morning is coming [ berry ]

————— ❁ —————
A freckled nose peeks into the medicine den, hesitant paws hovering near the hollow entrance. Blue eyes sweep across the interior, finding their target swiftly. Sandpaw sleeps soundly in her nest, and a soft sigh of relief escapes Lichenpaw's maw. It is only after confirming her presence that he pads into the medicine den, gaze remaining fixed on where she sleeps, the dressings around her injured shoulder. It looks better now than it did before.

For as frequent a visitor as he's become, he doesn't often speak with her; for all that he likes to talk, his words often skirting the edge of what he truly wants to talk about. Instead, he is content to talk at the medicine den's more permanent resident, whose name he calls now. "Berryheart?" His voice is softer than normal, trying his best not to wake the sleeping apprentice. "I uh, I just wanted to — to stop in to, y'know. Check on Sandpaw." He doesn't ask permission, merely announces his presence to the medicine cat.

"I know she's been — um. Coming out of the den more, things looking any better?"" He's not sure what to ask about specifically, not really understanding Berryheart's work. Still, the guilt that coils in his chest draws his paws here again, wanting to make sure she'll be alright.
————— ❁ —————

  • LICHENPAW named for the lichen on the trees of his home.
    — he/him or they/them. 10 moons.
    — thunderclan apprentice, mentored by blizzard fang.
    — bears a near-permanent nervous grin.

    primary character, high activity. penned by saturnid. IC opinions :']​
  • "SPEECH"
  • 64271928_XoeYkJjFj5096aN.png

Whenever Berryheart watched over a patient as they slept, lying half-attention to them, his mind was often captured with the distasteful state of multitasking. Whenever the tortoiseshell tom did anything, he always expected to put his all into it; to make it his absolute best, the most perfect thing he could imagine. A slow blink crossed over his dull gaze, the only outward sign of his slight fatigue... though, his look of boredom dissipated when a familiar figure walked through the threshold of his den, one he had caught many a glimpse of through the last few weeks.

He greeted Freckles with a nod, a smile curving his crooked lips. He appreciated the other's conviction; his purpose was clear, his voice soft to avoid stirring his fellow apprentice. "She's improving, thankfully." he stated, voice equally as soft, level and tranquil as it ever was. Even in warriorhood he had maintained a tone that was perfect for soothing; perhaps it was a factor in why StarClan had deemed him suitable as a replacement to his murderous predecessor. "She'll make a full recovery." An assurance; it was thanks to Peepers' guidance that he knew that, but the point of knowledge was to be shared and thus utilised.

"You have a kind heart, visiting so often." Many others did not do the same; some apprentices he had seen dodging the perimeter of his den, perhaps afraid they would catch an illness simply from being in the proximity of his den. Freckles did not, though- it was a glowing trait, that he had not abandoned Dune-pelt even after they had both been revoked from the mentor who had injured them.
————— ❁ —————
Assurance from the medicine cat softens Lichenpaw's expression. She's improving. Full recovery. "Good. That's — that's good." It's exactly what they were hoping to hear. It had seemed unimaginable, looking at her lying on the sand, shoulder twisted impossibly. They still don't understand how Berryheart did it; medicine seems more like magic to him, having grown up seeing injury as an unfortunate and uncurable inevitability. Just grin and tough it out. An injury like Sandpaw's... Crueler cats would have left her for dead. But she's going to be okay, she's going to recover. He's no reason to doubt Berryheart's words, not when he's been watching her steady recovery with as close an eye as he can.

Except. ...A kind heart, he says. Hah. Guess even the medicine cat doesn't know everything. He's tricked the whole Clan, it seems. Lichenpaw isn't kind, never has been. He's — He's selfish. That's all this is. Satisfying his own guilt. If he were kind he would've called off the fight when Sandpaw was injured, would've stopped it before it even began. The quarrel should have stayed between him and his mentor, he saw the reluctance in her eyes. This all could have been avoided.

But it wasn't. So Lichenpaw soothes his conscience, keeping an eye on her recovery. If they had a kind heart, he would have talked to her about it more, rather than slinking around while she's sleeping like a coward.

