more than mossball: ghost's grand list o' prompts [wip]

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  • Thread prompts for the youngest members of a clan.

    The whole of the world is new to kits and naturally they have a few questions, but don't seem to have any awareness for what is and isn't appropriate to bring up.
    ⇝ Am I going to get old and wrinkly like the elders someday?
    ⇝ Why do cats die?
    ⇝ Why do we bury cats that die?
    ⇝ Why does or doesn't StarClan do a certain thing?
    ⇝ And just where do kittens come from, exactly?​
    Many of kits' questions center around things that older cats may take as facts of life that don't need to be questioned. And these questions may just keep coming and coming.
    ⇝ Why is grass green? Why does it turn yellow sometimes? Why is some grass tall and some grass short? If other animals eat grass how come we don't eat grass?
    ⇝ Are there any alive mice, or do you always find them dead? How do you kill a mouse? Do mice live in clans? Are there any leader mice you need to kill nine times? Did this mouse have a name? Can I name this mouse?​
    Often a way to build valuable skills and reinforce bonds with their peers, play naturally occupies a large portion of a kitten's day. Hopefully, everyone is a good sport and no one has any impromptu rule changes that give them a massive advantage...
    ⇝ Clan: Often instigated by the kit who declares themselves leader, and a sibling or best friend their loyal deputy, this game is both a mad scramble to fill every role in an imagined clan and act out the often convoluted reign of the new leader.
    ⇝ Medicine cat: All this herb stuff is easy! A kit playing medicine cat may try to hawk various poultices and herbs to their clanmates for real and imagined illnesses and injuries. You just need to ignore that the medicines seem to be a combination of soupy mud and a sprig seemingly pulled from the weeds growing around the dirtplace.
    ⇝ Dog, fox, or badger: A terrible predator has made it's way into camp! It's roughly 4lbs and seems to do no worse than nipping at the heels of clanmates. This game seems to have no goal other than for an excuse to run around and declare clanmates killed from the gentlest of injuries. Others partaking in the game may try to subdue this great beast.​

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  • Thread prompts for those season-dependent activities.

    The ground thaws and new things are growing. An optimistic cat is thrilled about the warmer days and increase in prey, a pessimistic cat will grumble about all this rain.
    ⇝ Hunting gooselings: You don't think you could take down a goose alone, but those chicks look to be the right size. If only you could find a way around their ever vigilant parents.
    ⇝ Insect watching: Sometimes butterflies come out of those weird things on the undersides of plants. Neat!​
  • Thread prompts for when it is time to say goodbye to your character

    The medicine cat can still make you feel better... right?
    ⇝ Chest infection: You just can't seem to catch your breath. Your chest has been moving quite dramatically every time you inhale, and your voice has gone out. Your eyes may leaking yellow-green or black pus, or they may be stained with a clear, watery discharge. This whole breathing thing would be a lot easier if you could just stop coughing for a moment.
    ⇝ Nose infection: Sneezing isn't a particularly worrisome thing. So what if your nose has been running and you have a bit of a fever? There's work to be done! Maybe you should mention the red sores inside of your mouth to the medicine cat though, just to be safe.
    ⇝ Brain infection: You had an ear infection a few moons back that had cleared up on its own. It was such a small thing, it doesn't even cross your mind when the world starts turning all around you. No matter how hard you try, you can't seem to walk in a straight line or move your face, and the words your clanmates say sound like nonsense to your ears.
    ⇝ Lockjaw: About a quarter of a moon ago you had gotten a minor scratch. Now you can't seem to move the area around the place that had been cut, and later you can't seem to bend your joints nearly as easily has you had before. Your tail sticks out in a straight line behind you and your mouth is stuck in a grimace.
    ⇝ Pox: It started with a single lesion, but now lesions crop up on your body like weeds. Everything you eat seems to come right back up, but you haven't been hungry lately anyway.​
    Sometimes invisible, and sometimes all too visible, these tiny beings can wreck havoc on a body.
    ⇝ Intestinal worms: You've been losing weight recently, but your gut has bloated and is strangely round. Your fur doesn't shine like it used to. There may be visible worms when you make dirt, but that isn't anything to worry about, is it?
    ⇝ Heart and lung worms: It looks like a chest infection at first, but all of the herbs the medicine cat tries don't improve your condition. You seize on occasion, and faint from even the least strenuous of tasks. When you bleed, it is a deep red unlike any other blood you've seen before. On occasion, you have none of these issues, and simply drop one day right where you are standing.
    ⇝ Flea anemia: Uncommon in every age beyond kittens, an excess of fleas has you feeling fatigued and has turned your once pink gums white.​
    It happened so fast.
    ⇝ Fight wounds: You'll be remembered well for how bravely you fought for your clan.
    ⇝ High fall: You'd thought you'd gotten away with from that fall with nothing more than a sprained foot, but when you go to sleep you don't wake.​

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