advanced MORE THAN THIS \ storytelling practice

As time stretched on and Highstones loomed tantalisingly close, Fernpaw didn't let himself slow down to talk as much as he had been for the journey toward the lungwort. More than ever he was conscious of how long they'd been gone- how much he'd learned, changed and proved. Small and runty still, Fernpaw would however bet he'd bulked up a little- and his paw-pads were not plush, but calloused from travel and travail. What his mind lay on most of all, though, was what they had left behind. What they were coming back to. Would those two things remain in harmony? Or- or would there be some collapsed chaos, more sick than ever- a Clan dissolved, shredded...

He would rather not let himself think about it, and didn't. Instead, he coaxed his thoughts simply to small steps- like remembering everything, just as Steepsnout had asked. Once she was revitalised back to the merry, competitive she-cat he'd always known, he could tell her everything- and Mudpelt, too, would listen. Maybe he'd even gather everyone around in a circle, tell them all in one go, look for the reaction on Sablepaw's face when he spoke about the flowers that bloomed in the freeze, or watch Ravensong when he spoke about how Dovethroat had been adamant to help Stormpaw.

His mind chugged on all the details, especially when he tried to think of a way to explain the scale of the cliff. Steepsnout had wanted to know everything. Fernpaw didn't have a bad visual memory, but sometimes articulating it all often proved a bit of a roadblock. It was there, accessible... it just seemed the moment he tried to seize it, like a fish, it darted from his grasp.

(After all these moons he was a good fisher, now. He hoped his storytelling had improved thusly.)

"How would you describe that cliff we went up?" Someone had sidled to his side, and he wasted no time in engaging them. "To someone who's never seen it?"
penned by pin

Figfeather finds herself walking beside Fernpaw, a not uncommon occurence throughout the journey. To think soon they’d no longer converse and share-tongues… but Figfeather brushes the thought aside in favor of excitement to return to her clan. How was Butterflytuft? Violetnose? Sparrowsong? Oddly, most strongly she’s began to wonder about Fantastream, her grief for what the two of them had once had together has been strong since the cave-in. Many times when she thought she was on her final days she had wished for the scent of Fantastream and her fur to nuzzle into, something she had not expected after they had become so… estranged.

To Fernpaw’s question her face screws up in thought, ”Hm… I would say… I dunno. I think I’d tell them to imagine a hill even higher than the Tall Pine, only instead of grass it’s filled with sharp rocks and narrow ridges.” It’s not the most poetic or enticing description, but it was literal, the way Figfeather prefered. ”But um… I suppose comparing the Tall Pine to RiverClan cats might not be the best bet…” She adds, considering she had chose a SkyClan-specific landmark.​

  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
Storytelling is something that Honeyjaw is familiar with. Even more than traveling, or getting himself in terrible trouble, he knows how to weave words into something worthy of imagination. It's the one thing that he can cling to as their trek continues. This will make a fantastic story. One that he can share at Gatherings, or with ShadowClan. Maybe it will warm their hearts a bit, remind them that there is more beyond the borders of their dreary marsh. Something worth loving, and thinking of, and being excited by. Fernpaw's got the right of it. It should make his clanmates smile and look at him in quiet awe. After all that they've been through...he deserves it. With a warm thought as to where he's going with this, Honey grins.

"I would call it...a great wall, taller than Fourtrees and even twoleg dens. As steep as the river running straight down and cracked like dry paw pads. An endless climb where we risked standing upon brittle stone and falling so far we might crumple beneath the weight of falling." It leaned a little nonsensical, but that was probably the best part of storytelling. He likes that it doesn't have to be the complete truth to be something worth hearing. If it gets the point across, if it makes them remember– it's worth it.