...He's been quiet too long. "Oh, I, uh, I'm —" He cringes a bit at his fumbling. "I don't — I wouldn't say that, I'm just — just —" He sighs, deflates, eyes drifting back to Sandpaw. "I mean, it's the least I could do. Really. I was with her, after, I'm — I'm the one who got out okay. I just — I want to make sure she does too." It's not a lie. He can take comfort in that, at least.
————— ❁ —————

  • //
  • LICHENPAW named for the lichen on the trees of his home.
    — he/him or they/them. 10 moons.
    — thunderclan apprentice, mentored by blizzard fang.
    — bears a near-permanent nervous grin.

    primary character, high activity. penned by saturnid. IC opinions :']​
  • "SPEECH"
  • 64271928_XoeYkJjFj5096aN.png
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There was a pause in conversation, but Berryheart barely moved during it- did not squirm, did not speak. Expectant and patient, he waited for an answer; perhaps Freckles was the type that did not enjoy being complimented. But... was it even a compliment? Berryheart hardly viewed it as such... more as an observation that just so happened to be positive. He blinked as Freckles danced around their words, but no interruption fled from his awry jaw.

"Lesser cats wouldn't even do the least," he murmured, eyes drifting back over to Dune-pelt where she slumbered. The rest would do her well, but- should she fidget too much in her sleep, he would have to wake her. He could not risk her jostling the joint even more. Still, it seemed Freckles was more passionate than most about ensuring that his previous training-partner was alright, would be alright, would get out okay. Even if he denied it, it was a diligence he did not often observe.

An idea, then. Perhaps it would soothe a restless soul. "Would you like to see how I'm treating her?" The option was there to refuse, but perhaps observing the process of healing would help Freckles settle into more general confidence about the certainty of Dune-pelt's recovery.
————— ❁ —————
"Yes," the word slips from Lichenpaw's mouth before he can think, as his speech so often does, ever-tumbling torrent of words rarely leading to anything good. But this — this is a good idea, and he doesn't back down from it, even if he cringes at his words again, this time for his over-eagerness. "I — I mean, if that's, y'know. If it's okay?" He's pretty sure only the medicine cat i supposed to know this stuff, since he's "chosen by StarClan" and all, but...

Lichenpaw wants to know, wants to see it. Part of why he's come here so frequently is the uncertainty; a cat "chosen" by what's little more than superstition treating Sandpaw with who-knows-what, it doesn't ease his worrying heart. He doesn't understand anything Berryheart does in here, but that doesn't mean he doesn't want to. If he could see how it works, make the medicine less a mystery... Maybe it would quiet the fear a little, calm his always racing thoughts.
————— ❁ —————

  • //
  • LICHENPAW named for the lichen on the trees of his home.
    — he/him or they/them. 10 moons.
    — thunderclan apprentice, mentored by blizzard fang.
    — bears a near-permanent nervous grin.

    primary character, high activity. penned by saturnid. IC opinions :']​
  • "SPEECH"
  • 64271928_XoeYkJjFj5096aN.png

The eagerness with which Freckles answered both pleased and charmed Berryheart- their speech was often so hesitant that it was a pleasant surprise that he had agreed so readily. Still, barely a flicker of that emotion truly showed on the tortoiseshell's face, a simple glint of happiness making itself present in his gaze. A crooked jaw tilted upward slightly; "Of course it's okay." He would not have offered if it was not. Berryheart was not the type to be false, to betray trust, to give anything but certainty. Sureness of spirit had lead him down his cherished path.

In a scarce motion, the lean tortoiseshell's tail flicked to beckon the apprentice to a collection of herbs. A collection of seeds, some crenate leaves and a clump of bright orange flowers rested atop an ivy leaf, and Berryheart directed Freckles' attention toward them. "These poppy seeds help her with pain and sleeping." It was important for anyone injured to get their rest, after all. "I had to reset her joint, and they made the process painless, thankfully." It was an ugly looking procedure, popping a shoulder back into place- but a necessary one.

"And these..." he motioned to the leaves and flowers, "They reduce the swelling. So long as she rests well..." His mouth was dry from talking so much, but it was wonderful to teach. To pass on knowledge. Berryheart practically glowed with warmth. "I estimate a week before she's better."

