private Morning from the ocean // Bubblepaw

It’s nice to be back into regular clan activities once more. It’s even nicer that Smokestar provided Aspenhaze another apprentice right off the bat, because of a sense of purpose has always helped them maneuver through it all. Mosspool was everything they could have asked for in an apprentice, so they’re intrigued to see what kind of apprentice Bubblepaw will be. From all they know of the silver tabby, her name fits her very well. They are not exactly known to tolerate extremely cheerful cats, but as long as she’s willing to learn, they have no real issues to voice.

Aspenhaze calls for Bubblepaw to join them next to the river, wanting to gauge their hunting skills before anything else. Getting a few catches before returning would help out a lot, as well. Prey has been slowly returning to normal, but making up for all the lost time is equally as important. “We’ll keep things simple at first. Also, feel free to ask me anything. I’m sure you’re feeling a little anxious having a new mentor, so I just want to make sure you know that I won’t get upset with you if you need to tell me anything.”

They nod after finishing there spiel, looking at the flowing stream for a moment before turning their attention back to their new apprentice. “I figured we’d try hunting for now. See what you know and what we can aim to improve. Sounds good to you?” Aspenhaze asks, genuinely wanting to know.


It's a bit funny to Bubblepaw; first Swanpaw's mentor had retired and he'd been assigned a new one, and now she supposed it was her turn to face the same change. But if Mosspool is any indicator of the future Aspenhaze will be an awesome teacher, and Bubblepaw is enthralled to get started training with her new mentor. When the warrior calls for her to join them by the river, she all but falls over herself racing to meet the elder RiverClanner. She beams at Aspenhaze, almost vibrating with the excited energy that fills her small frame.

Bubblepaw nods enthusiastically at their words, hanging on to every bit and making sure to listen well. "Okay!" she smiles sweetly "I'm excited to learn from you, Aspenhaze!" Then, she turns her eyes to the stream which flows freely beside them, and she feels a little bit of sheepishness creeping back. Do they know she hasn't had her first catch yet? Bubblepaw being behind the curve has never really bothered her before, but suddenly with a newer, younger, and more experienced mentor the feeling is a bit daunting.

"I'm not much good," she warns Aspenhaze, but the smile returns to her face as she glances back at them "I'll give it another go, though! Watch this." Bubblepaw turns herself to fully face the river. She focuses for a long moment, trying to find something that isn't too big or too small or too fast swimming beneath the surface. Bubblepaw leans over the water as she spots one of the more common fish- a minnow- and she raises a paw over the waters as she tries to take aim. The silver tabby sticks her tongue out in concentration, holding steady and trying not to let her shadow cast across the surface as Rookfang had once advised her to do.

In one quick and uncoordinated move, Bubblepaw brings her white-mitted paw down in a splash. It scares the minnow and any surrounding potential pieces of prey away before she even has a chance to grab it. She re-emerges her paw, empty and soggy with defeat. Bubblepaw turns to Aspenhaze with a sheepish smile, though she doesn't seem dismayed by any means.

✦ ★ ✦
Her sign of enthusiasm is enough to keep Aspenhaze satisfied for now, and her smiles are almost infectious. Maybe it’s the sense of peace despite everything as they’re in their element, wind blowing as the water ripples. In turn, their smirk falters if only for a moment and makes way for a genuine smile. “I’m glad.”

They nod at her admittance. “It’s okay. Please show me anyways.” This was going to be their first time working together, after all. Their smile quickly falls back into a smirk, however, as they watch Bubblepaw’s… “attempt” at catching a fish. It takes everything in Aspenhaze to not break out into a fit of laughter at how pathetic it is, her movements sloppy. How was this not something her old mentor tried to focus on? Ah well, they will pick up the pieces.

“I see,” Aspenhaze say neutrally, airing on the side of caution despite how little she seemed ashamed by how she performed. They then guide her to a bit further downstream, since trying to hunt again in the same spot was pointless. “You are putting too much power into your swipe. If you use too much force, you’ll be noisy and scare all the prey away. You have to be quick. Remember that we are trying to fish them out, so do not push them under, instead try and throw them out. Now, again.”