Feb 6, 2024

It had been a considerable amount of time since Sneezeduck last saw this place. Fearfully, he almost began to think that he had been abandoned by his ancestors, whom have not spoken to him in three moons. Between the waking days spent anxiously pacing and the nights spent wistfully thinking, the boy finds no rest. Perhaps it is that restlessness that allows him to transcend to StarClan's grounds once more.

Sneezeduck wakes with a start, breathing in deep the musk of the forest as he catches his startled breath. Dead grass intertwines with his fur as he gains his bearings, until he finally takes a stand and begins his trek through the wood. There is always the feeling of being watched in his place, of being judged, but the young warrior holds his chin confidently as he strides towards his heavenly mentor. If any were to see him now - although he had yet to meet another StarClanner - they would know that he is here with a purpose. There are answers to be found.

" It's been moons, " Sneezeduck mews challengingly towards the tabby that comes into view. She looks much like the same - ragged, with her killing wound still intact, her eyes cold and calculating. He wonders if he looks any different; if the circles under his eyes are apparent, if the anxious falter in his step is noticeable. Despite the accusation in his voice, Sneezeduck still dips his head; he knew better than to anger the stars, after all. If only his Clanmates knew the same.

" I fear for ShadowClan more than ever, " the tom mews out tiredly, raising his chin to meet her eyes. Siltcloud knows of their curse; it was her who confirmed it to him, after all. What else does she know? What would she be willing to tell him? " We received your omen. The.. rot in our food supply. " The fear in his Clanmate's eyes haunt him terribly, as does the apprehension and the disowning of their faith. He squeezes his eyes shut for a moment, recalling the argument he had with Singeglare, the infighting amongst some others, the abandonments..

" I fear for my kin. My littermates and.. my mother's second litter. I fear that.. the rot is amongst them. " Could she see him from here, forbidding his brother from stepping foot into the nursery? Sneezeduck can't shake the feeling that it wasn't enough - that the damage is inherent. How can he protect his family from this curse that plagues them all, especially after it's already taken ahold of Singeglare? Sneezeduck's fur bristles along his back, as if a cold breeze ruffled his spine. " They're vulnerable. Whatever this rot is - I need to protect them from it. What must I do? " Please.. spare me your mysteries. I am here for a reason. Give me something.. anything..

Sneezeduck is a chocolate tabby tom with cream under-accents, a disorganized pelt, and abnormally long head-fur. He is tall and lanky with big paws - overall clumsy in appearance.

duckshimmer x unknown tom
— brother to singeglare and swallowflutter
— half-brother to unnamed kit and unnamed kit
— mentored by sharpshadow
— 16 moons old as of 2/05/2025
penned by ixora


siltcloud 21 moons female she/her dark forest rogue

In truth, Siltcloud has simply been to lazy to bother. Basking in Mirestars disappearrance - wondring, idly, if it was her own threats that'd sent them running. Watching her daughter gain her full medicine cat name at the cost of Starlinghearts life (and oh, how she basks in that. She'd never liked her anyways - she was the reason Granitepelt had stopped being Siltclouds brother only. The reason he'd ever killed) She has watched as some mystery sickness plagues them, leaves bellies rolling with hunger, and she thinks good. They'd chased her out, let her starve. Nearly doomed her kits to the same fate.

It is nothing Shadowclan does not deserve. They have always been cursed - it's about time they received another reminder.

Swansong continues to act in her pawsteps, to follow ethereal advice in some hope of closure. Of vengence But sneezeduck? Siltcloud does not like what he has done in the times where she could not be bothered to do more then watch Shadowclan suffer.

" There is.. nothing Starclan can do. We have.... never seen this before, " she says, lying through her teeth as easy a breathing, echoing the sentiments Marbleleaf had helpfully shouted for all to hear. " You can only... preserve... " she says.

And then - " Your family? They are... vulnerable... yes... But you... you have done... something far worse " voice turns to ice, and paws lashes out without warning - claws extended to rake across his ears, if not his face and shoulder with in. " Caterpillarfuzz.... my dearest.... she did not do what you accused her of. Another cat, chased away for... the sins of another, " she says, coughing at the exertion.

It's pitifully tragic, the way their stories mirror. Siltcloud had never killed anyone in shadowclan either after all - not until after she'd been exiled.

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  • Nervous
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