Green eyes flickered back over to Freckles then, searching his speckled features for a reaction.
————— ❁ —————
The medicine cat's reassurance is simple and quick, but enough to easy a worrying heart. Their question had been more a formality than anything, rectifying an imagined mistake, and the surety with which the answer is given does much to reassure. They can't quite read Berryheart's face; it shifts only slightly, neutrality staying fixed. He reminds them of Basilpaw a bit, in that way, but unlike with his brother don't have the familiarity to parse his expressions. A touch of wariness remains, but conviction drowns it easily.

Berryheart beckons him to the suply of herbs, and Lichenpaw follows dutifully. Their eyes roam across the selection of leaves and flowers, no different to the apprentice than the grasses outside the den. Still, he does not question Berryheart's words, listens as he explains, quiet but for mumbled repitions under his breath, focus clear in his expression.

He blinks as Berryheart finishes, eyes not wandering from the herbs. It still seems like magic to him, using plants for such things, but it's a bit more tangible, seeing them right in front of him. "Wow. Uh, thats. Kind of incredible, that you could do all that with — with just some plants. And, uh, resetting the joint? Don't really know what that means, heh." Still, he says it with such confidence, as though it's simple. Lichenpaw's eyes flick to Sandpaw now. "That's, uh, good, though. Only a week left." He breathes out, softly.

The injury had seemed incurable to Lichenpaw's untrained eyes, horrific and final. But it wasn't. It wasn't. He's jealous, a little bit, that Berryheart can fix things such a tragedy, while those like him are left to wait in suspense.

And again he looks at the plants. It'd have never occurred to him that they could — put a cat to sleep, reduce swelling in a wound. How many times has he passed these flowers and thought nothing of them, he wonders? "Where'd, um, where'd you learn all of this, Berryheart?" he asks, hesitantly. No one he's ever met has been able to do such things. He was honest, in calling it incredible.
————— ❁ —————

  • //
  • LICHENPAW named for the lichen on the trees of his home.
    — he/him or they/them. 11 moons.
    — thunderclan apprentice, mentored by blizzard fang.
    — bears a near-permanent nervous grin.

    primary character, high activity. penned by saturnid. IC opinions :']​
  • "SPEECH"
  • 64271928_XoeYkJjFj5096aN.png

Freckles seemed, thankfully, interested. He knew the gathering of knowledge was dull to many when they had no interest in the subject matter- Berryheart himself often struggled with conjuring up motivation for activities that seemed profoundly uninteresting. Herbs and plants, and their various effects, were far from dull for the medicine cat, however; and it seemed that sentiment was shared between him and the younger tortoiseshell beside him.

It did occur to him, at their admission, that he had sprinkled in jargon that an apprentice training to be a warrior would not understand. Resetting the joint... to an untrained eye, perhaps a joint was rather indistinguishable from the rest of a cat's leg. "Popping her shoulder back into place," he explained simply, expression as mild and pleasant as ever. Squeamishness apparently only touched him when it oozed from open wounds.

He was pleased for the praise, though; incredible, he had said. It was remarkable, he supposed... but it was hardly him. All he did was learn what the plants did- it was the flowers and herbs that enacted their effect upon a wound. Still, he let himself be warmed at the comment. Moons ago he had felt unable, thrown head-first into the deep end with only knowledge of plant-names, and not their effects. It was wonderful to know that his labour had gone rewarded.

"I outsourced all my knowledge," he answered, "Because I had no mentor in ThunderClan to teach me. SkyClan's medicine cat told me about this particular remedy." He cleared his throat- it was not often he spoke so much, but Freckles seemed to ask the right questions. Berryheart adored being sought for his knowledge in this was. "Gathering my knowledge has taken practice. I look forward to being able to pass it to someone else." Dull eyes shone, for a moment- and glided over to look again upon the younger tom. An idea writhed in its formation.
————— ❁ —————
There's a bit of a twist to Lichenpaw's expression at the mention of popping Sandpaw's shoulder back into place. "Oh," is all they say in response. It doesn't sound pleasant. Probably a good thing she was asleep for it, then.