  • OOC.
    ——  a short-furred dark chocolate point tom with the smallest splashes of white on his forehead, front paws, and tail tip. well-built, but overall average in size and unremarkable aside from his lightly curled ears and the magnetism of his smile. seems to show signs of aging earlier than expected with a salt-and-pepper dusting.
    ✦ NOTICE honeyjaw is currently on the journey and will not be active outside of retro threads, or finishing those he had previously posted in! please message me on discord for plots or interactions between journey cats.
  • "speech"
Mouseflight felt as though all - if not most - of the cats would be thinking of home, especially the ones that had decided to split up and keep moving forward. He knew that it was likely for those they had left back at home to ask about the journey, but Mouseflight had hoped that they would not come to him or he would be able to lead them to another cat that had gone on the journey, he wasn't much of a talker usually and much less of a story teller. He'd of course embellish what he could to make WindClan look better, but otherwise things like the cliff - where he had been injured - was something he'd rather not think about once they were back.

At the sound of Fernpaw's question the warrior found himself thinking for a moment before listening to what Figfeather and Honeyjaw suggested, nose screwing up a little bit as he tried to follow Honeyjaw's description of the landmark before shaking his head slightly. "You could mix the two, that it's taller than fourtrees with sharp rocks and narrow ridges... I think if we'd have come across it at night it would have looked like it reached to StarClan and never stopped." He certainly thought he would never get to the top, they couldn't even properly see it from the bottom.
  • tikki_com.png
    mousekit - mousepaw - mouseflight
    ⋆ ftm - he/him - 12 moons
    ⋆ bisexual - open to relationship
    ⋆ tunneler of windclan
    attack - speech - thought
    ⋆ penned by tikki

Truly there was nothing poetic about Figfeather's description, but that didn't mean it was uninspiring. In truth, Fernpaw preferred the literal route too. It wasn't that he lacked imagination- simply that sometimes abstract sayings tended to distract him, or enable him to picture something completely incorrect. The Tallpine, though... he didn't really know how tall it was, not really. As she tail-ended her verdict with a peppering of self-deprecation, he laughed. "No, that's good!" he exclaimed, grinning brilliantly at her.

Honeyjaw's description was a bit more flowery- Fernpaw's emerald eye was run through with fascination, glimmering like the many faces of a gem. The vividness of it lead Fernpaw's mind away a little... but Mouseflight leaned a tiny bit more practical. Reaching StarClan, never stopping. Falling from that height really would crumple you, wouldn't it?

Nodding, he took mental notes. Under no circumstance would he let go of these memories, now- because Steepsnout, she'd wanted to know everything. And he was going to tell her everything. "I can only hope whoever I tell will believe me," Fernpaw laughed, heart feeling lighter than dove-feather. He wasn't a good liar, anyway- most of RiverClan should know that he'd be telling the truth. "It sounds impossible, doesn't it? But- but we were there," and he was rambling a little, now. "I'd never believe it. All those flowers blooming in the snow. The river at the end of the world..."
penned by pin

It had occurred to Hazecloud a few times, the images she would try to paint to her friends and family once they returned about what they had seen. Mountains were not a far away concept that everyone was unaware of existing, but no one she knew had ever been from so far away. Had ever experienced living within one or even getting so close as they had. She wanted to capture the beauty, the triumph, the fear in every moment they experienced when their Clanmates no doubt gauged for every detail.

Fernpaw shared her ideal in the perfect string of words for their story, and a warm smile curved her maw, replacing the tense expression she wore before.

"We could work on how to tell it together. We each have a part of the journey that really stood out to us, that we could remember like we just lived it only breaths ago. You could say... The mountain's peak was swallowed up by clouds. When we came close enough that we had begun to enter the valley, ShadowClan led us through days of darkness after a collapse in a cavern! We left behind beautiful plains and trees and ran into an endless leaf-bare where ice and snow lived no matter the season below." How horribly cold they had been, huddling together no matter their nest-neighbors Clan to keep warm in the evening chill.

"We climbed up so high we could see where the sun sank into the world. Swallowed up by an endless river, burning brighter than your coat! It painted the sky orange and purple, before fizzling into the waters below." The field of blooms breaking against the layer of snow had been hard for even her to believe, and she had been there to see it! They sure had their work cut out for them trying to fit every possible piece of their trip in their tellings.