MORE THAN ONE HEART | florabreeze


May 18, 2024

Sfogliatella best described her presence in the world like drifting wood upon the deep blue. Like a reel cast upon a line, the kittypet felt her place in life as an ever-shifting point, never anchored too deeply as a hitch on the earth. She had witnessed so many phenomena and met so many characters, so much so that her brain was like a pristine encyclopedia of the nomad, though she hardly considered it a feat to be toted highly. To float so much meant that she had never rested her paws against the ground, never felt a great rumble of a steady earth beneath her, and never stopped to stare at the alabaster mottles of what lie just above her nose. Many would be enamored with the vagabond way, but Sfogliatella felt reckonings of homesickness as she moved from home to home, even as drawn lines of fusain led her back to where she had started. She did not know when she would leave once more after arriving to this neighborhood. She did not know where she would go, after the chapter of this adventure had closed with little a satisfied ending inked in pencil. Above all, all the kittypet wished for was a family, or something to signify that she had some meaning in the melding pot of the endlessly turning pages of the dust-strewn tome.

So, when she had gathered scraps of rumors, rumors that a certain 'Valentine' was near, she had no choice but to seek what she wished for for the whole of her life.

"I swear, we must know each other! Maybe we were in the same household a million years ago?" Sfogliatella's sprightly voice perked up in the early ends of the young morning, linden-toned pelt a rather obstrusive sight among the great canvas of nature, though smoky purls seemed almost like nimbus clouds of specter's shade. The clan cats had gotten up quite late upon the coattails of night, even setting off sooner than the sun blinked molten gaze open. As for Sfogliatella... She couldn't sleep, not without her comfortable nest of linens and satins. How did the wild cats even sleep on beds of sticks and moss? Still, the Maine coon made sure that she bothered this 'Florabreeze' as early as she could, smile of ivory veneer as bright as the rising sun though intrusive as it was. "Maybe you remember a cat named Francesca? Or knew a cat who did!" She chittered, though stopped only to preen a forming knot at the base of her leftmost front paw. Being outside for so long drove her crazy, from the whipping winds to the mercurial humidity... She vowed that she would take a long, long bath after all of this was said and done.

( @Florabreeze )

A long yawn greeted Sfogliatella’s spirited words, Florabreeze was anything but a morning feline, which was at odds with the whole ‘daylight’ part of the daylight warrior thing. She had never been late though, she wouldn’t start now. Teetering the line, sure, but never late. It was curious to see her so early in the morning, since meeting the fellow maine coon she had been trying to think about where that familiarity came from. She had mentioned that Florabreeze looked strikingly similar to this missing cat that she was looking for.

Despite the sleep that was evidently still following her as she woke up she considered Sfogliatella’s company pleasant. Delightful even, as a renown chatter it was always appreciated to be within the presence of another one. “Surely we must, I recognise you too but I've only ever lived in two homes! Have you always gone by Sfogliatella?” She meows curiously, a grin beginning to blossom on her face. As she glanced at the kittypet she had to wonder if that’s how she looked when she herself first joined, she had to admit that her new potential friend did look like she had far more glamorous twolegs then her own.

There was a possibility that there could be an understanding from her over the debacle that was being brushed incessantly from her housefolk, at least maybe she would understand after being part of SkyClan. All of the leaves, grass, bugs and who knows else would come home with her as well, Florabreeze wondered if that was something she realised or not.

There was a pause at her words, did she know a cat by Francesca? That sounded familiar, olive eyes watched with interest as the maine coon preened her front paw. Brain mulling in the information over, she could have sworn she recalled that name somewhere. A faint memory of that name being called out by parents that she can no longer recall, Francesca's name was only remembered due to the she-cat going out of her way to mention it. “I.. I think there was a Francesca at the home I grew up in?” Her voice is strained, fighting to get the words out as she tries to place pieces of a puzzle that she didn't quite get together. “I was only so tall at the time, very young, but I can faintly remember a Francesca” she explained, lifting her paw up from the ground by a few inches to indicate how tall she was at the time. The demonstration indicated that she recalled the name as a kit.