But as Berryheart continues, they are quick to be distracted, trying to push the unfortunately a little too vivid image of Sandpaw's shoulder snapping in an inverse of their "training" session from his mind. There's a bit of confusion when he speaks of outsourcing his knowledge. From SkyClan, probably the most friendly of the other four. Still, though... "I thought the other clans didn't really, um. Get along? Or — I guess, they don't really like us very much. Didn't realize they'd be helping us." It seems weird, goes against what Lichenpaw has been taught in his moons in ThunderClan. Sympathy for other Clans is not tolerated.

"I'm — I'm glad they did, though." Otherwise, who knows where Sandpaw would be now. Without a mentor to teach him, they can't imagine it's been easy for Berryheart to learn all of this. "You, um, you offered to teach Moonpaw, right?" he'd heard of that, keeping an ear to the Clan's gossip. "Sorry she — um. Said no." Is that the kind of thing to apologize for? He's not really sure. Berryheart doesn't seem bothered by the rejection. Or by anything, really. He's a bit of a weird cat, but a kind one, taking some of his surely precious time to assuage Lichenpaw's worries.

He gives a genuine smile then, meeting Berryheart's eyes. "Uh, I hope you can find an apprentice soon. I think you'd be a good teacher."
————— ❁ —————

  • //
  • LICHENPAW named for the lichen on the trees of his home.
    — he/him or they/them. 10 moons.
    — thunderclan apprentice, mentored by blizzard fang.
    — bears a near-permanent nervous grin.

    primary character, high activity. penned by saturnid. IC opinions :']​
  • "SPEECH"
  • 64271928_XoeYkJjFj5096aN.png

He largely overlooked the twinge in Freckles' expression, observing him as he spoke of the perceived animosity between the five Clans. Certainly, from the perspective of a warrior apprentice it seemed as though the Clans would never help each other... but the path of a healer was different. Rather different. He had been present at Sunningrocks, and yet no-one had engaged him- even when he had strayed into the fray of battle to protect his mother's body as StarClan healed her. Largely, he lived in a world separated from border disputes and prey-stealing.

He nodded subtly as Freckles expressed their gladness; trial and error may have worked in the long run had he chosen to pursue it solely, but Berryheart did not particularly wish to ponder upon what might have happened if he had even less knowledge when his sister and Sunset had been kitting. "Knowledge is not a sacrifice in the same way as prey... we understand, the five Clans must survive." Giving herbs was more contentious, but giving information? There was nothing to lose, there.

Ah- word had gotten around about Whispers, had it? For all his love of gossip, he understood the way it seeped into every nook like travelling water. "It's alright. She's happier as a warrior." The idea that had struck him a few moments ago began to glow as bright as a star, rivalling the sincerity of the smile that Freckles set upon him. He blinked slowly, his smile showing upon a crooked maw oddly obviously as the apprentice claimed he would be a good teacher.

It was always better to be direct. "But... thank you," he hummed. Soon. Perhaps it would be sooner than Freckles thought. "I think you'd make a fantastic medicine cat apprentice." There had been interest shown from the younger tom... willingness to listen, to learn. A fascination for the workings of a healer... a good recipe for a great successor, a great student. "If it would interest you."
————— ❁ —————
The brightness of the medicine cat's smile catches Lichenpaw off guard, but not in a bad way. Still, it leaves him unprepared for the words that follow. I think you'd make a fantastic medicine cat apprentice. He doesn't quite process it at first, blinking blankly at the other tom. It should follow easily from the conversation, and yet — them. A fantastic medicine cat apprentice. Lichenpaw. Did he hear that right?

The implication is made all the more clear with Berryheart's next words: If it would interest you. It's an offer, one he was not expecting.

Lichenpaw bursts into nervous motion once the words have fully registered, paw tapping away at the ground ."Er," he starts, eyes darting away and smile growing strained. "I mean, I — I don't think — I don't know that I'd —" he trips over his words, unsure of his goal. "You're — I, I think you might be, um, might be mistaken Berryheart, I wouldn't — I mean, surely there's better options? I don't think I'd be a very good apprentice — not a very good apprentice now, heh, and I don't know the first thing about medicine. Never healed a cat or anything." His words come rambling and uncertain, and yet...

It's not a no. It's deliberately not a no. He pushes the offer away hesitantly, tries to dissuade, but he can't bring himself to fully reject the offer. Whispers, Moonpaw, is happier as a warrior, Berryheart says.

