border morning dew // thunderclan patrol

Skyclaw has detested this border since his youth - and despite the death of their former patriarch, he doesn't feel that frustration fade. If anything, Blazestar's death has only spurred new, confusing feelings in the tom. There's a sense of freedom from the truth that haunts him all the same. The kittypet king is now exempt from his sins, living with endless hunting in the same lands as his mother and brother - and yet Skyclaw must suffer with every breath he takes in.

"Luckypaw," he beckons his apprentice closer to the border as they pass it, not offering the filtering pine trees anymore of a glance, "You've seen this border before, yes? Which one is it?" The youth had a brief stint with a different mentor before he, and so Skyclaw assumes the spunky kid has some experience in his claws.

[ patrolmates tag; @FALCONHEART @SHININGSUN & apprentice tag @luckypaw! ]​
Slowly, they stalked a rather tasty looking squirrel through the overgrowth. Pale body pressed low and obscured by tall grasses. Pawsteps achingly calculated as his head tilted to give their good eye a decent view of its fluffy tail. Dogbite had been so absorbed in the hunt he was nearly startled when distant murmurs scared the rodent off. It's ruddy body jetting up a nearby tree. Dismay settled on the Leads muzzle as he stood up and peered to the Thunderclan border. Blue eye landing on what appeared to be a passing patrol with a peculiar tom at the lead.

Despite many moons shared with Blazestar the reality of his other kin had never been given a name. To him the black and chocolate warrior was a perfect stranger. Shaking off the defeat of a failed hunt he instead chose to acknowledge the group. Waving their feathery tail high in greeting.

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  • ———✧———​
    ✧ LH cinnamon tabby w/high white one blue eye
    ✧ child of npc x npc ; sibling to crescent and bear
    ✧ skyclan lead warrior ; ex-loner
    ✧ 33 moons old ; birthday 07/01
    ✧ AFAB ; nonbinary ; he/they
    ✧ pansexual ; polyromantic ; single
    "speech", thought, attack, powerplay
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
𓍊𓋼 The SkyClan border was once dreaded by the cream tabby, mostly because Burnstorm would act strange when they patrolled near it. And it was even worse when Blazestar happened to be at the border, because the dark-furred lead warrior would behave even more weirdly, and the tension in the air would seem thick enough to slice at with his claws. These days, though, Falconheart has grown to like the border, because the cats here are usually friendly or at least unthreatening. Bicolored eyes

When Skyclaw turns to ask Luckypaw a question, Falconheart shifts on his paws awkwardly. "Um…" He tears his gaze away from the other tom, brows furrowing. How is he such a natural at this, while Falconheart feels as though he’s been caught in the river, floundering for breath? "Crescentpaw, how much… uh, how much did your mentor teach you about SkyClan?" He’s been trying to be more collected, more of a true warrior. More of a mentor. But still, under stress, words spill out without permission, and the tom can do nothing about it. He can only hope that no one’s noticed—or that if they have, they’ve just brushed it off as Falconheart being stressed under the weight of a new apprentice so soon after his father’s death.

An approaching figure catches his attention, and after waiting for his apprentice’s response, Falconheart returns the other cat’s wave of a tail. "Hi," he greets the other warrior—a lead warrior, if he’s remembering correctly. He’s heavily scarred, but kinder than a few of the other SkyClanners. "Dogbite, right? How is SkyClan doing?"

// apprentice tag @Crescentpaw
Fireflypaw hadn't given much thought to Duskbird and Skyclaw since the truth had been revealed to him by Blazestar all those moons ago. Howlfire and him had been quiet on the topic, keeping to themselves, especially since the death of Duskbird had reached their ears. A part of him mourned the loss of a sibling, but another part of him was cold and indifferent to the loss. Was it cruel of him to not miss Duskbird's face, when he hadn't gotten to know them long enough to care? After all their ThunderClan family had put them through, Fireflypaw couldn't find it in himself to truly want to know Skyclaw anymore than he did Burnstorm or Moonwhisper.

Dogbite's voice is in the distance, and as Fireflypaw abandons his search for tansy, he instead follows the lead warrior's scent to step out into the view of the ThunderClan patrol. Skyclaw is present, with what seems to be his apprentice- alongside another ThunderClan warrior he couldn't really care to put a name to. He shakes his pelt out, ridding himself of any tension before he brushes his side up against Dogbite's good side. He keeps his ghostly blue hues wide, staring past his sibling as if looking through them- but he remains quiet in terms of talking to the others. Dogbite and the others would talk for him.

"Mother says the wind is coming.. We must not reside here much longer, my friend." He speaks low to the scarred lead warrior, his eyes never leaving the direction of Skyclaw.​
An unfamiliar cat addresses him, and for a moment, he's taken aback. Looking the young warrior over, he feels a touch out of place. Then it clicks—talk ran fast at gatherings, and of course, his friend has made it known, as per tradition. The strange sensation dissolves, and he dips his head low. Lost prey all but forgotten as the scent of pine infiltrated his sensitive nose.

Politely, he steps a few heartbeats closer before settling onto pale haunches, responding in kind to their neighbors. "Yes, hello." Dogbite never prided himself as a conversationalist, but he could be polite. "We've been faring for the better. Personally, I'm overjoyed to have warmer days again." Visibly, they shudder at the recent memory of Leafbare's chilled mornings.

Their scars always ached, and his wily coat was hardly a reliable insulator. "I pray all is well in Thunderclan?" Curiously, they tilt their tufted face to listen. Getting a better view of the three cats now stood before him.