  • SkyClan Daylight Warrior⏐ She / Her ⏐ Info
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    32 moons old { Ages realistically on the 12th per month }
    Mentored by Sorrelsong
    “Speech”, thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}


"Ah! So you do remember me! I'm sure there's only one Francesca in the entire world." Sfogliatella's body immediately perked upwards, as though a light in her very soul had come alight, glowing in refulgent renewal. All that the sepia-coated housecat had sought was a family, another cat that would remain with her even as the seasons cycled and the wheel of time rolled ever-forwards. The progression of her life scared her, somewhat, but she figured that navigating it with a kindred spirit would surely make it much more bearable. The kittypet recalled how small the little Valentine was compared to her own towering stature, like a mere speck sparked to life by a new match, pristine life sprouting from the grounds birthed by renewed seasons. Now, she had grown into a woman - and though Sfogliatella hardly knew her even then, pride trickled warm and comforting into her thrumming heart. "I'm much, much older than you. I remember how tiny you were. You were so, so tiny. When we parted... You still clung to your mother's belly. It's no wonder you cannot remember much, sorellina." As if saintly halo had come to surround eiderdown features, Sfogliatella beamed harder than she ever did before, and the excitement that pulsed through purling fur far outweighed the silken mask she often donned. Perhaps she had jumped to conclusions too quickly, but the similarities to Valentine were eerily uncanny. It would be cruel of her to mistake this obvious sign for anything less. Feathery tail swished behind her, in an unfettered display of her unbridled happiness.

"Valentine! I can't believe I've found you, after all this time! Though, everyone keeps calling you Florabreeze. Did they have to give you the '-breeze' at the end? Will Skyclan do the same to me? Hm, I don't know what sort of name would fit me, though..." The kittypet blabbered on, with aureate-plated bell jingling in the wind as if chiming in with twinkling voice, an ever-steady companion with obtrusive chitter of its own brand of birdsong. Hm, what would they add to my name? Sfogliatella-star? Though, I think that's only for il capo. "Ah, enough about my problems. How have you been, Valentine? Surely, you have been on many incredible adventures and met so many new people. Have you kept in touch with anyone else from our family? I would have, but my housefolk moved out of the neighborhood when they adopted me." Sfogliatella hardly remembered much of their mother and father, as though their influence were a sun gradually dimming out in exhaustion, an influence slowly waning away from its root upon her world. She couldn't remember much of what they were like or how they raised her. In fact, she considered her parents to be her housefolk that took care to groom and bathe her (even if she loathed how they did it). "Even so, you must have many fellowships in this Skyclan of yours! They seem to take kindly to you. I heard that wild cats eat anyone they don't like. I guess they like us both!"

Seeing Sfogliatella's entire demeanour change to what could be described as a wild fire of light. As if someone had set alight to an entire box of fire works, it was awe inspiring. “I'm sure that there is, I like to think I would know if I’ve met another!” She declared with confidence, looking at Sfogliatella only brought confidence in her theory. They shared a nose marking, and they practically seemed to carry themselves in the same manner and shared a sunny disposition.

It's strange, having terms of endearment thrown at her in this manner. Florabreeze hoped that this was a term of endearment, surely she wouldn't be immediately insulted afterwards. It felt uncanny to hear someone recount stories about herself that she didn't recall. The world spun a little and she thought maybe that her breakfast this morning would come back. There was a desire to know her sister, to know that missing part of herself as well. Due to that she fought to keep her nerve, not indicating how unnerved she was by that information. If anything the curiosity shone through like a diamond in the rough.

“Oh, I'm only Florabreeze while at SkyClan during the day. You can call me Flora any other time” She can understand the idea of these suffixes being a handful. She had found them mysterious but she could agree that sometimes it was a lot to say. “You will be given your own after two moons pass by, given you pass your assessment but I'm sure my older sister would be capable of that!”

It felt strange, to refer to the sepia maine coon as her older sister. There was a rush of excitement as she said that, she felt like she did after she climbed her first tree! There was comfort in listening to her talk, like how there was comfort in listening to the bell that adorned her sister's collar. The tinkling reminded her of her neighbours windchimes.