...Is Lichenpaw?

There's a sickness in his stomach at the thought of training, a fear in him about hurting anyone. Would it be so bad to not have to? To know how the medicine cat's healing works, to be able to help cats like Sandpaw rather than standing by and watching in anxious anticipation? To not have to turn to claws in anger over an injury unfixable but rather do something, fix the wounds inflicted by those who would draw blood more eagerly than he?

Lichenpaw doesn't think he'd be a very good medicine cat, but he is selfish and he likes the idea of it. So, "Um. But if, if it's alright, if you'd have me, if you're — if you're sure —" he still holds the same hesitance, but there is a hint of eagerness to his words as he concludes. "It would interest me, yeah." Blue eyes shift to meet green again, and there's something almost akin to pleading as Lichenpaw looks to the medicine cat.
————— ❁ —————

  • //
  • LICHENPAW named for the lichen on the trees of his home.
    — he/him or they/them. 11 moons.
    — thunderclan apprentice, mentored by blizzard fang.
    — bears a near-permanent nervous grin.

    primary character, high activity. penned by saturnid. IC opinions :']​
  • "SPEECH"
  • 64271928_XoeYkJjFj5096aN.png
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  • Love
Reactions: Blitz Krieg

As Freckles' words overlapped, tumbling over each other and tangling, all Berryheart did was lie in wait. Patient and still as the night sky, fire-flecked, with only breath and blink moving his muscles. He had always known the importance of listening- of learning, and as the tom danced around the request but did not refuse it, Berryheart simply sat in silence, regarding him with a watchful, measured gaze. This would either be a soft refusal, or a flustered acceptance, surely...

Ah. The latter. Hooded eyes curved ever-so-slightly with the tug of a smile on his face- there was hesitation within him, but eagerness too. And apprehension should be expected... it was a lot to learn, but he was confident that if Freckles' willingness kept up, their paws would be deft in healing in no time.

[I don't know the first thing about healing[/I], he said. A familiar notion, but one struggled past with adequate practice. "You'll learn," he said, dipping his head in gratitude. His pupil stood before him now, then. How wonderful that it could be so simple! No star-written message, no exile, no lonesome novice... Freckles' training would be much different, much more comfortable, than his own had been. He would give much to ensure that. "I am sure. I would be honoured to teach you." Simply stated, but warmly too.

"We should let your mentor and my mother know," he observed aloud, a slight eagerness about him that was so seldom seen past his stoicism. He would not rush his apprentice into anything, no... but it would be exciting to teach him, no doubt. He hoped Freckles was equally as thrilled to begin.
  • Love
————— ❁ —————
Berryheart doesn't turn them down. Lichenpaw hopes he won't regret it, hopes they're not being too hasty. They'll learn, like he says. A shaky but excited laugh escapes their maw, eyes crinkling to match Berryheart's own. "Okay. Okay, thank you. I — I would be honored to learn." His words come in a rush, clumsy and a little too loud and clearly excited. They don't know if they'll be any good, but — they want to try, at least. There is relief in the medicine cat's words, giddiness building in the apprentice's chest. The idea of training under Berryheart brings excitement, in the way being a warrior apprentice never has. This is worth it for that alone.

But first — We should let your mentor and my mother know. Ah. Right. Berryheart isn't the only one whose approval he needs. Maybe he shouldn't be so quick to get excited. "Right. Right, we should — we should do that." He can't help but be excited, though. Lichenpaw is ready to tell them right away — better to get it over with quickly — and moves to step towards the entrance without waiting for Berryheart. First, though, a glance to Sandpaw; he hopes he hadn't woken her, in his eagerness. "And uh, probably let her Sandpaw some rest too, don't wanna disturb her any more." he adds, more softly, before belatedly turning to see if Berryheart is following.
————— ❁ —————

  • //
  • LICHENPAW named for the lichen on the trees of his home.
    — he/him or they/them. 10 moons.
    — thunderclan apprentice, mentored by blizzard fang.
    — bears a near-permanent nervous grin.

    primary character, high activity. penned by saturnid. IC opinions :']​
  • "SPEECH"
  • 64271928_XoeYkJjFj5096aN.png