted. ever since the gathering it had felt as if the entire forest pointed at her, laughter echoing in the call of birdsong overhead. her tail droops where she drags herself miserably aside shiningsun, angling an ear at his advice — stay alert. avoid rogues, predators, ” shoot. there goes my evenin’ plans.. “ she mutters, flicking her thick - plumed tail with each word. since their run in with the russet beast that had taken wolfwind’s eye and receiving her first apprentice, freckleflame could confidently say she’d been well past alert. it hadn’t been enough to keep her apprentice, not really. confined to camp.. what kind of training was that? she should be here, learning the scents and sights of skyclans border. something in her chest furls bitterly, but the woman merely dips her head and plods forward into the snow to flop herself against the bark of a nearby pine, rubbing her cheek hard enough to irritate the base of her whiskers. if they seen skyclan, she would make an attempt to perk up — to put some light behind tired, agitated eyes. for now, she just wanted to go home.

  • i.

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    f. she / her, daughter of sunfreckle and rabbitnose. large, fluffy cream - ribboned tortoiseshell with seaglass eyes. larger than life! every part of her is broad ; wide in everything from her face to shoulders to her feathered tail, something reminiscent of her father’s kittypet heritage in the square of her chin and hulk of her figure. she appears illusionarily fluff - ridden at first, thickly pelted in shades of fire and soot, long & tangled, knotted with undergrowth — seeming soft and pudgy, and she is.. that figure curving into hard, hidden bulk along heavyset flanks and well - muscled limbs. a characteristic lack of personal space leads her to a slouching, touchy posture, often inclined to lean or bump against her peers.
    prone to bouts of explosive emotion. all opinions are solely in - character and during these times, often untrue or said only in anger.


Despite the threat lurking around their territory Fieryheart didn't let that scare him from going out here and doing his duty as a warrior. To hunt and protect the clan. Maybe if lucky he would even get a chance to beat one of these rogues up who dared to hurt his clanmates. A tom could dream at least. Instead of finding anything edible out here they had catch the scent of their neighborhood. A border patrol maybe. It didn't take long for Fieryheart to get himself there having been close by in the first place. "Sup neighbor." he greeted them as he stepped out from the shadows of the trees, a slight frown across his maw over his cringe worthy greeting. Sup?, really Fieryheart, couldn't have come up with anything better to say, yeeesh. " Uhm, everything going well on your side?" Why in starclan's name he even was attempting to contunie this awkward conversation he had started he had no words for. Interacting on friendly terms with the other clans had always been awkward for him. He wasn't really that interested in them. Skyclan was the only clan he really cared about. That however didn't meant he was going to be an asshole to the other clans unless giving him a reason to.


The idea that ThunderClan would never see them as a real clan had singed the tabby's blood, maneuvering his patrol along the shared border reminded him of past conversations with the righteous mousebrains no matter how many moons had passed since that day. It was a smug, ugly thing to be deemed weak yet have the power of life and death over one's alleged betters within your paws - ThunderClan were incredibly lucky that Dawnglare was SkyClan's medicine cat, and not himself. He looked towards the deciduous forest, nose wrinkling dismissively at the group that meandered on their own land, before his gaze settled back upon the path ahead. A tiny voice piqued up from the other side of the border and the Lead Warrior's head swiveled like clockwork towards the younger warrior, blinking slowly at his awkward introduction. Against better judgement, the other continued, and the large tabby came to a standstill, beckoning his apprentice closer towards him. "These are cats that laughed when we were being attacked by Twolegs," he whispered to Crowpaw, tail lashing. "This friendliness is... temporary." He craned his head upwards, voice louder now to address the patrol. "It's going fine." There was nothing else he had to say to his neighbours.


it was... temporary? is that was silversmoke had said? how come? maybe it was naive but the tom didn't exactly understand this... hatred so to speak of skyclan. they were all cats, at the end of the day. why couldn't they just get along? questions never truly answered because even if they gave him a list, he wouldn't understand. maybe it was because he just didn't have a mean bone in his body, and he couldn't fathom hatred for others. himself, perhaps. but never anyone else. it just didn't make sense. bit who was he to argue with someone like silversmoke? he was mean, sure, but sometimes he knew what he was talking about. he would just keep quiet and not say anything. he pressed closer to his mentor @DUSKPOOL , trying to stay awake with every step. he was tired already. he spent a lot of his time before the patrol trying to get knots out of his fur... it didn't exactly work. he fell asleep halfway through.