“You can keep talking about you, there's so much to know. Even if it's over your concerns of being named, I'd love to hear it all!” She wouldn't mind listening to her sisters problems, as she had stated there was so much for them to catch up on. Nothing could make up for the time that they'd lost but she wouldn't mind trying to learn what happened in between the lapse of memory.

Florabreeze found herself looking up to the sky, slowly blooming with life and steaks of colour in the birth of morning. A resting frown finds purchase on her features as she stares at the pinks and oranges of a new dawn. Her parents were spectres of her memory, up until today she didn't even know she had biological kin at all outside of her parents. Were they from this neighbourhood at all? She hadn't seen anyone like her around here, Sfogliatella seemed certain that they weren't from her current neighbourhood.

“No, I'm sorry, I don't remember anything about our other family members so I can't keep in touch. What's your housefolk like though? I hope they're kind to you” the idea of her sister being at the mercy of cruel housefolk, well that tormented her. She was sure that her sister may have left though, based on the little that she knew about the sepia maine coon it seemed that she wouldn't tolerate housefolk who treated her poorly.

“I have been good though, I have a sibling, adopted through house folk- his names Ditto. I'm sure you'd like her! I'll have to introduce you sometime” her heart was aflutter at the idea of someone who was a stable column in her life meeting with a new sibling who she could tell would easily become a second pillar. Life hadn't been all good though, there was her missing daughter and her missing friend, the murders of SkyClan. These events plagued her like a shadow but she had been learning to live life without them, maybe she'd tell her sister about it but it wouldn't be today. Florabreeze would not be the one to dampen such a wonderful moment and new chapter in both of their lives.

“I have friends here yes but everyone in SkyClan is really lovely- well almost everyone but that's okay! They don't eat anyone though” there was a pause “unless they do it at night and wait for us daylight warriors to go home” she practically sang her words as she teased the idea, bursting into a fit of laughter at the absurdity of it.


  • SkyClan Daylight Warrior⏐ She / Her ⏐ Info
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    32 moons old { Ages realistically on the 12th per month }
    Mentored by Sorrelsong
    “Speech”, thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}


To Sfogliatella, a granted name was a merely temporary in one's life, synonymy shifting and churning to fit the tides around it. Francesca, Mrs. Kitty-Kitty-Soft-Fur, and so many others had built up a repertoire of aliases that even she could hardly keep track of in her long-lived years. Even as names wore out and the body grew thin, faces never changed, a bane tacked onto one even as they had disappeared for so long. In a sense, Skyclan embodied that tenet. Switching out parts of their monikers as though it did not suit them, the felines seemed to sprout alongside their names. She couldn't lie and say she wasn't at least a little envious of such stability. "Only during the day, hm? Is it because your housefolk don't appreciate it or somethin'? Non mi dire, you still live with your housefolk and the clan? How does that even work? Your housefolk must miss you dearly... I know mine do!" Sfogliatella prattled on at Florabreeze's invitation, as though her ambulant voice waxed the lyricism of her own life, a song with no discernable end. Once she winded herself up, there was little stopping her incessant verses. "Oh! You said that I'd get my warrior's name after two... moons, was it? Am I allowed to request a name for myself? I imagine il capo might want to come up with something herself, though. You wildcats have so many rules!" She took a breath before she continued onwards.

"My housefolk are quite nice! They give me everything I could ever want! Great food, a cozy bed, and all the paper shreds I can play with. They even gave me the name Sfogliatella! It's quite long, but I believe it suits me, haha. It's such a shame you don't remember anything about our old littermates, but I suppose that's just how life pans out. I've been through quite a few neighborhoods myself, each bringing new cats to talk to. I'm hoping my housefolk will want to stay here, though. It's where my dear sister is, after all." The Maine coon purred, mirthful smile laconic yet warm all the same, as it rested on her face for mere moments before she started up again. "I'd love to meet this Ditto! What a strange name. Does she happen to repeat everything you say, by chance? I kid, I kid. I'm so glad you've got so many friends here, though. Dio mio, I'd kill for some friends that last for a while. The terrible part about moving so often is that my relationships never seem to last." She lamented, though the echo of sadness veered outwards into obscurity, as quickly as it had presented itself. "Wow! You managed to befriend cat-eating cats? That's incredible! Though, please don't tell them to eat me if I do something wrong. I imagine I don't taste very good, what with all this fur and fat." She chuckled, tail whisking behind her as she rambled.