A comforting aroma of herbs soon alerted the Lead well before the pointed tom's arrival. Yet, the gentle brush against his side was enough to rouse curiosity. Peeking downward without adjusting their head, he listens to his friend's hushed warning. Oh. He wouldn't claim to fully understand the reason, but Dogbite wasn't the type to disagree without cause, and Fireflypaw had far more knowledge in the world's mysteries than he.

Clearing their throat, he gives a curt nod to the patrol. "Sorry to cut things short. It's been pleasant, but we've mouths to feed, and the many little ones can cause quite a ruckus." He puts on a small smile before standing back to all fours, tone light and scratchy as they drawl out. "I hope prey runs well and the skies stay beautiful for you all." Stepping back a few paces, they patiently wait for Fireflypaw to join them.

  • ———✧———​
    ✧ LH cinnamon tabby w/high white one blue eye
    ✧ child of npc x npc ; sibling to crescent and bear
    ✧ skyclan lead warrior ; ex-loner
    ✧ 33 moons old ; birthday 07/01
    ✧ AFAB ; nonbinary ; he/they
    ✧ pansexual ; polyromantic ; single
    "speech", thought, attack, powerplay
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
Shiningsun tried to keep himself focused on the task of laying down the fresh markers as the patrol went along. Though as they came across Dogbite and Fireflypaw he couldn't help but wave his tail in greeting. It wasn't like he held any ill towards the neighbours, so naturally he only offered warmth at the sight of them. It was just a pity that the interaction was to be seemingly brief. "Understandable. I hope your hunt goes well. Take care." The tom purred before he continued along his way.
𓆗 . ° ✦ Luckypaw was practically trotting after his mentor the second he'd been called to join in on the patrol, happily grinning to himself as the breeze ruffled his tri-colored pelt. Approaching the SkyClan border, the apprentice could sense something off about Skyclaw - but despite his overwhelming urge to be annoying about it, he kept his trap shut, not wanting to be on the receiving end of a lecture. Not again, anyway.

"SkyClan." He curtly replied to the question. "Or KittypetClan, whichever you prefer!" He cheekily muttered with a snicker, unable to contain himself from a quick jab at their neighbors. Eyeing Fireflypaw curiously as he mentioned Mother, raising an eyebrow. Are they mad? Luckypaw leans closer to his mentor, hoping the SkyClanners across the border wouldn't hear: "Skyclaw, what is he talking about?"
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
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    brown & black chimera tabby tom with sage-green eyes.
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Skyclaw doesn't act too differently as members of the opposite Clan join them on the border, invited by Falconheart's too-soft greeting. The tan furred tom tries to be an example for his apprentice, that kindness can live despite the horrors they've all face. The mottled warrior can't find it admirable, even if he tried. But he does not halt his patrolmate in his efforts, even as Fireflypaw gathers beside Dogbite. Luckypaw is... well, lucky, for his mentor sports a smirk at his comment, "Good job, Luckypaw," he praises, "Seems you are already well cultured in the borders..." he hopes to continue talking, but his brother speaks from across the way, and it is only then that Skyclaw notices how he stares. He knows the medicine cat to be blind, yet even sightless cats are mindful of their lost senses. He tries to not be unnerved.

Luckypaw speaks again, quietly and only to him. Skyclaw responds in kind, "SkyClanners aren't the brightest cats in the forest, Luckypaw," he nudges his nose to the tom's ear, directing him to continue along the border, "A leaf could fall before that one, and he would declare it a slight against them all," mad indeed he unknowingly agrees.

Shiningsun continues the kindness across the border, and Dogbite declares they must be off. "Same for you," he states cleanly, though he means it none. His tail twitches as he directs his patrol ahead.​
𓍊𓋼 The second SkyClan cat to arrive at the border is familiar, as well. Fireflypaw, their medicine cat’s apprentice, is someone who Falconheart would recognize just about anywhere. The tom is blind-eyed, yet is somehow able to pinpoint exactly where Skyclaw stands. But he doesn’t greet them, and instead says something about mother, and the cream tabby’s head tips to the side in confusion. Maybe he means Little Wolf, but that wouldn’t really make sense. Still, he says that they need to go, and both Luckypaw and Skyclaw make biting comments. The lead warrior at least wishes them well, and Falconheart doesn’t understand what the sudden hostility is about.

Skyclaw’s words are scathing as he speaks, and it twists a frown onto Falconheart’s face. When Skyclaw begins to lead the patrol away, he looks back at the other clan’s patrol for a moment before following after. He trots up to walk alongside the dappled warrior, lowering his voice to speak to him. "That wasn’t very nice," he says. Stating the obvious, he thinks to himself, but it’s worth stating. Especially since Luckypaw seems to be picking up on his mentor’s hatred of the pine cats. SkyClan isn’t great or anything, but they aren’t that bad, really. They’re just less careful than the other clans about who they allow to join—and in reality, Falconheart doesn’t hold anything against cats who aren’t from the forest. Plenty of ThunderClan’s cats weren’t born as ThunderClanners. "He didn’t even do anything." The cream tabby knows it’s useless to protest, but the SkyClanners truly hadn’t done anything that should upset the other warrior.

  • ooc:
  • 80687246_bUlIUCNEIyetYd8.png
    FALCONHEART ❯❯ he/him, thunderclan warrior
    shorter than average cream tabby with white spotting. seems gloomy and has few friends, but is a hard worker and never neglects his duties.
    son of flamewhisker and flycatcher ; brother to stormfeather, scorchedkit, mothkit, sunkit, squirrelkit, sparrowkit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore