camp MOSCOW, MOSCOW ♥︎ being a hater / rta

// light tw for grief & mentions of not eating due to it

She'd thought she'd been better (this had been wrong).

Soon after she'd had the kits, she'd crawled back into the nursery, stayed there unless they called to her, pulled her out in the way that only their tiny voices could seem to. She'd lay aimless in her nest for hours, watching sunlight crawl up and down the wall, not counting how many times it rose, until she was drawn out by little mews.

Today, she's sitting just outside the nursery, squinting against the unfamiliar light. Sitting feels like the weight of a thousand foxes on her chest, but she stays resolutely upright, offering the kittens tight smiles that they're too young to catch the artifice of, thank StarClan. Someone's set a plump bird in front of her, but it makes her belly turn just looking at it, so she's just left it there until someone to offer it to appears.

A patrol comes ambling through the entrance, most of them clutching pieces of prey that's already fattening with newleaf. Those should be good for the kits or other queens or elders—not for her. She's not hungry. She hasn't been hungry for a long time. A couple cats have questioned her gently about it and she's eaten to placate them. It just doesn't seem worth the effort it takes to pad over to the fresh-kill pile, and when someone else brings it to her, it just sours her stomach. She gets too nauseous looking at it.

Her eye catches on an irritatingly familiar charcoal pelt in the mix. Ironically, as much as she hates (somewhere along the line, she thinks dislike may have morphed into hate) Slate, she has to concede to him; the most emotion she feels in a day is usually being pissed about his behavior. Or his general presence.

As indicated by the fact that as soon he walks into camp, her muzzle wrinkles in an expression of general disgust, flat green eye fixed on the lead warrior (thank the stars they don't share the council anymore). She mutters—or thinks she mutters, because she really isn't quiet enough—to herself, " Eugh. "

She doesn't notice when a tiny head turns towards her.

// TL;DR : Bobbie saw Slate walking into camp and made a disgusted face and sound. Any kit can feel free to (loudly) point this out!

" speech "

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While the other kits play, Fluffykit sits near Bobbie, her tail curled around her paws. Bobbie seems sad, and Fluffykit wants to keep her company (she can't know that's the last thing the tawny queen wants from her, of course). She knows Bobbie had lost her mate, and according to other cats, she hasn't been the same since. She can't imagine how sad she would be if Butterflytuft lost Dandelionwish. She feels so sorry for Bobbie and for Lionkit, Hollykit, and Candorkit, and it's the least she can do to keep their mother company while they scamper about in the pine needles.

A hunting patrol returns. Bobbie's single green eye lingers on thick-set shoulders and a dense charcoal pelt. Her nose bridge wrinkles and she mutters, "Eugh," just loud enough for Fluffykit to hear.

The young she-kit tilts her head to one side as she stares up at Bobbie. “Why'd you say 'eugh' when Slate walked into camp, Bobbie? Don't you like him?" Truthfully, he scares her a little, but he's never done anything too harsh near her. He scares her a little less than Silversmoke does, at least...

  • ooc:
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  • Fluffykit, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 5 moons old, ages realistically on the 9th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a.
    — skyclan kit. butterflytuft x dandelionwish, gen 3.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh chocolate tortie/cream chimera with jade eyes. frightened, clingy, anxious, gentle.


"Heh. That's my first reaction, too." A smoky huff of a chuckle escaped the brimstone maw of Chrysaliswing as he passed by the nursery. Newleaf light danced along a wispy pelage, groomed and kept tidy despite how it frizzed and flowed. He glared at Slate, at whatever the rusted tomcat was doing, with Chrys' own whiskers twitching in the same disgust as the queen's. Heterochromatic gaze, cairngorm in color and glow, stared into the maw of the edn he had outgrown long ago. Bobbie had had her kittens not long ago, and even he knew of that. Blazestar's legacy had been captured in the starry-eyed visages of his children, as though legend lived within the song and the dance of those that he left behind. The chimaera sat down some lengths away from Bobbie and Fluffykit, though his head craned ever-so downwards to face the tawny-streaked kitten. "I don't think anyone likes him. Merely tolerates him. Which is much different than liking someone." Awfully hypocritical of the only Skyclan warrior that most cats could agree was a pain in the rear.

  • OOC:
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  • —— CHRYSALISWING / He/They / 23 Moons
    —— Warrior of Skyclan / Mentoring n/a
    —— A long-haired tomcat with chimaeric patterning. His left side is fully black and his right side is black splotched with sunset-orange. He has complete heterochromia, with his right eye being a bright green and his left eye being a glowering yellow.
    —— Abrasive, temperamental, and critical. Approach at your own risk and engage at your own cost. Despite this, he is a hard worker and quick to call out what he finds wrong.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.


To say Eggshell hated (or even disliked) Slate would be an inaccuracy. The skittish Scottish Fold was terrified of him, afraid of the daggers he always seemed to stare and the disdain that tinged his voice, but that wasn’t the same as hate. The coward was scared of cats he liked, after all. Silversmoke used to be lumped into the same category as slate in the boy’s mind, but after being trained by the other, Eggshell had come to appreciate his company (while still being a bit scared).

Maybe the same would happen if the spineless whelp spent more time with Slate? Possibly, but but the boy wasn’t in a hurry to find out.