There was something incredibly endearing to her sister's questions, akin to if they were filling in a void that was hundreds of feet deep by now. The progress was slow, maybe others who were clanborn would find these questions abhorrent or clunky but Florabreeze appreciated it. This was a similarity that the two siblings had, a connection to this clan. Though Sfogliatellas wasn’t running as deep as Florabreeze’s just yet, she was certain that if she loved the clan then the other Maine Coon would too. “Oh no, not at all. I can’t speak for everyones housefolk but mine are gone during the day, so they don’t notice my absence for too long. They love me very much” she wasn’t sure what other daylight warriors' relationships with their housefolk were like in comparison. She knew that things weren’t so great with Eggshellbloom’s housefolk, or ex-housefolk? Anyway she hoped that her sister didn’t think that her housefolk were neglectful or anything like that.

“There are others like me! Daylight warriors I mean, we all leave during the dawn and come back during the dusk. It’s fun, I hope that you’ll be joining us- or rather me? With those walks” She rarely stumbled over her words, maybe her nerves over meeting a long lost family had started to wear down her usually perfect articulation. The she-cat was thankful to notice that winding oneself up into long winded tangents seemed to run in the family, she wasn’t sure what she would do if she was the only one who chatted away until hours had passed. Though she had to admit that it was strange to be lumped in with the SkyClan cats as ‘wild’ cats, did she really count as that? She supposed she wasn’t as pampered as she used to be but Florabreeze hadn’t considered herself as wild before.

“You know what? I don’t know if you can request a name for yourself, I don’t think so. I’ve never seen anyone do that, I think only Orangestar names everyone… I haven’t been here for too long though!” She chimes in with a chatter that was similar to bird song. Twinkling and light yet also loud, she was never one to be known as quiet after all. She listens to Sfogliatella with great interest, it was always so interesting to hear how others' housefolk were compared to her own. Her heart warmed at the knowledge that she was being so well looked after, the implication that they may move and take Sfogliatella away from her caused that upbeat smile to slip for a moment before she recovered. “I think it sounds really neat! Do you know why they call you that?” She couldn’t attest to if the name suited her or not but if it brought joy for her dear sister then she wouldn’t dream of calling her anything else.

They fell into a lapse of brief silence, a content purr rumbling through the tabby she-cat as her sister started to speak again. There was amusement to it, she could already tell that they got along so well and if she cared then maybe she would feel bad about any future soul that could get stuck between them in a conversation. “Ah nono, maybe to mess with me or others but they’re actually very to the point” the laughter that bubbled from her was hearty and genuine, the idea of her sibling forever cursed to speak things twice over just because of his name was delightful. “I could introduce you to some friends of mine? Almost everyone is super friendly at camp so you could make so many friends! Hopefully you don’t move anytime soon.” The thought of her sister moving crept back into her mind, that frown lingering this time. She wasn’t sure what she would do if her sister moved so soon after finding one another again. Would she forget about her older sister again like she did as a kit? Surely not..

Thankfully she isn’t appointed much time to dwell on this as she pushes the conversation forward. “Tella, they’re not gonna eat you at all! They won’t eat you but I could show the camp? Give a proper tour? Then you can meet some of these ‘cat eaters’ and let them know just how untasty you are?” The suggestion was gentle but there was an eagerness to her, to introduce her sister further into the group that had become a second home.


  • SkyClan Daylight Warrior⏐ She / Her ⏐ Info
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    33 moons old { Ages realistically on the 12th per month }
    Mentored by Sorrelsong
    “Speech”, thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}