"duskpool... are they... mean? is that why silversmoke said that?"

he whispers curiously.

anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
The bulky warrior remained silent, burning hues sliding from one ThunderClanner to the next, wondering how those who joined them on the journey were fairing. Instead, Duskpool simply dipped his head in greetings, wooly tail sweeping across the ground in languid strokes, kicking up flurries, narrowly missing Silversmoke’s whispered words toward Crowpaw, burning hues narrowing. Ain’t happened yet, kid. He thought with a low rumble, mangled ears swerving to catch Drowsypaw’s words.

“Bit more complicated kiddo, but not all of ‘em are mean, just don’t have a favorable opinion on SkyClan.” He began, timbre steady, burning hues sliding toward their neighbors briefly. “A lot of folks don’t like us, just how it is, doesn’t mean they’re awful, just how they’ve been raised to dislike what they ain’t familiar with.” He finished, timbre low, barely above a low-sounding guttural. He wasn’t particularly fond of the other clans, hadn’t been for a while, he’d be diplomatic but ain’t worth goin’ any further, but he wasn’t gonna ruin a kid’s mind with his thinking, it ain’t fair, not if the kid wanted to form his own opinions.
thought speech

As the first of the SkyClanners began to appear Shiningsun felt a wave of excitement and it urged him to stray closer to the dividing line between their clans, though by being closer he could of course hear their words more clearly. He found himself slowing his pace in response to what he thought he could hear, though he wasn't entirely sure, nor did he want to confirm it either. After taking a deep swallow he forced a smile to remain on his features as he addressed the neighbours. "Hello SkyClan! Things are going better thanks to the help recently with the herbs. Please pass along my warmest thanks to Dawnglare."

As much as he wished to address the issue of ThunderClan's friendliness he knew that he couldn't, not really. Despite the longing to give the apprentice some form of peace of mind he simply couldn't shake Raccoonstripe's words from his mind. It plagued him knowing that ThunderClan wasn't all roses and bumblebees. There was a darkness at the core and he feared that he would be unable to fix it. Though that wouldn't stop him from being a shining beacon of warmth and kindness to all he met, regardless of their allegiance.

//retro to current TC events

Aye, aye,” Mousenose mews semi-cheerfully at Shiningsun’s cautious warning. She gives her sister a funny look, nose bridge crinkled, before taking a few leaping strides ahead. SkyClan’s border is quiet today—the cats who lurk in the undergrowth-less part of the forest whisper to one another and cast suspicious looks in their direction, aside from one warrior who asks them if everything’s going well on ThunderClan’s side. Her ear flicks as Shiningsun returns his friendlier greeting.

They’ve all got their tails in a bunch today, I guess,” she whispers to the golden-furred patrol lead. “That lead warrior always looks like he’s got ‘is tail in a bunch!” She grins cheekily, turning to her apprentice who no doubt lags behind her. “Can you tell me what the biggest differences between ThunderClan and SkyClan are, Sunshinepaw?” She can use this as a teaching moment, she supposes, if nothing else.

  • ooc: @sunshinepaw
  • Mousekit . Mousepaw . Mousenose, she/they w/ feminine and non-gendered terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 18 moons old, ages realistically on the 25th.
    — mentored by Silverlightning ; mentoring Sunshinepaw ; previously mentored n/a
    — thunderclan warrior. sunfreckle x rabbitnose, gen 2.
    — currently mated to n/a.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh messy-furred tortoiseshell with high white and bright green eyes. demanding, exuberant, selfish, sensitive, oblivious, obnoxious.