Ambling over to the assembled group, folded ears flicked at the mention of Slate. Amber eyes glanced between each member before wheeling towards their target, wondering if he’d heard. “S-Slate can’t be all b-bad, right? I mean, he’s - he’s a lead warrior, so…he must be doing s-something good...” Part of his defense was genuine, but the majority of it was the coward’s self-preservation instincts at work. After all, if Slate overheard all their badmouthing, maybe he’d be spared?
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Fireflypaw had never truly gotten along too well with Slate. To be honest, he moreso tolerated the Lead Warrior more than anything else. He just didn't agree with Slate's stance on kittypets, and his attitude didn't help Firefly like him that much more. So when Fluffykit asks Bobbie why she didn't seem to like Slate, Fireflypaw quietly listens from nearby until Chrysaliswing states what everyone mostly felt- it was true, sadly. It was hard to like someone who had a stick up their hinds half of the time, with pragmatic and cold demeanor like Slate did. He blinks then, Eggshell's question sounding soon after.

He must be doing something good.

"Yeah, his job. He's good at his job. He's an excellent Lead Warrior, but his personality.. Eeh." He huffs as he walks over, dipping his head to Bobbie in greeting and apology for eavesdropping. After his father died, Bobbie had been on a downturn. He couldn't blame her, grief was a river and it was hard to take the necessary steps to move on when everything else reminded one of Blazestar. He would have to have a talk with her later about working out her grief, but for now he would keep his nose to himself on that issue. This issue was much more.. Pressing.

"Still, it's not nice to talk about our clanmates behind their backs. You don't have to make your distaste for Slate that obvious, Bobbie. He's just doing his job."

Figfeather had not heard Bobbie’s verbalization of disscontempt with Slate until Fluffykit pointed it out. At first, she thought it amusing that Bobbie had been indirectly called out by Butterflytuft’s daughter. However, it turned into a pile of cats gossiping and complaining about Slate uncomfortably fast.

Her pelt prickles, Slate might have a sour tongue and some poor takes on daylight warriors, but he has served SkyClan for moons. He was one of the cats who made the journey to the mountains, a trip that very well could’ve costed him his life, yet he took it anyways for his clan. Fireflypaw scolds them but ultimately Figfeather doesn’t give him much high ground for it as it came after describing Slate’s personality as ‘eh’.

It all turned too cold for her.

”Let’s also not forget that Slate was one of the cats who went on the journey to the mountains. He’s a big part of the reason SkyClan still stands strong.” She’s shocked to hear herself defending Slate so whole-heartedly… but even if he wasn’t the kindest he’s done more than enough to earn some slack, in her opinion anyways. ”He might not show it, but if he heard what you all had murmured about him I think he’d be hurt.” She can’t imagine stumbling upon a group of clan-mates having this exact conversation about her… she wasn’t sure how she’d recover from it.

She casts an apologetic glance at Bobbie, who she knows had been trying to be quiet when releasing her frustrations before it backfired on her. Still… it had unfortunately tumbled into this… Baffling how fast a single grunt can make things spiral.
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Mate to Fantastream
    » Sire to Sangriakit & Coffeekit
    » Mentoring Wolfpaw
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and to aid her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
Initially, Candorkit does not believe this. He is busy making props for a future game— trying to craft a stick and leaf together to make some kind of grand... third... thing... (he hasn't quite thought it through yet) near Fluffykit when he hears her pipe up. Candorkit hadn't heard what she heard, but it sounded silly. Still looking at the ground, Candorkit shakes his head. " Bobbie wouldn't do that, " he insists.

Or...maybe... she would? Because apparently... it is a good reaction? Candorkit glances up in confusion as other warriors chime in, apparently... also not liking Slate. He hasn't had many long interactions with the Lead Warrior, and therefore could only know him as "The Lead Warrior," and therefore: cool.

" I like him! " Candorkit offers. He liked everyone in SkyClan, and everyone in SkyClan should like each other, he's pretty sure! So why would Bobbie ever do this?

He is torn. Torn between defending his mama and defending Fireflypaw and pointing out that Fireflypaw just said its bad to talk behind backs after saying something mean himself and acknowledging that clanmates sometimes needed criticism! After all, in stories, someone always learned a lesson... Who was that someone, in this case?

Figfeather had good points... but perhaps it was warranted if it was true? Conflicted, Candorkit glances between the adults, gaze lingering on Bobbie, in particular

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    fiery lynx point w tawny paws & green eyes. points are still developing.
    Bold, loud, and extravagant, Candorkit idolizes the heroes within stories and goes out of his way to act as they do.

drowsypaw doesn't dislike anyone. he can't. he won't. it's a waste of energy and time, for him at least, but that doesn't mean he doesn't understand when his mama dislikes another. she has every right to, especially when it came to cats like slate. drowsypaw doesn't dislike slate, more of a static indifference that hangs in the air. fear, perhaps, even. but not dislike. not hatred. none of that. however, he won't stop anyone from hating him. it's not his job to defend someone he doesn't much talk to. now had it been his siblings, or mentor, or even falconpaw, that would be an entirely different story. he isn't good at defending others, not really, but he could at least give more reasons for them to be liked. he won't do this here.

he moves to softly lick bobbie's torn ear, gaze soft and filled with a lot of worry. she really should eat, he thinks, but he doesn't want to force her and make her upset with him for him trying to be the parent. he knows he's not, but he can't help his worry. gently, he swipes his tail over condorkit's face, offering his younger brother a small smile.

"between you and me, chickadee, i think it's better to like cats than to hate them... even when they don't necessarily like us. hating takes a lot of energy that could be used to spread h-happiness and kindness. remember that, o-okay?"

his voice is low enough that it's only meant for condorkit but he didn't really care if anyone else heard. kindness went a lot further than anger and spite did.
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