MORTAL SIN \ siltcloud

Starlingheart has Magpiepaw now, one of many kits found among Twoleg refuse that Pitchstar had allowed into ShadowClan. His presence, on the nights he sleeps beside his sister, is not missed at much. Still, even curled beside the she-cat he’d shared a womb with thirteen moons ago, he misses the herb-spiced scent of his mate’s fur. And despite hating the tunnel, he feels awfully exposed. The brutality of Poppypaw’s death has ingrained just how a single swipe from one of the bears can nearly cleave a cat in two.

He hears the faintest rustling, and there’s an empty space beside him. His eyes blink open slowly, adjusting to the dark. He catches the tip of a cinnamon tail disappearing into the grass. Granitepelt rises, wondering how she could be so frogbrained—were there tadpoles swimming up there? Loampaw’s contagious, he thinks bitterly, stalking her on silent paws.

Siltcloud is on a mission, it seems—but he isn’t sure where she’s going. Something tells him this is routine, though. She seems to have a destination in mind. Where that is, he’s going to find out.


siltcloud | 14 months | female | she/her | physically medium | mentally hard | attack in bold #905d5d
When siltcloud slips away, it is merely out of habit - a near-nightly wandering which carries her paws through the dense marshlands, towards the carrionplace. It is her first stop of the night, to hide her scent, over her tracks. So far her tactics seem to work well enough so she sees little reason to change it now - three bodies left wounded and bleeding, a fourth cold and dead. Tonight will make another victim, another victory.

Green gaze is cold and violent, bloodlust glinting through as she pauses to glance about, pelt prickling and fur on edge - she can't seem to shake the feeling of being watched, and yet, she can't be caught - right? She waits with baited breath, listening for any sound in the silence - a clue, a warning. Is someone following her, or has she just grown paranoid in her actions, deceitful and deceptive as they have been. Perhaps it is nothing, just her imagination.

She moves towards the edge of the boundary, keen nose sniffing out whatever has left its stench today - she's long since stopped caring to know just what hides her scent, so long as it does it's job well enough.